Haha...Sulhee is kind of right there.
However...many servers who see themselves as "really" hardcore roleplay servers actually have a lot lower maximum level. If say level 10 is the maximum level you can get this problem is pretty much eliminated altogether.
Escape from Underdark, City of Arabel, Narfell and Shores of Winter has this.
Personally I think theese servers have another problem. They are too much RP for me. It has gotten to a point where XP and progression doesn't matter at all which I think is wrong and is an extreme.
I would really like to be in the middle.
Our server Genesis Nordock tries to do that actually. One thing however. Our server used to actually have theese restrictions that you talk about. Because of the former admin team listening too much to the players theese systems that where actually already in place where removed.
Ok...one bad thing about actually putting systems like this in place is that if you aren't really a perfectionist when it comes to writing down all the changes and all the implications players will get rightfully frustrated.
Another thing which happend to us was that most of theese inhibiting systems where removed but the information was not removed. That can also frustrate players. Anyway...we have most of the unnecessary and faulty information removed by now but this just shows that one have to think twice before putting "rules" in place that differ from the standard behaviour of the game.
I know there are people around here that love to script. Sometimes they are not my friends though... Just because you CAN script something doesn't mean you have to.
Personally I am against changing how the game works for reasons that I already explained.
That I am also against powebuilding and just think that the prestigeclasses are dumb doesn't go hand in hand.
If I ever make a new server I would probably have max level at 30 and just removing all the prestigeclasses (this can be done somewhat painlessly). Also probably wouldn't have any subraces. At least not subraces that are overpowered which seems to be the reason most of theese systems where made (to allow players to make more powerful builds that is...which is at least not my intention when adding subraces to my server).
Modifiテδゥ par SuperFly_2000, 13 septembre 2010 - 08:49 .