Author Topic: Looking for an action server... Power gamer here, RP and Sex servers need not apply  (Read 1557 times)

Legacy_Lazarus Magni

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               Actually it's prolly more like 5 or 10. If they had an army of game developers they would be releasing updates every couple weeks at most, and expansions every couple months (or pseudo expansions like the lich king one). Although market forces might prevent such a proliferation of “official” expansions. Consumers generally like to get their moneys worth.) They are prolly working off a proprietary toolset, and scripting lanugage, like we in the NWN 1 community, except bioware made it public (hence open to the community to work with.) But this is neither here nor there. I am not really interested in getting into another WOW vs NWN 1 debate with you MM.

And my whole point was not one server vs WOW (or any other MMO for that matter.) It was the length, breath, and scope of the entire NWN community vs those proprietary models that is. You just admitted yourself, indeed the nwn community has more content. In terms of quality? Well… I beg to differ. Which is pretty amazing if you ask me considering most NWN 1 CC contributors don’t get paid for it. That just goes to show the power and potential of the gaming community. One a game developer would be wise to tap into.


Legacy_Aelis Eine

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Lazarus Magni wrote...

Wow… ok… I beg to differ.

No doubt every game has an end point, however with NWN, and specifically in my own experience with Aventia 3 Merged- Unlimited Levels, the end point thus far is exclusively defined by what we as Av3 community members contribute to the mod. Currently we have 1300+ areas from level 5-600+ and if we get more high lvl players we could easily add more content, if people were interested in doing so. Hence… It is unlimited (even with a 2000 cap, given no one has even reached half this, it is essentially unlimited for the time being.)

“Less Content than a commercial MMO”??? Your joking right? Or maybe disillusioned… With community contributed content (not just for Av3, but NWN 1 in general) we, the players, can churn out way more content than a team of 20ish paid programmers (sorry WOW, but it’s true, there is strength in numbers, and in this case the numbers come from us, the players.)

No doubt PVP adds an additional element for the NWN 1 dynamic. I miss DeX. However for action, you don’t need this. Sadly pvp did not receive a category of it’s own for nwn 1 PWs and got lumped into action.

With community contributed content I agree that you can get a lot of mileage, but I think there's a few ceilings that you will hit, especially with a lack of haks - I believe Aventia only uses CEP so you should be familiar with the issues I'm about to highlight.

One is an art asset ceiling. You can only make so many templates before you start recycling things like tilesets, creature skins, placeables, animations and special effects. No doubt CEP has quite a lot, but to make an interesting area I think a lot is required too. CEP content is also so old that it won't be surprising to see a similar idea executed somewhere else, making it feel recycled to a veteran NWN1 player.

Another ceiling is mechanical. If you don't use haks, you're stuck with using the same spells, feats, classes and abilities. You can get a bit of variety by doing some mix and match, but if you have 1300+ maps as you claim, I'm pretty sure you won't have unique mobs for all 1300+, and there will be many instances where the same creature template is repeated, even if not intentional. E.g. Builder A makes a mage, Builder B makes a mage. Both mages end up being Ice Storm spammers.

So the more builders you have, the faster you hit the ceiling, and then you get diminishing returns on their efforts.

As for your 100 contributors, how many hours do they contribute on average? Lets run with your number of 20 full time developers on a hypothetical MMO working over 10 years. That's 365 days x 4.5/7 days a week to account for weekends, public holidays and leave x 8 hours x 10 years x 20 developers, or roughly 375,000 man-hours. For 100 contributors to match that, they would need to put in 3,750 hours each, on average. Given that they have their real life and playing time, and that many of them probably aren't around for the full 10 years of Aventia's life, 3,750 hours is a very tall order for a hobbyist builder. In fact, I would go so far as to say it's probably unhealthy and I've seen talented builders and admins burn themselves out like that.

