Title says it all. Been ages since I really p;loayed NwN. But I started it back up again. I love the game..but I miss playing with others.
I have tried persistant worlds...but I honestly dont have the time. Its just not fun to start on a server, see a bunch of people that know each other already, and are high level, and can go anywhere/do anything, while I cant even kill rats by myself.
I am looking to basically share in an adventure..perhaps a good module? Something that can be completed perhaps over a couple of weekly sessions. ( im thinking 10-15 hours total game time)
I like to play wizards, rangers, or druids. But am open to almost anything. Im not hardcore RP, but I do like to RP when I can. I am not an expert by any means, but I do know the basics of 3.5 I'd say on a scale of 1-10, I am around a 7, as far as rules go.
As far as FR lore...I am lacking in that, but have read up on some things. For that, I am probally a 3.
ANyhow, If anyone would like to play this game together, add me on Steam: countyline305
Or you can reply here, or follow my twitter, and msg me. Twitter: https://twitter.com/EDENGAMES305
Ok thanks '>