Author Topic: Curiosity killed the (Mad) Cat(ter)  (Read 513 times)

Legacy_Tarot Redhand

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Curiosity killed the (Mad) Cat(ter)
« on: December 18, 2012, 03:12:55 pm »

               Having been reading this current thread set me to wondering just how many pw's use custom content other than CEP? Which then made me think, I wonder if any of them use any of my meagre offerings of this type? So I resolved to post in here and see if anyone answered. Any replies greatfully recieved.




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Curiosity killed the (Mad) Cat(ter)
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2012, 03:30:14 pm »

               My PW Q_Realm of Dread, Uses Project Q, and does not use the CEP.
I have not added any of your creations, though I did look at a few of them before Q_ROD was set up. Your bloodbank set was in consideration for the longest, but after weighing the additional hak size, against how often it would be used, it was removed. Your work is excellent. I look forward to your future releases, and will of course consider adding them in to Q_ROD.

I have just now seen your bottles, and believe I could use those for Q_ROD. They will go perfectly with the custom potion crafting system in use. Well done!


Legacy_Rolo Kipp

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Curiosity killed the (Mad) Cat(ter)
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2012, 05:19:14 pm »

               <waving his hand...>

I do! I do!

(of course, the only things I've released are derivative of your works rather than using them directly, but...) You'll see! I use a *lot* of your stuff! <i like the "get out" blood smear...>
We *know*, bird! Give it a rest, luv <oh no. not the terrible brit accent again>



Legacy_Tarot Redhand

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Curiosity killed the (Mad) Cat(ter)
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2012, 12:16:14 am »

               Thanks guys, while I appreciate the support, my main curiosity was just how many pw's don't use the CEP. What with the thread on the custom content section that I linked to in my original thread, the monthly custom content challenge and other things by various people, I am curious just how much of it gets used in pw's.

Oh, as an aside I don't mind my stuff being repackaged for a pw as long as I get credit and a link to the item on the vault. What I would object to is the inclusion of any of my stuff in a compilation that wasn't pw specific (except stuff I've given to the ccc).




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Curiosity killed the (Mad) Cat(ter)
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2012, 12:37:42 am »


Tarot Redhand wrote...

Thanks guys, while I appreciate the support, my main curiosity was just how many pw's don't use the CEP.

PW im admin of, Arkhalia does use CEP but 1. As far as other czech PWs related, there is one without CEP completely (created before cep), and rest of currently running CZ servers uses CEP2 (5PWs total). No czech PW use projectQ yet.

Its quite a matter of when the module was created. Updating a module from CEP1 to CEP2 is really painful so most servers sticked with CEP1.

What is interesting is that all czech servers had many custom haks on top of cep. There is no server that would only used CEP.


                     Modifié par ShaDoOoW, 19 décembre 2012 - 12:38 .



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Curiosity killed the (Mad) Cat(ter)
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2012, 02:26:23 am »

               Hey Tarot. as I told you earlier I am using your puddles in Arnheim's custom content compilation.
With regards to Q versus CEP:
when I upgraded the old PW Vives* in an attempt to save it after the original team retired, I took all of the old content for the server (much of which predated CEP 1) and reorganized it, then included Project Q as well.  I considered CEP first. But quickly realized that its sheer size would be a problem to make work with Vives legacy content. So Project Q was the winner in that case due to how easy it was to work with.

This whole project was a great crash course in how NWN uses custom content. I wish Vives had regatehred its old community, but that didn't work out. So I moved on to other projects, and have been using Project Q as the backbone ever since. I prefer to pick and choose the content I want for my module, and adding stuff from the Community Content Challenges on top of Q has been a breeze.

Lately however I've gotten out of control. I need to go back through Arnheim's HAKs and prune. I think I've got twice as many tree placeables as I'm ever going to use. They are all high quality though... '<img'> Its tough to decide. For example, I imported all of Babayaga's tree placeables because I planned to use his forest tileset in Arnheim. That forest however isn't quite ready (even with Helvene's edge tiles added in) so I learned my lesson. Its better to add content right when you need it rather than gather a huge collection that you plan to use in the future....

Anyway this has been more of my blather and likely more than you wanted. '<img'>

* - some NWN community trivia, the key member of the team that created Vives was Vaei - the creator of those cool additional animations that we all love today, and are in Project Q.


                     Modifié par henesua, 19 décembre 2012 - 02:39 .


Legacy_The Amethyst Dragon

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Curiosity killed the (Mad) Cat(ter)
« Reply #6 on: December 19, 2012, 03:45:02 am »

               Aenea uses CEP 2.4, plus lots of community-made stuff not in the CEP, plus thousands of art assets made for Aenea, plus (come January), I'll be merging in Project Q.

So, yeah, definitely more than "just" CEP.



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Curiosity killed the (Mad) Cat(ter)
« Reply #7 on: December 19, 2012, 04:09:08 am »


The Amethyst Dragon wrote...

Aenea uses CEP 2.4, plus lots of community-made stuff not in the CEP, plus thousands of art assets made for Aenea, plus (come January), I'll be merging in Project Q.

So, yeah, definitely more than "just" CEP.

AD, you just made my Christmas!


Legacy_Tarot Redhand

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Curiosity killed the (Mad) Cat(ter)
« Reply #8 on: December 19, 2012, 09:35:14 pm »

               Thanks guys. As I said it was just curiosity.