I uploaded an update to the vault today.
I have finished at least two variations of each tile that is needed to make alleys work on 'flat' terrain and raised terrain. They don't work on tiles with raised terrain that have buildings in all four corners yet or near water. Those tiles will be in the next update along with more variations for some of the alley tiles.
There's a major change I plan for this tileset if it won't destroy doors in already existing areas.
The engine can only erase or place a certain number of doors at a time which is bad enough, but now I found out that if you cycle through all possible variations of one tile by holding the shift key and right clicking on it, no doors get erased or placed at all. This leaves even more doors in the wrong places, sometimes deep within buildings so you can't even see and remove them.
So what I plan to do is replace all instances of door 1411 which is the door with the round top with door 0 which is a generic door - and add a few generic doors with round tops. I will leave the door model and the entry 1411 in doortypes.2da so hopefully already existing doors will not disappear.
I will test this and only make this change if it doesn't destroy areas people have already built with this tileset.
If it works it will have several advantages:
There'll be very few custom doors left in the alleys and the building terrain, so you won't get dozens of doors in the wrong places.
Placing or using raise/lower on building terrain will be faster.
You'll have more than one door with a round top that you can use. and while I have to add generic doors anyway, I'll will also make some standard sized generic doors that will fit the tileset. All the old Bioware doors have textures that really clash with the textures of this tileset, which only leaves a couple of the TNO doors to work with atm.
I'll try to make the doors compatible with CEP, CTP and Six's doors, so I'll use the genericdoors.2da from the CEP which seems to already be compatible with CTP. I don't know if merging of genericdoors.2da is done automatically if there are doors in one file that aren't in the other, so I'll copy entries for Six's generic doors to that file and than add entries for my own.
Six uses lines 26 to 30 and project Q also uses 147 to 150. I was thinking about adding my first door at 50 and probably make about ten generic doors.
I hope using lines 50 to 60 doesn't interfere with other haks. I don't have any that use those lines.
Modifié par Zwerkules, 01 avril 2012 - 09:19 .