Worlds of Rhun we have many features which are popular to our players.
We have a vampire bloodline clan system (bite a player, turn them into a vampire if they accept, and then the bloodline will have grown)
We have a Player Pocket Plane system - you can purchase a castle or planar stronghold, which is essentially a housing system.
Spectral Realms - When a vampire player dies, they are transported to the spectral realm, a dark and twisted version of the area they died in- They can either kill several of the ravenous spirits that reside there, and open the portal to return to their body (avoiding xp/gold penalties), or they can die in the spectral realm, and then respawn as normal via passing through the afterlife.
We Also have several off world locations, accessible via Stargates
If you know the address of a World (6 symbol address), then you can travel to off world locations. Often handy for Roleplaying etc.
We have around 40-45 Subraces, some old, some new, some dont even belong in Dungeons & Dragons.
Subraces such as
Alteran - Humans with telepathic and healing abilities. They can initiate a telepathic hold over a target, keeping them held, so long as they maintain concentration check and the target fails a dc check. (More targets as you level up to a max of 4 at level 40)
L'Cie - From Final Fantasy - You create your character, and a random elemental affinity is chosen for your character (Fire, Ice, Electric, Divine, Darkness, Non-Elemental).
You can summon a henchmen, that can shapeshift into a horse. The henchman is unique to your element. You also get elemental properties added to your characters skin, and fists. (every 5 levels = new and more powerful abilities)
Vampire- Completely revamped
Able to teleport through shadows and dark areas from level 10, able to bite players and enemies via a bite attack. If you are sired by another player, you gain properties unique to that bloodline. Bloodlines accrue blood points, which the clan leader can spend on ability and skill point increases for the whole bloodline.
Imagine a pyramid scheme, or family tree.
We use CEP2.3.
Server is hosted in LINX (London Internet Exchange)
IP -
Port - 5222