Absolutely, on Aventia 3 (specifically since there is more than one), we have had 100+ people work on the mod over the last almost 10 years. 200+ game hrs? Please… it’s more like 1000+ if not 2000+ or more. Ask some of the people who have actually reached level 400+…

Compared to “MMOs”… ok this is getting laughable. No doubt your statistics you threw up are valid. But if Bioware/Arari/EA hadn’t nearly abandoned NWN 1, things might be quite different, and those of us who still play recognize this game is still way better than those released at the same time, and considering the online customizability is still top end (in fact unsurpassed)... yeah this game still rocks!

The feeling of sameness? Are you referring to video games in general, or have something real to offer for criticism? There is a general framework we all work off of. It starts with the base, and builds… if you have an idea for a more dynamic base, you could prolly make the most dynamic video game that has ever existed. Until then… we are all going to be working off static bases… And NWN is one of the most dynamic bases I have seen.

Given that there are certain hard limits that an NWN builder will run into, I would say there is an interest cap and a level cap. To elaborate on the MMO "Skinner Box" theory, typically a developer will want to match interest level to XP, such that a player can advance in power fast enough to see new, interesting content before their interest tapers off, but slow enough that to buy time for development.

However, I observe that Aventia is dead a lot of the time, even if, as you say, many people haven't reached the level cap. So I think for a majority of players, their interest tapers off long before they actually go through the full supposed 1000+ hours of content. What if you raise XP levels? Then the projected number of hours drop proportionately, for example 2x EXP means 500 hours instead of 1000. So 1000+ might apply to a minority of dedicated players, which is a good thing. Hardcore fans are few and far between, and you should really appreciate those that you find. But for the majority I still stick by my initial estimate of 200+.

So should Aventia's XP levels be raised? That honestly depends on the admin's direction. I personally think as an NWN server admin, there's no profit to be made, so there's no point in trying to maximize player numbers to cater to the lowest common denominator. What's more important is making something fun for yourself and the people you care about.

As for the feeling of sameness, I think I already covered that in my response to your first quote.

Is that your general assessment of video gamers or just NWNers? Or maybe players on action servers? I personally take some offense to this.


Mind elaborating on what exactly you took offense to? The statistic of 464 was the number of players on NWN at the time of writing, and 116 was from tallying the non-RP tabs - Action, PW Action and Arena. They're just numbers. They're gathered for analysis, not so much for getting offended by.

My own theory on the relatively smaller Action community is that Action servers compete more directly with MMOs like Guild Wars 2 and MOBAs like League of Legends. In those games the RP community is a lot smaller - try finding an RPer in League of Legends! And NWN servers are held back by the 2 ceilings I described so they're at a very big disadvantage.


                     Modifié par Aelis Eine, 07 novembre 2012 - 11:57 .


Legacy_Lazarus Magni

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               You seem to think I was saying Aventia alone has more content than WOW? No, what I actually said is NWN 1 does. When you take the original game, all the single player mods, and PWs, it’s not even close.

Just to clear up a few things here. There are currently 2 different Aventias. Aventia 3 Merged, Unlimited levels, which I am the owner of, and the AventiaG servers which are completely independent.

You also seem to think I am claiming 100+ different people are currently working on Aventia. What I said was over the nearly 10 years of it’s existence (through 3 different generations of owners) 100+ people have worked on the mod in that time.

As far as the “ceiling” with CEP 2.3 which Av3 uses, there are 41 different tilesets, and you can configure each of those 100 different ways. And creatures… I have no idea how many… 1000’s each can also be configured a number of different ways. We have almost 3000 custom creatures, and haven't even come close to using all the different ones. Of course with 100+ different people having worked on a mod separately over nearly 10 years, there is bound to be some overlap of content (especially considering a good chunk was built years ago, before all the additional stuff we have now, was available), but actually in the year + I have been the owner, one of the things I have done, is update areas that had such overlap of content (same creature skins for example, changed to different ones.) We absolutely have not hit any kind of artistic ceiling.

Same goes for customizations. There is a 100 different ways you can alter the game mechanics (e.g. 100 different ways you can alter a spell.) I would guess, 90% of our spells have been modified, most classes modified, and many feat and ability changes. And then there is our post 40 system. And this is just 1 PW, out of thousands that have existed over the years.

