Author Topic: Henchmen attacking during cutscene  (Read 10484 times)


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Henchmen attacking during cutscene
« on: December 24, 2011, 07:58:56 pm »

               I'm having a strange problem on the final cutscene against
Mephistopheles. I have Nathyrra and Deekin as my henchmen, and when we
return to Waterdeep for the final showdown, the moment Mephistopleles
appears, he and my henchmen start fighting, and my character can't move
because he is still in "cutscene mode". Might have something to do with
the problem, but my henchmen don't appear at all during the cutscene
(like they were invisible), and Meph enters the cutscene many steps
ahead of the place where he should be. I can skip the scene with Esc,
but I wanted to dialog with him before the fight.

Also, I'm using
Henchmen Inventory & Battle AI Mod v1.08, but i don't think it has
anything to do with, since I'm using the mod from the start, and I
didn't attacked Halaster or the Valsharess, or vice-versa.

Anyone have any idea of what might be causing this?



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Henchmen attacking during cutscene
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2011, 08:22:02 pm »

               Firts thing to do always try playing without your override folder (Move it aside, don't trash it like HipMaestro did once...)
I doubt it has anything to do with TK, I played that part many times with it, never had a problem.
Do you have a good savegame right before?
Reloading should do fine.



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Henchmen attacking during cutscene
« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2011, 10:36:32 pm »

               Yeah, I tried to use the save prior, but still got the same result. Once it even got worse, the dialogue with the tavern keeper didn't even started. he just kept staring at me for all eternity, until I pressed Esc. Putting the override folder aside didn't allowed me to start the game, and moving away it's content didn't make any difference.

And I found another problem that might be related. I attempted to summon the genie merchant, but as soon as he appeared, he got hostile, tried to punch me, and vanished. the dialogue screen lasted for half second.

I think I'll try to reinstall the game. Maybe that will fix the problem.



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Henchmen attacking during cutscene
« Reply #3 on: December 24, 2011, 11:27:44 pm »

               Just reinstalled the game, but the problem remains. What in the nine hells?



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Henchmen attacking during cutscene
« Reply #4 on: December 25, 2011, 08:33:49 am »


Kolbarten wrote...
Putting the override folder aside didn't allowed me to start the game, and moving away it's content didn't make any difference.

Nothing in the override is mandatory to play NWN, it's all about extra "beautyfying" stuff. So your game should play fine without it. And that only doesn't bode well...
& It doesn't smell like a reinstallation fix either...
Talking about a savegame, & the way NWN handles it, everything is stored in the savegame (but the override), which means you wouldn't even need the module file anymore, or anything else related to your module located in your NWN folder, to keep playing from that savegame. 
'meaning that very savegame might hold the corrupted infos for ever, and should maybe considered has evil from now on.
Factions problems is almost the only technical weakness I ever faced myself in NWN. The worst part being sometimes they come from a long run, to late to be fixed when you finally find out about them. You could always try some heavy 'factions fixing' through the console commands... (in my "add-ons" list in my signature), try even a previous savegame, or wait for a true (PC, for I'm a Mac guy myself) technical NWN wizard to show up. But they all had a busy night yesterday I've heard. 

Maybe give a reading to that fine "Henchman solutions" thread, by HipMaestro. Yeap, exactly, that very guy I mentionned earlier who trashed is override folder. Only sometimes he happens to do a couple of things right. 
Luck I suppose... 


                     Modifié par jmlzemaggo, 25 décembre 2011 - 08:47 .



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Henchmen attacking during cutscene
« Reply #5 on: December 30, 2011, 01:00:00 am »


Kolbarten wrote...
Just reinstalled the game, but the problem remains. What in the nine hells?

Wussup with this, dude?  Make any progress resetting your factions?



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Henchmen attacking during cutscene
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2012, 01:52:04 am »

               Didn't have any luck. I don't know the basic about the toolset, so I can't change from the inside. I decided to restart the module, so I hope nothing bad happens this time.

Oh, one other thing. On this last game I managed to complete all five main quests before the war against the Valsharess, but some say it's not possible. Could that have influenced somehow on the problem?


                     Modifié par Kolbarten, 28 janvier 2012 - 01:52 .



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Henchmen attacking during cutscene
« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2012, 02:48:11 am »


Kolbarten wrote...
Didn't have any luck. I don't know the basic about the toolset, so I can't change from the inside. I decided to restart the module, so I hope nothing bad happens this time.

Some times you can reset the factions by allowing your PC to die and then respawning it.  But it doesn't always work.  You can use the Chooser or the console to reset them one at a time (IIRC, the procedure is in that henchmen tips thread somewhere).

Oh, one other thing. On this last game I managed to complete all five main quests before the war against the Valsharess, but some say it's not possible. Could that have influenced somehow on the problem?

It's possible if you place bindings in the last 2 areas and refrain from entering the City Core area until all have been completed.  Without teleporting via the bindings, the variable that keeps track of the quest count may not have incremented properly if you were still able to complete all five before the cutscene triggers.

Should you continue to experience "oddities" I would recommend a fresh install and repatching to v1.69.  It's up to you, though.  It may just be the HotU module itself got corrupted during transfer off the disc.  I'd also try playing through WITHOUT Tony K's utility installed just to see if it makes a difference.  It would be a good thing to know, I'm sure.

Bottom line is: Make LOTS of saves.  Don't depend on quicksave or the Autosave to secure your game.  Typically, I will have at least a dozen saves in each module "just in case".


                     Modifié par HipMaestro, 28 janvier 2012 - 02:52 .



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Henchmen attacking during cutscene
« Reply #8 on: January 28, 2012, 08:10:48 am »

               What I did was, after completing the undead quest and two island quests, I cleared out the beholder caves, but avoided the final room with the queen, and almost completed the mind flayers quest, avoiding the last room. Then I went into town and did my final shopping and then finished both those areas before returning to town for the battle. I didn't have to do any teleporting. Did I break something without knowing it?



