Calvinthesneak wrote...
Do you guys have nwnx installed? My question was more in reference to your module. Are you loading areas that use any of these tilesets? Or you simply just trying to add the haks to the server without having your module draw actual resources?
Yes we have it installed and working. No I am not loading areas that use the hak... just a builder mod to save on time for testing, with haks added to the content list.
Fox says:
Couldn't load the Hak Pak File "hillsandhomes163a.hak"
Couldn't load the Hak Pak File "sen-underdark.hak"
Couldn't load the Hak Pak File "wrm_scorche.hak"
Couldn't load the Hak Pak File "wrm_seasonalv10.hak"
Couldn't load the Hak Pak File "wrm_sf10-senadds.hak"
Couldn't load the Hak Pak File "wsi_tilesets2.hak"
Couldn't load the Hak Pak File "wsi_tilesets1.hak"
Could not load the Module.
Missing required HAK file.
My guess is that either the file names' capitalization is screwing the system up, or the haks got corrupted when you uploaded them.
Linux, it should be noted, would consider "sen-underdark.hak" and "sen-UNDERDARK.hak" to be two entirely different files. Windows would not. Mind, it could still be a corruption issue. But my money's on the filenames.
Jenna says:
Was there any error with the ~wildwoods hak?
Because it seems to meet the case issues and I tried it, but loading failed there too
Fox says:
I don't see anything wrong with ~wildwoods.
Jenna says:
Me either but it didn't load that one when it was tested.
Fox says:
Huh. It could be corrupt, or it could just not want you to be using characters like ~.
*Bangs head*