And sure there will be overlap between servers too. When Funky released HGLL a number of servers adopted it. But as time went on, a number of them also modified it to be unique to their worlds.

The potential for unique content is enormous.

I am not sure what you mean about Aventia being dead most of the time. Aventia is an old server. At it’s peak, back in 2003-2005 there were 30 different people on Av1 at any given time. Interest tapered off, and dwindled down to a much smaller, but steady active player base, which was maintained through Av2 (the server vault contains over 3000 player folders, a good 500 or so have been from the year and a half I have been the owner.) On Av3, I have tried hard to rekindle some interest in old players, and promote it to gain the interest of new players. We are no where near the 2003-2005 peak, and prolly never will be, but I have been quite proud of the interest we have fueled, especially considering how old the game is, how much smaller the community is these days, and the fact that players often get attached to their “home worlds” and seldom branch out, and explore others.

And what I took offense to was this:

Aelis Eine wrote...

I'd consider NWN's main demographics to be altoholics, casual gamers, RPers, and cybersexers. The first 2 groups are the ones you'd typically see in an Action server, and they add up to 116 out of that 464.

Out of that 116 you'll be hard pressed to find hardcore powergamer types who aren't altoholics. If you're not an altoholic you'll probably have a lot of trouble maintaining interest in a single server for say, more than 2 weeks of hardcore playing (4+ hours/day). Some players get around this by server hopping, and it looks like that's what you're experiencing.

You basically are calling people, such as me, who play action servers a bunch of alcoholic losers. Or at least that's how it seemed to me.


                     Modifié par Lazarus Magni, 07 novembre 2012 - 08:07 .



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Lazarus Magni wrote...

Actually it's prolly more like 5 or 10. If they had an army of game developers they would be releasing updates every couple weeks at most, and expansions every couple months (or pseudo expansions like the lich king one).

Pseduo expansions like the Lich King one?  Why do you consider that pseudo?

Also, just for you, I FRAPSed the first minute or so of the WoW credits, which mainly has the people directly programming WoW.  See how many you can count!  Hint: it's more than 5 or 10, there's that many team leads alone.

Video here:

Lazarus Magni wrote...

And my whole point was not one server vs WOW (or any other MMO for that matter.) It was the length, breath, and scope of the entire NWN community vs those proprietary models that is.

And the OP wanted ONE server to play on.



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Lazarus Magni wrote...

And what I took offense to was this:

Aelis Eine wrote...

I'd consider NWN's main demographics to be altoholics, casual gamers, RPers, and cybersexers. The first 2 groups are the ones you'd typically see in an Action server, and they add up to 116 out of that 464.

Out of that 116 you'll be hard pressed to find hardcore powergamer types who aren't altoholics. If you're not an altoholic you'll probably have a lot of trouble maintaining interest in a single server for say, more than 2 weeks of hardcore playing (4+ hours/day). Some players get around this by server hopping, and it looks like that's what you're experiencing.

You basically are calling people, such as me, who play action servers a bunch of alcoholic losers. Or at least that's how it seemed to me.

Altoholic != alcoholic.


Legacy_Lazarus Magni

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               That's all the people who had worked on that expansion. That's not the people who are working currently just maintaining the game (patches, ect..)

And my bad, never heard that term before. Thought it was some very poor spelling.


Legacy_Lazarus Magni

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               BTW the OP wanted an action server that can maintain her interest indefinitely. As I mentioned in my first or second response, that may not be possible, and that the truly unending adventure that is the NWN 1 experience comes from the wealth of diversity, both from single player mods, and PWs.



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Lazarus Magni wrote...

That's all the people who had worked on that expansion. That's not the people who are working currently just maintaining the game (patches, ect..)

Think about what it takes to make a patch with a new raid alone.  New environments, new models, new items, new bosses (which often require new system engineering).  Plus balance changes, server upgrades (things like phasing and cross realm zones).  Then you often have new quests and/or dungeons which also take even more time (which can have extremely complex mechanics from a coding point of view).

Are some of the people working on WoW working on the next expansion rather than the patches for Mists of Pandaria?  Sure.  But there's a lot more than 10 people working on the next patch.

