Author Topic: Unable to compile/merge?  (Read 421 times)

Legacy_Who said that I

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Unable to compile/merge?
« on: July 21, 2015, 08:28:44 pm »


Okay I know I have had a lot of questions and requests for help, feeling a bit bad for it though....


but I am simply puzzled with this one... I am trying to install the shayan subrace system and all the other files seem to merge perfectly fine except for the on client leave script....


so I will post the script here and if anyone has a solution for this rather annoying problem then you'll be my bestie! '<img'>


Shayan script:








need to merge it with:


#include "sha_subr_methds"

void main()



object oPC = GetExitingObject();

string sPC = GetName(oPC);

object oPITMASTER = GetObjectByTag("da_pitmaster");

int iRED = GetLocalInt(oPITMASTER, "da_Red");

int iBLUE = GetLocalInt(oPITMASTER, "da_Blue");

int iGREEN = GetLocalInt(oPITMASTER, "da_Green");

int iSLOT = GetLocalInt(oPC, "da_slot");


if (iSLOT > 10)

  SpeakString(sPC + " has exited the Dueling Pit.");


//  Help the Scoredial and Pit Master keep track of who's in the Pit.

//  There are fifteen possible slots the PC could be in, five for each color.

switch (iSLOT)


 case 11:

   SetLocalString(oPITMASTER, "da_redslot1", "");



 case 12:

   SetLocalString(oPITMASTER, "da_redslot2", "");



 case 13:

   SetLocalString(oPITMASTER, "da_redslot3", "");



 case 14:

   SetLocalString(oPITMASTER, "da_redslot4", "");



 case 15:

   SetLocalString(oPITMASTER, "da_redslot5", "");



 case 21:

   SetLocalString(oPITMASTER, "da_blueslot1", "");



 case 22:

   SetLocalString(oPITMASTER, "da_blueslot2", "");



 case 23:

   SetLocalString(oPITMASTER, "da_blueslot3", "");



 case 24:

   SetLocalString(oPITMASTER, "da_blueslot4", "");



 case 25:

   SetLocalString(oPITMASTER, "da_blueslot5", "");



 case 31:

   SetLocalString(oPITMASTER, "da_greenslot1", "");



 case 32:

   SetLocalString(oPITMASTER, "da_greenslot2", "");



 case 33:

   SetLocalString(oPITMASTER, "da_greenslot3", "");



 case 34:

   SetLocalString(oPITMASTER, "da_greenslot4", "");



 case 35:

   SetLocalString(oPITMASTER, "da_greenslot5", "");





//  Just in case the counting has gone wrong...

if (iRED < 0)

  iRED = 0;

if (iBLUE < 0)

  iBLUE = 0;

if (iGREEN < 0)

  iGREEN = 0;


//  Let the PitMaster keep track of how many holders of each token are in the Pit.

SetLocalInt(oPITMASTER, "da_Red", iRED);

SetLocalInt(oPITMASTER, "da_Blue", iBLUE);

SetLocalInt(oPITMASTER, "da_Green", iGREEN);


//  This conditional determines whether there are enough people in the Pit to duel.

//  It returns FALSE if the pit is full of only Red, or only Blue, or only Green.

if ((iRED < 1 || iBLUE < 1) && (iRED < 1 || iGREEN < 1) && (iBLUE < 1 || iGREEN < 1))

   SetLocalInt(oPITMASTER, "da_Foe", FALSE);




thank you....



Legacy_The Mad Poet

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Unable to compile/merge?
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2015, 08:37:10 pm »


I'm not familiar with the system directly, but I'd assume all you would have to do is take the one line from your top script and place it in the bottom script. Like so...

object oPC = GetExitingObject();
string sPC = GetName(oPC);
object oPITMASTER = GetObjectByTag("da_pitmaster");
int iRED = GetLocalInt(oPITMASTER, "da_Red");
int iBLUE = GetLocalInt(oPITMASTER, "da_Blue");
int iGREEN = GetLocalInt(oPITMASTER, "da_Green");
int iSLOT = GetLocalInt(oPC, "da_slot");

//Shayan Subrace Engine - On Client Leave function

I put the little note in there just so six months down the line when you look at this script you will remember what this is.


Also the top script doesn't have an include line. Is the 'sha_sub_methds' script the one where the SubraceOnClientLeave function comes from? If not you need to add that include.



