Very nice, great work on Corm Orp too.
It's difficult to find someone who has the same style, so at this point, I think it's good you're pumping out the areas that are inspiring you to continue building, because it creates a consistency that many PWs lack with multiple builders.
Such as ambient/diffuse use of color, shadows on/off in an area, fog distance and color. Personally, I use a blue normally for the Moon - Diffuse Color to simulate moonlight, which illuminates placeables (if they're designed for it), as well as the tile diffuse (if the individual tile has no diffuse preset) on edging and sides of buildings/placeables. Moon - Ambient Color is an off black (20,20,20).
It really comes down to creating the right feel you're going for. PWs that have night areas just as easy to see in as their day, bother me, because there is no need for torches, casting light or some other light source. With the right ambient/diffuse on individual tiles, plus a good combination of area ambient/diffuse, nights can look stunning, and also give more POP during the day.
Also, I made sunlight versions of your moonlight if you're interested. I think it was a moonlight placeable from a tileset someone around here made that I came across on NWVault. I've scripts to create them based on day/night cycles if that interests you.
Another neat trick for Corm Orp or places players can enter, is to create that knowledge as a visual reference by using the default Bioware Window Placeable. Removing the static check, make it plot and activate it, will give the window a warm orange glow.
Carefully align it infront of tile windows on buildings players can enter. So not only will a player be able to use their mini-map and reference map-pins, but also signs you put outside and now warm glowing windows. Other buildings a player cannot enter, leave them without glowing windows.
Of course, for a true splash of color once the sun has set, do this for all the buildings.
Modifié par Fester Pot, 16 février 2014 - 12:44 .