Lazarus Magni wrote...

And my bad, never heard that term before. Thought it was some very poor spelling.

Nope.  He originally said what you then agreed with, basically.


Legacy_Lazarus Magni

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MagicalMaster wrote...

Lazarus Magni wrote...

That's all the people who had worked on that expansion. That's not the people who are working currently just maintaining the game (patches, ect..)

Think about what it takes to make a patch with a new raid alone.  New environments, new models, new items, new bosses (which often require new system engineering).  Plus balance changes, server upgrades (things like phasing and cross realm zones).  Then you often have new quests and/or dungeons which also take even more time (which can have extremely complex mechanics from a coding point of view).

Are some of the people working on WoW working on the next expansion rather than the patches for Mists of Pandaria?  Sure.  But there's a lot more than 10 people working on the next patch.

Glad you have some idea of what is involved in making a new area for a NWN 1 PW. Oh wait... you were talking about WOW... LOL

Oh and, I was not saying my bad to you...


Legacy_Lazarus Magni

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               BTW MM, have you heard the one about how many WOW game developers does it take to create one “raid”?


How many people will pay for this?

10 million.

How many comparable nwn 1 “raids” are made in the same amount of time by the NWN 1 community?


How many people pay for this?



                     Modifié par Lazarus Magni, 08 novembre 2012 - 03:46 .


Legacy_Aelis Eine

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Lazarus Magni wrote...

You seem to think I was saying Aventia alone has more content than WOW? No, what I actually said is NWN 1 does. When you take the original game, all the single player mods, and PWs, it’s not even close.

What I said:

Side note here: If you add up the number of hours per server and multiply by the average number of alts you play, you can probably get thousands of hours of gameplay, and NWN is very very good value for money because of that. But If you're looking to spend that thousands of hours on a single server with a single character, I don't think that's possible unless you have a very high tolerance for tedium and repetition.

And what you said:

No doubt every game has an end point, however with NWN, and specifically in my own experience with Aventia 3 Merged- Unlimited Levels, the end point thus far is exclusively defined by what we as Av3 community members contribute to the mod. Currently we have 1300+ areas from level 5-600+ and if we get more high lvl players we could easily add more content, if people were interested in doing so. Hence… It is unlimited (even with a 2000 cap, given no one has even reached half this, it is essentially unlimited for the time being.)

“Less Content than a commercial MMO”??? Your joking right? Or maybe disillusioned… With community contributed content (not just for Av3, but NWN 1 in general) we, the players, can churn out way more content than a team of 20ish paid programmers (sorry WOW, but it’s true, there is strength in numbers, and in this case the numbers come from us, the players.)

The qualifier you used was "not just for Av3", which implies just Av3 alone is enough. Now you say " No, what I actually said is NWN 1 does", which is what I've been saying all along, so no, that is not what you actually said.

You also seem to think I am claiming 100+ different people are currently working on Aventia. What I said was over the nearly 10 years of it’s existence (through 3 different generations of owners) 100+ people have
worked on the mod in that time.

I did note that most contributors would likely not be present for the full 10 years, i.e. they come and go. But their net contribution over 10 years is still quantifiable, which is what I was getting at.

As far as the “ceiling” with CEP 2.3 which Av3 uses, there are 41 different tilesets, and you can configure each of those 100 different ways. And creatures… I have no idea how many… 1000’s each can also be configured a number of different ways. We have almost 3000 custom creatures, and haven't even come close to using all the different ones. Of course with 100+ different people having worked on a mod separately over nearly 10 years, there is bound to be some overlap of content (especially considering a good chunk was built years ago, before all the additional stuff we have now, was available), but actually in the year + I have been the owner, one of the things I have done, is update areas that had such overlap of content (same creature skins for example, changed to different ones.) We absolutely have not hit any kind of artistic ceiling.

Same goes for customizations. There is a 100 different ways you can alter the game mechanics (e.g. 100 different ways you can alter a spell.) I would guess, 90% of our spells have been modified, most classes modified, and many feat and ability changes. And then there is our post 40 system. And this is just 1 PW, out of thousands that have existed over the years.