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Henchmen attacking during cutscene
« Reply #9 on: January 28, 2012, 08:24:30 am »


HipMaestro wrote...
Typically, I will have at least a dozen saves in each module "just in case".

A dozen saves per hour, that's what Hip really meant.
Another reason about saving when you feel something big is coming your way: the opportunity to replay it with a different strategy or decision... if not simply overrunning some always possible bug... just like the one you've been facing. Save when you smell troubles ahead... You'd get the "nose", the sensor for it soon enough.  
Also, it could happen on very special occasions, 10 different paths have been written, and to check them all out could be fun, the "Sleeping Man" many True Love comes to my mind as an exemple... 
And some said "cult combats" can be replayed for ever... 
Actually, I'm wrong, as I still have a few in my "basement"... but never replayed them. There are enough great community modules around to avoid the past against the future. 


                     Modifié par jmlzemaggo, 28 janvier 2012 - 03:38 .



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Henchmen attacking during cutscene
« Reply #10 on: January 28, 2012, 06:44:23 pm »


Empyre65 wrote...
What I did was, after completing the undead quest and two island quests, I cleared out the beholder caves, but avoided the final room with the queen, and almost completed the mind flayers quest, avoiding the last room. Then I went into town and did my final shopping and then finished both those areas before returning to town for the battle. I didn't have to do any teleporting. Did I break something without knowing it?

No.  As long as you have already completed both of the island quests and can avoid the City Core it can be done.  I prefer to keep the Duergar merchant available as long as possible to sell off all the loot from the last few areas so usually finish the Maker last... just an economic decision on my part since the djinni's buy ceiling is so low. But I do like to have the ability to pick and choose how I want to finish the sequence.

But I use the same method as you do except for always completing the Strange Town quest first.  Then follow the rest to just before completion of each to amass enough gold to pay for full weapon upgrades before using the black pearl, hopping back and forth via bindings to redeem loot with Rizolvir, who seems to be the best buyer.

Apologies for straying far OT.  There is a lot of saving in Chpater 2 for me, though.  I save at least 3 times during the final battle because the game stalls for me some times after the courtyard battle and then after the Valsharess battle. Nothing really seems to help there for me so i assume it is my crap vcard or perhaps driver. '<img'>



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Henchmen attacking during cutscene
« Reply #11 on: January 28, 2012, 08:21:41 pm »

               That battle gets kind of slow for me too... as far as my memory serves its only purpose: me.



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Henchmen attacking during cutscene
« Reply #12 on: February 01, 2012, 09:55:36 pm »

               Well, first I would like to point out that my game is already patched to 1.69, so patching probably is not the issue.

Second, it seems that the problem started earlier, on chapter 2, but I found a partial solution.

I was about to enter Vixtra's lair, then Sodalis appeared to give his usual speech. But this time, he didn't appeared at all. Not even his voice or speech. Then the animation ended, and Sodalis was there fully buffed, but my text box indicated that he gave his speech, even though i didn't saw or heard it. After many frustrated strategies to see the animation as it should be, I asked Nathyrra to cast Improved Invisibility om me and her, and gave passive follow order. This time, Sodalis appeared and gave his speech as usual, although he was transparent, like he was invisible or hiding. So maybe the problem has something to do with the opponent turning hostile before the intended time.

I tried to find the procedures to reset factions on the forum, but couldn't find it. Could you please point me the post, or at least where else can I find this procedure?



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Henchmen attacking during cutscene
« Reply #13 on: February 01, 2012, 10:54:33 pm »


Kolbarten wrote...
I tried to find the procedures to reset factions on the forum, but couldn't find it. Could you please point me the post, or at least where else can I find this procedure?

I use to know how to do it with the Chooser in the DM Client but forgot.  You can experiment with it much as I had if you like. I seldom have used it myself except to locate certain items in the current game.  A l-o-o-o-n-g time ago. '<img'>

However, you can use the console command ## dm_setfaction <faction name>
where <faction name> can be hostile, defender, merchant, commoner or pc
Note: <merchant> should work fine for henchmen since that is their default faction.  BTW, ignore the delineating brackets when typing in the names.

Once you've typed the command & faction and pressed [ENTER], you'll get a target cursor which needs to be clicked onto the NPC which is hostile.  If you are paused, you can change all the NPCs you want (by retyping the same command, targeting & clicking each) then exit Debug mode and play with the modified setting.

This will only work if the NPC has truly gone hostile (red), though.  Otherwise, your toon must get killed and respawn to reset the factions back into their original reputation relationship (at least it works this way in the OC).  This second situation (the non-red one) can occur if your PC accidentally attacks a henchman while it is not a member of your party.  It won't turn red but will attack your PC.  In some environments, you can just kill them and resurrect them but this dynamic varies from content to content.

TBH, though, your description of the anomaly above would cause me to re-install the entire shebang.  It seems very funky to me and I have never read about anything as bizarre as this occurring on anyone else's game.  But you would know better than I if it is that annoying.


                     Modifié par HipMaestro, 01 février 2012 - 11:01 .



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Henchmen attacking during cutscene
« Reply #14 on: February 04, 2012, 08:34:11 pm »

               Well, following the tip that it could be an error on the install CD, I uninstalled it and installed using a different CD. Luckily I have two (one was for me and the other for my sister, but she prefers easier, turn-based RPGs). This time, the genie merchant didn't tried to punch me, my henchman stood still during the cutscenes, and I managed to talk with Mephistopheles before slicing him with Enserric.

So it looks like it was really a broken install CD after all. Thanks for the help and tips of everyone.