Author Topic: Ideas for a new persistent module (Fullemetal Alchemist)  (Read 404 times)


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Ideas for a new persistent module (Fullemetal Alchemist)
« on: September 08, 2012, 01:16:49 am »

               Hello (Also don't know if this is the right place to post this kinda thing, if not please tell me where to post it and I'll move it >.>)

I currently have an idea about a persistent world roleplaying module, I've been watching Fullmetal Alchemist and was like Wow! That would be a awesome module if it could be made!

The storyline about alchemist, a military force not to be messed with, and of course the Homunculus. I have ideas for the module and how things would work, maybe change up the storyline a bit.

Idea of using the factions of the Anime show of course, the State and their Alchemist (which I would make them take a test and perform their alchemy just like in the show) as for soldiers anyone can enlist pretty much, and the Rebellion of course, anyone can join them as well. Special faction would be the Homunculus which are only made during attempts of Human transmutation. (And maybe some player created factions as well).

As for the haks it would of course have to have CEP 2.3 and modern haks seeing how the show takes place in somewhat modern times with rifles and pistols. But modern haks with magic classes?! I think this kinda story line is perfect for that! classes like Sorc, Wizard, Druid and all would have to be changed around, Sorc would be Alchemist that focus on non-elemental things, as for Druids they would focus on elements and nature alchemy. Wizards I still have no idea (but again would love to hear ideas from you guys!). As for fighting classes they would be for soldiers or people for hire, or solo if they wish.

Levels is also a thing I am thinking of, maybe 1-20 or so. But when people reach 10 they would have to take extra steps to advance further. I am thinking of ways for that as well, as for exp gathering and all I am thinking knowledge is key for alchemist, books found off of creatures, bandits, or other things. I want to make this server a questing server as well. Also I want players to have certian control around the server, those who work hard and roleplay well can help shape this world. I want people to work their way in ranks under the Military, and rebellion. (Again looking for ideas here if you got any, anything you think is better or might help, please tell me.)

Alchemists I am hopefully thinking of custom spells and feats for. Hopefully things that can create placeables (like selectable rocks or something that can be used for escapes and crushed by people after you) or summons, and of course defensive stuff. I am looking for the spells to take some time before effecting since a alchemist has to draw the circle for the spell to work, also looking into special feats or items that would remove the timer and make it work instantly (Like Mustang and his glove make his alchemy work instantly, or like Edward who saw the gate and can now instantly work alchemy). As for fighting classes, I am thinking of special feats that deal with small arms, long arms, and melee. As for Clerics they will be medics and specialize in healing and some combat experience.

This server will have normal quests and DM quests balanced out, like I said players will help shape the module, and what happens in the future. The normal quest will be dealing with bandits, soldiers, rebellion, (Depending what side you pick, or if your solo) and monsters. They will become harder each time you level up and explore new areas.

The landscape will vary, for there are a few countries, Amestris, Xing, Drachma, Creta ( pictures of Amestris and Xing)

Anyway thats all I got for now! Still thinking of stuff and of coures feel free to leave any comments or suggestions on here!

Also if you wish to offer your services on helping with this module I will gladly accept any help since my knowledge of scripting is pretty much non-existent, and my building is a  bit limited (Would love to get a whole crew together) anyway if you wish to help PM me! Thank you for taking looking at this, making suggestions, or leaving comments on how you feel about this! Check around every now and then, I plan to update this on people's suggestions or news.


                     Modifié par Deadlykate, 08 septembre 2012 - 12:45 .


Legacy_Squatting Monk

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Ideas for a new persistent module (Fullemetal Alchemist)
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2012, 08:07:38 pm »

               I love Fullmetal Alchemist, especially the scientific (ish) view of magic. It's certainly been an inspiration for my module, but I'd love to see a dedicated FMA module, especially one with a strong role-play emphasis.

I don't really have time to be part of a dedicated team, but I'm quite willing to help out with any scripting needs you have.



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Ideas for a new persistent module (Fullemetal Alchemist)
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2012, 12:04:03 am »

               Yes I think it would go well with Neverwinter.Nights. It would be quite some work, but now I am working out ideas before I attempt it, and I will have to find some team of builders and scripters that are skilled so the server will be great and not bad.