And sure there will be overlap between servers too. When Funky released HGLL a number of servers adopted it. But as time went on, a number of them also modified it to be unique to their worlds.

The potential for unique content is enormous.

I count approximately 2500 possible skins in CEP2.4's appearance.2da, including rescales and palette swaps, but excluding the invisible creatures and VFXes that apparently account for over 1000 lines in there, and CEP has a LOT of rescales and palette swaps. For the average dungeon spanning 3 areas + 1 small boss room area, I tend to use around 10 skins:

1 for the weak grunts
1 for the strong grunts
1 for the ranged
1 for the stealther
1 for the healer/support caster
1 for the offensive caster
Sometimes 1 more miscellaneous
At least 1 for the mid boss and its elites
At least 1 for the end boss and its elites

Granted, my skin count is probably on the high side. But a lot of servers I've been to copy paste the same encounter of 3 identical mobs across an entire cave, put a boss at the end and call it a dungeon, and of course the lack of quality shows. So I'd say in general a dungeon should use around 5: 1 melee, 1 ranged, 1 caster, 1 end boss and 1 more misc.

In a mod with 1300 maps, that would be approximately 300 dungeons with the rest being fluff areas, shops, cities etc, and they'll need 5 skins each, so that's 1500. CEP with its 2500 appearances on paper will still run into recycling issues, because of all the palette swaps, animation swaps, rescales and other copy pastes in there, as well as the impractical skins.

By impractical skins, I mean I don't use kittens or cows or ponies as mobs, neither do I use the skins with serious issues like the tiny rats and bugs that are almost impossible to click on, or horses that cause some players to freeze and crash when they load. I also don't make my oozes Time Stop or my floating chairs shoot IGMS. 'course, I probably wouldn't use floating chairs in the first place. Realistically, I'd estimate there's about 800 unique, usable skins in NWN1 + CEP before you start going into palette swap/equipment swap/rescale territory. If you start going for a certain theme for your server like Science Fantasy or Lovecraftian Horror, that number drops even more. And if you don't have a theme, it's hard to stand out in the server list.

As for mechanics, yes, your spells can be modified in many ways, but it doesn't make a meaningful difference - in many cases what people do when modifying is just power creep, like:

At level 10 players have 100HP. A mob with ILMS hits them for 35 damage.
At level 17 players have 170HP. A mob with Maximized ILMS hits them for 60 damage.
At level 40 players have 400HP. A mob with IGMS hits them for 140 damage.
On Server A at level 50 a player hits say, 500HP. A modded IGMS hits them for 175 damage.
On Server B at god level 10 a player hits say, 2000HP. A modded IGMS hits them for 700 damage

Is that really a meaningful difference? Some players may like seeing bigger numbers, but ultimately I don't think there's an evolution in gameplay there.

I am not sure what you mean about Aventia being dead most of the time. Aventia is an old server. At it’s peak, back in 2003-2005 there were 30 different people on Av1 at any given time. Interest tapered off, and dwindled down to a much smaller, but steady active player base, which was maintained through Av2 (the server vault contains over 3000 player folders, a good 500 or so have been from the year and a half I have been the owner.) On Av3, I have tried hard to rekindle some interest in old players, and promote it to gain the interest of new players. We are no where near the 2003-2005 peak, and prolly never will be, but I have been quite proud of the interest we have fueled, especially considering how old the game is, how much smaller the community is these days, and the fact that players often get attached to their “home worlds” and seldom branch out, and explore others.

Didn't notice there were 2 Aventias being hosted right now. It looked like one was just a hub server like Higher Ground's setup - that one happened to be yours. The other one was dead - 0 players. Now that I know, I'll check Av3 out.

And what I took offense to was this:

You basically are calling people, such as me, who play action servers a bunch of alcoholic losers. Or at least that's how it seemed to me.

Just to be very sure, an ALToholic is an enthusiast player who makes a lot of alt characters. Any causation relationship between alcohol consumption and NWN gaming patterns would likely be completely implausible, or farfetched at best.