Legacy_Who said that I

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Unable to compile/merge?
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2015, 08:48:47 pm »


I'm not familiar with the system directly, but I'd assume all you would have to do is take the one line from your top script and place it in the bottom script. Like so...

object oPC = GetExitingObject();
string sPC = GetName(oPC);
object oPITMASTER = GetObjectByTag("da_pitmaster");
int iRED = GetLocalInt(oPITMASTER, "da_Red");
int iBLUE = GetLocalInt(oPITMASTER, "da_Blue");
int iGREEN = GetLocalInt(oPITMASTER, "da_Green");
int iSLOT = GetLocalInt(oPC, "da_slot");

//Shayan Subrace Engine - On Client Leave function

I put the little note in there just so six months down the line when you look at this script you will remember what this is.


Also the top script doesn't have an include line. Is the 'sha_sub_methds' script the one where the SubraceOnClientLeave function comes from? If not you need to add that include.

Thank you poet! learned something new today '<img'>



Legacy_The Mad Poet

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Unable to compile/merge?
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2015, 08:54:25 pm »


Not a problem '<img'>



Legacy_Who said that I

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Unable to compile/merge?
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2015, 09:46:49 pm »


Thank you poet! learned something new today '<img'>

hmm it does not seem to work still....

 should I do something like this to every script? or is merging a better way?



Legacy_The Mad Poet

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Unable to compile/merge?
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2015, 10:02:19 pm »


What is the error that shows when it fails to compile?



Legacy_Who said that I

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Unable to compile/merge?
« Reply #6 on: July 21, 2015, 10:15:58 pm »


no errors, just when I load a character with a subrace it is simply not loading the stats for it (nor does it give a loading screen when first logging in......)




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Unable to compile/merge?
« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2015, 10:18:44 pm »


no errors, just when I load a character with a subrace it is simply not loading the stats for it (nor does it give a loading screen when first logging in......)

Wouldn't this happen in the OnClientEnter script?



Legacy_Who said that I

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Unable to compile/merge?
« Reply #8 on: July 21, 2015, 10:23:20 pm »


#include "da_includefile_1"

#include "dmfi_init_inc"

#include "sha_subr_methds"

//  If your module's OnClientEnter has custom scripting, just paste the following into it.

//  Be sure to include the file "da_includefile_1" at the very top, as it is here.

void main()


 SetLocalInt(GetEnteringObject(), "nRestingCounterPC", 100); // (100) number of rounds between rest must be same as on OnModRest


int iPUNISHMENT = TRUE;   //Change this to FALSE to turn *off* the module's auto-punishment for criminals who try to log off and on again to evade punishment.

object DA_oMODULE = GetModule();

object DA_oPC = GetEnteringObject();

object DA_oAREA = GetArea(DA_oPC);

object DA_oPITMASTER = GetObjectByTag("da_pitmaster");

object DA_oPIT = GetArea(DA_oPITMASTER);

object DA_oWP_ENTRANCE = GetWaypointByTag("da_wp_entrance");

int iENFORCER = GetIsEnforcer(DA_oPC);

int iEXEMPT = GetIsExempt(DA_oPC);

string DA_sNAME = GetName(DA_oPC);

string DA_sUSERID = GetPCPlayerName(DA_oPC);


DeleteLocalInt(DA_oPC, "da_slot");

DeleteLocalInt(DA_oPC, "da_Team");


if (iENFORCER == TRUE)   //Place an Enforcer Key in the inventory of every Enforcer who doesn't yet have one.


  int iHASKEY = FALSE;

  string sKEY = "da_enforcerkey";

  object oITEM = GetFirstItemInInventory(DA_oPC);

  while (GetIsObjectValid(oITEM))


    string sITEM = GetTag(oITEM);

    string sITEMLEFT14 = GetStringLeft(sITEM, 14);

    if (sITEMLEFT14 == sKEY)

      iHASKEY = TRUE;

    oITEM = GetNextItemInInventory(DA_oPC);


  if (iHASKEY == FALSE)


    CreateItemOnObject("da_enforcerkey", DA_oPC);

    SendMessageToPC(DA_oPC, "You might find this item useful; please hold on to it.");



else   //Destroy all Enforcer Keys in the inventory of non-authorized enforcers.


  string sKEY = "da_enforcerkey";

  object oITEM = GetFirstItemInInventory(DA_oPC);

  while (GetIsObjectValid(oITEM))


    string sITEM = GetTag(oITEM);

    string sITEMLEFT14 = GetStringLeft(sITEM, 14);

    if (sITEMLEFT14 == sKEY)



