admittedly I didn't check the names (only the level ranges) so Iテつ guess even though it was in the "RP"テつ section maybe it wasn't so much "RP". テつ But I'd still make the point thatテつ I feel this illustrates a problem that also extends to almost allテつ RP servers that I've seen in pastテつ
yearsテつ (I'm possibly coming off a break from the game).
SuperFly:テつ No offense intended at all, but it doesn't sound like we're in the same market for RP server designs. テつ I テつ don't disagreeテつ with most of what you've said but it's just not what I'm looking for. テつ (Iテつ can't stand epic level stuff at all, to start!テつ
"ShaDoOoW": I'm sorry but making a stupid, rude comment (as you have done here before in the past) and then saying "no offense"テつ doesn't work buddy. テつ You have no idea what you're talking about.
ehye_khandee:テつ I'll check your server out some time.テつ I'd prefer a server where my PC's adventuring and combat time is fully compatible with
all other PCs' "adventure time" on the server, so I'm not sure about my prospects, but it can't hurt to try Iテつ guess.テつ
Drakantus:テつ Good point, MMOs do the level treadmill thing MUCH better than NWN does so it is a little 'curious' that so many in NWN look for it.
Jenna WSI: テつ You're right - the names are hilarious!テつ
But Iテつ
thoughtテつ Iテつ was looking at an RPテつ server, honest!
Eradrain: I might find it hard to disagree more. テつ
It's definitely a major RP inhibiting issue! テつ I could write an essay explaining why. テつ This:
"if you're (like me) someone who prefers playing powerful characters"テつ explains a lot to me about why you don't see a problem. テつ Iテつ don't prefer that, but Iテつ don't prefer playing
weak characters either given the choice.
You think Iテつ don't realize that a level 1 can interact with a level 20? テつ
テつ Rather than taking the happy path, think for a second about all the things they
can't do. テつ It's a very, very long list when you think about the things players spend the majority of their time doing on a server. テつ Like Eagles pointed out, "roleplay" doesn't exclusively occur sitting in a safe non-pvp tavern or town area. テつ On most servers you can't be a <5th level and still fully participate in the entire world environment and DMed events. テつ Of course the problem goes beyond just a RP issue, true, but that just makes it a larger problem.
1. Meaningful, PvE (dungeons) where all players contribute evenly, and...
2. PvP.Semantics aside that's at least "half" the game, even on a roleplay server.
You're also missing something that you're locked out of:テつ xx% of the server's areas, depending on how many areas are designed for higher level characters. テつ (Also in reverse, high level PCs don't have much use for low level areas.) テつ Iテつ don't need to play a "powerful"テつ character, but like most people I do prefer an on-par with their surroundings (PC and NPC) character.
I've heard what you say a million times, "a clever DM can compensate". テつ True perhaps (accidents happen), but a DMテつ thatテつ
doesn't even need to worry about such things is going to perform that much better than one that does. テつ Same goes for players - personally I wouldn't want to endlessly create new characters just to join new players, perpetually exploring and being stuck to the same 20 low-level areas in a server because the PC will be killed if they go anywhere else. テつ Yeah, you can do this to compensate for this level range problem, but Iテつ don't think it's the answer I'm looking for.
You got me on the screencap, I didn't check names soテつ it's a bad example. テつ I took it at a weird time so I probably had slimmer pickings than usual... Iテつ was in the RPテつ section though... er, Iテつ think? テつ
I guess it's safe to say that there isn't any simple solution. テつ Either you design for a very limited range of levels, or your DMs and players need to put out the extra effort to ensure that the level range isn't a deal breaker.