                     Modifié par Aelis Eine, 08 novembre 2012 - 04:16 .


Legacy_Lazarus Magni

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               What is your point?

Are you trying to diminish the massiveness of Av3? The amazing unlimited nature of it as a stand alone server? The ability of it to continue expanding beyond it's current state? Av3 takes away nothing from other PWs. It is one in a universe of NWN which we all contribute toward, which contributes toward NWN 1's unlimited nature. If you are offended by Av3's amazing potential, perhaps you should realize I am not saying Av3 is the pinicle of NWN 1. But rather a facet of it worth exploring, and a contributor toward that unlimited potential.

In pnp dnd, when you envison an encounter with some cyclops let's say in a forest. And later on you envision them in a higher level area in a dungeon does it matter to you that you picture the same monster in your mind? Actually with CEP there are like 7-10 different cyclops... so again what is your point?

And if you want to get into some what you said, what I said, quote out of context crap (apparently you didn't get enough of this from the USA elections we all just had to endure...)

What you said:

Aelis Eine wrote...

As for your 100 contributors, how many hours do they contribute on average? Lets run with your number of 20 full time developers on a hypothetical MMO working over 10 years. That's 365 days x 4.5/7 days a week to account for weekends, public holidays and leave x 8 hours x 10 years x 20 developers, or roughly 375,000 man-hours. For 100 contributors to match that, they would need to put in 3,750 hours each, on average. Given that they have their real life and playing time, and that many of them probably aren't around for the full 10 years of Aventia's life, 3,750 hours is a very tall order for a hobbyist builder. In fact, I would go so far as to say it's probably unhealthy and I've seen talented builders and admins burn themselves out like that.

What I said:

Lazarus Magni wrote...

You seem to think I was saying Aventia alone has more content than WOW? No, what I actually said is NWN 1 does. When you take the original game, all the single player mods, and PWs, it’s not even close.

What I said is:
"specifically in my own experience with Aventia 3 Merged- Unlimited Levels, the end point thus far is exclusively defined by what we as Av3 community members contribute to the mod"

I am not sure what:

Aelis Eine wrote...

The qualifier you used was "not just for Av3", which implies just Av3 alone is enough.

means to you personally, but when I say "not just for Av3" I mean also take into consideration the whole community... I am not sure how that translated from "not just for Av3" to Just for Av3 in your mind, but apparently you missed that nuance... which actually isn't a nuance at all... it seems perfectly obvious from my words to me. In other words... do you need glasses? Or perhaps a dictionary? Or perhaps a perspective that isn't biased against anything I say?


                     Modifié par Lazarus Magni, 08 novembre 2012 - 06:03 .



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Lazarus Magni wrote...

MagicalMaster wrote...

Think about what it takes to make a patch with a new raid alone.  New environments, new models, new items, new bosses (which often require new system engineering).  Plus balance changes, server upgrades (things like phasing and cross realm zones).  Then you often have new quests and/or dungeons which also take even more time (which can have extremely complex mechanics from a coding point of view).

Glad you have some idea of what is involved in making a new area for a NWN 1 PW. Oh wait... you were talking about WOW... LOL

There's no new environments that you make.  Some people have made them, but you don't make an entirely new tileset for each new patch.

You don't make new models either.  For creatures or items.

You don't need the kind of system engineering WoW needs for its bosses.

The server infrastructure itself is not upgraded.

I'm not even going to get into boss fight mechanics, because NWN can never do the kind of stuff WoW does due to it's limited engine.  That doesn't mean complex, hard, and interesting fights can't be created in NWN (I've done it), but you're inherently limited.

Lazarus Magni wrote...

Oh and, I was not saying my bad to you...

I'm aware.

Lazarus Magni wrote...

BTW MM, have you heard the one about how many WOW game developers does it take to create one “raid”?


How many people will pay for this?

10 million.

How many comparable nwn 1 “raids” are made in the same amount of time by the NWN 1 community?


How many people pay for this?


