I have recently spent a few years away from Neverwinter Nights playing other games and doing other things. I have recently watched the birth of micro-transactions in gaming (I promise to try not to bring it up again), and due to this, have had inklings of returning to my roots, to return to a game that I know would never let me down. I have always enjoyed the world creation and immersion that NWN can provide, and find myself longing for it from time to time (actually quite a bit lately).
As I begin now to return, I see the game servers have all been shut down, making it hard to see who all still plays and what PW’s still exist. I do, however still see new servers starting up from time to time as I peruse varying forums, so I know there is still some activity. It is a testament to the strength of this game, in my honest opinion.
My 2 questions to start, is simply, is there any interest in new PW servers, or would it be a waste of my time to attempt to build one? If not, is there a server that exists similar to the one I outline below? I used to run them in the past, and now having been away from it a while, I have been able to think about what I would do if I would build another one. If there is interest, and can find some others with the same aspirations, I may try to host a server to play on. I will go into more details if we reach that point, but I wanted to just provide a few initial points for the direction and style of the server.
Server Type: Role Play. I want player immersion and player ownership. I have had personal feelings about allowing evil chars but it can always be discussed. I can see players with some shadiness, like a Regis type character (from Salvatore’s book)
Magic Level: Medium to High. This is a tricky one, as it becomes ever troublesome to balance a server correctly, but taking the time early on to lay out the mechanics could lead to interesting gameplay. Low magic is a lot simpler to balance, but I fear low magic is not much draw for the limited players around these days.
Leveling Progress: Quick. Let’s be honest, I hate grinding. I hate it even more today because so many games seem to employ that strategy, and what’s worse, they try to make you pay real money to reduce the time it takes (sorry, I promised myself I would get on this soap box). I won’t get into that any further here, but suffice it to say, I want to allow players to become productive in the role play setting relatively quickly. The only other way to do this is to start characters at mid-level. We can debate that at a later time.
Creature Amount: Completely Varying. I don’t want every area to be three steps and four spawns, likewise I wouldn’t want there to be only three creatures in the whole server. Some creatures makes sense to be a lot of… goblins, or giant ants or something, dragons, should almost always be uniquely named (and virtually impossible to kill)
Loot System: I have always liked Commche’s loot system, or something similar that would allow complete randomization like Diablo used to. I wouldn’t also mind having more negatives thrown in. This adds a bit more risk or more choice, instead of the ultimate, obvious choice no weakness, uber-sword. I believe Commche’s would align itself to a randomized magical enchantment system as well.
Crafting: Any or all. I love these crafting systems from my younger days, and it provides a good way for players to have things to do when they are on alone. Unfortunately I do not like the grindy nature, and would want to find a better way. I think the answer I came up with is utilizing the craft armor/weapon/trap/and potion abilities to tie it to level rise. A system where crafting makes levels of base items, then magic users could enhance them, based on the level of the caster and the level and quality of the item. Not sure anything like that exists, but it is what I would like to try.
Death system: There’s a lot of these, but the one I remember is AxeMurderer’s system. Anything similar to that is what I would want. I wouldn’t mind eliminating the penalties and adding a bit more of a death quest instead. I believe you may actually get more sting from dying this way, but this is all highly debatable. I have always felt a bit more fear should exist in the players.
I want high variety of area types. I typically break these into three categories, Exploration/Travel areas, Hak’N’Slash Dungeon areas, and Social/RP areas. I think my initial thought on this was to get the minimum base world developed, just the main starting town and a few dungeons and grow from there. This would allow the world to be shaped as it grows by implementing player decisions, and events.
My initial idea for the story is that we start by learning that good failed to beat the evil from the past, so not it is everywhere, and the good people are going to try to reclaim the lands. This would loosely tie to the perpetual server growing concept I mentioned before.
OK. I have stammered on enough. I just wanted to see if there was any hope to my dream, to see if I could rekindle my love I have for this game, which is free, and doesn’t require micro-transactions (sorry, I did it again).
Please feel free to comment, or discuss. If I get a lot of activity, it may show I have a chance of creating a good PW server.