Fixed that for you.  You don't have a clue what goes into these raids, and it's rather amusing.  There is *nothing* in NWN like the current WoW raids.  There could be something kind of similar, and I'm fiddling with some stuff in NWN and entertaining the idea of building a PW, but none currently exist.  And anything I did would be limited by the game engine and the UI.

Lazarus Magni wrote...

What is your point?

At this point, his point is mainly that you're wrong.

Like how you said...

“Less Content than a commercial MMO”??? Your joking right? Or maybe disillusioned… With community contributed content (not just for Av3, but NWN 1 in general) we, the players, can churn out way more content than a team of 20ish paid programmers (sorry WOW, but it’s true, there is strength in numbers, and in this case the numbers come from us, the players.)"

Bolded/underlined for you.  That sentence means Av3 can churn out more content than a team of 20ish paid programmers.

"Not just" means "Not only can Av3 churn out more content, but so can the rest of NWN."  Otherwise, you'd have said

"With community contributed content (not Av3 by itself, but NWN 1 in general) we, the players, can churn out way more content than a team of 20ish paid programmers"

Maybe that's what you meant but that's not what you said.

I still find it hilarious how riled up you seem to get against Aelis and myself when we're both building and playing NWN.  We just have a firmer grasp of its limitations and have seen other stuff out there. 


                     Modifié par MagicalMaster, 08 novembre 2012 - 07:07 .


Legacy_Lazarus Magni

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               MM, I am going to go ahead and dispel any illusions here. The only reason you tote WOW over NWN 1 is because you make money off playing it. I don’t hate. Do what makes you happy, and if you can make money off it, more power to you. But don’t for a minute think you can come on here, and down talk NWN 1 and promote WOW, simply because you can make money off WOW, and not NWN 1.

The only reason you have any interest in NWN 1 is because it offers things creatively that WOW can’t. It’s an absolute fact, which you just admited. You have been contemplating bringing on a PW in NWN 1? Bring it on m8/ More power to you.  A word of advice…don’t hate, let it be, and enjoy it for what it is. Or I will not hesitate to call you out for what you really are, and furthermore most of us out here can see through facades to the true underlying reality.

P.S. Not just Av3, but NWN in general, means exactly that. NWN 1 in general. In other words NOT JUST AV3. Shall I bold and underline that for you to make it more clear?

P.P.S. Why are you here right now MM? Having a slow night on the WOW, or Diablo 3 gold farm or account market? Sorry to hear that. Tell me one more time, about how much better WOW is vs NWN 1 Please... Do I need a Gean Wilder pic to illustrate this point?


                     Modifié par Lazarus Magni, 08 novembre 2012 - 07:38 .



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Lazarus Magni wrote...

MM, I am going to go ahead and dispel any illusions here. The only reason you tote WOW over NWN 1 is because you make money off playing it.

I make money off WoW?  News to me.  How exactly do I do that?

P.S. I don't.

Lazarus Magni wrote...

The only reason you have any interest in NWN 1 is because it offers things creatively that WOW can’t. It’s an absolute fact, which you just admited.

By "just admitted" you mean "have stated numerous times long before this thread?"

And by "offers things creatively" you mean "offers the ability to create content, period?"

Lazarus Magni wrote...

Or I will not hesitate to call you out for what you really are, and furthermore most of us out here can see through facades to the true underlying reality.

And what exactly am I?

Lazarus Magni wrote...

P.S. Not just Av3, but NWN in general, means exactly that. NWN 1 in general. In other words NOT JUST AV3. Shall I bold and underline that for you to make it more clear?

If I said

"Gas companies (not just British Petroelum, but all companies worldwide) made millions this year"

that would mean British Petroelum ALONE made millions this year.  Do you see that?

Lazarus Magni wrote...

P.P.S. Why are you here right now MM? Having a slow night on the WOW, or Diablo 3 gold farm or account market? Sorry to hear that. Tell me one more time, about how much better WOW is vs NWN 1 Please... Do I need a Gean Wilder pic to illustrate this point?

Diablo 3 gold farm or account market?  What are you even talking about?

And sure.

WoW has a much better combat engine and UI than NWN.

NWN has the ability to fairly easily make your own content.