      SendMessageToPC(DA_oPC, "You are not authorized to carry an Enforcer Key; it has been destroyed.");


    oITEM = GetNextItemInInventory(DA_oPC);




if (iEXEMPT == TRUE)

  DeleteLocalInt(DA_oMODULE, "da_" + DA_sNAME + DA_sUSERID);  //Make sure no exempt player is counted as punishable.

int iJAIL = GetLocalInt(DA_oMODULE, "da_" + DA_sNAME + DA_sUSERID);



  int iPRIORXP = GetXP(DA_oPC);

  int iXPHIT = iPRIORXP/10;

  int iPOSTXP = iPRIORXP - iXPHIT;                     //Take 10% of the criminal's XP.

  SetXP(DA_oPC,iPOSTXP);                               //Default punishment is 5%; the other 5% is for logging off and on again.

  object oITEM = GetFirstItemInInventory(DA_oPC);

  while (GetIsObjectValid(oITEM))


    DestroyObject(oITEM);                              //Destroy all items in the criminal's inventory.

    oITEM = GetNextItemInInventory(DA_oPC);


  oITEM = GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_ARMS, DA_oPC);  //Destroy all equipped items.

  if (GetIsObjectValid(oITEM))



  if (GetIsObjectValid(oITEM))



  if (GetIsObjectValid(oITEM))



  if (GetIsObjectValid(oITEM))



  if (GetIsObjectValid(oITEM))



  if (GetIsObjectValid(oITEM))



  if (GetIsObjectValid(oITEM))



  if (GetIsObjectValid(oITEM))



  if (GetIsObjectValid(oITEM))



  if (GetIsObjectValid(oITEM))



  if (GetIsObjectValid(oITEM))



  if (GetIsObjectValid(oITEM))



  if (GetIsObjectValid(oITEM))



  if (GetIsObjectValid(oITEM))


  int iGP = GetGold(DA_oPC);

  AssignCommand(DA_oPC, TakeGoldFromCreature(iGP, DA_oPC, TRUE));         //Take the criminal's gold.

  object oGARB = CreateItemOnObject("da_prsngrb", DA_oPC);        //Make the criminal don prison garb.

  DelayCommand(0.1, AssignCommand(DA_oPC, ActionEquipItem(oGARB, INVENTORY_SLOT_CHEST)));

  DelayCommand(10.0, FloatingTextStringOnCreature("You're still a criminal; leaving & coming back won't help.", DA_oPC, FALSE));  //Verbal reprimand.


    object oUser = GetEnteringObject();


    // do any other module OnClientEnter work here

    ExecuteScript("x3_mod_def_enter", OBJECT_SELF);


    // initialize DMFI









my on client enter script. So unless I have done something wrong (which is likely since I seem to suffer from a lack of sleep as of recent XD)



Legacy_The Mad Poet

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Unable to compile/merge?
« Reply #9 on: July 21, 2015, 10:38:33 pm »


Alright. Silly question, but it comes up a lot. Did you compile all scripts with 'Build Module'? When messing with scripts with include files that is usually the first thing that many people, including myself, forget to do.



Legacy_Who said that I

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Unable to compile/merge?
« Reply #10 on: July 21, 2015, 10:43:13 pm »

               I do, though first i use the compils button in the scriptor (upper left corner)



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Unable to compile/merge?
« Reply #11 on: July 21, 2015, 10:50:44 pm »


I'm not familiar with the system either but I do see an include and I do see the OnEnter function so that part looks ok anyway. Did you use or merge all the other scripts like the OnModuleLoad too?



Legacy_Who said that I

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Unable to compile/merge?
« Reply #12 on: July 21, 2015, 10:53:06 pm »

               Yup, i do believe I did. Will poat the scripts just incase '<img'>


Legacy_Who said that I

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Unable to compile/merge?
« Reply #13 on: July 21, 2015, 10:56:02 pm »


on activate:

#include "da_includefile_1"

#include "x2_inc_switches"

#include "sha_subr_methds"

//  If your module's OnActivateItem has custom scripting, just paste the following into it.

//  Be sure to include the file "da_includefile_1" at the very top, as it is here, above the void main().

void main()



     object oItem = GetItemActivated();


     // * Generic Item Script Execution Code

     // * If MODULE_SWITCH_EXECUTE_TAGBASED_SCRIPTS is set to TRUE on the module,

     // * it will execute a script that has the same name as the item's tag

     // * inside this script you can manage scripts for all events by checking against

     // * GetUserDefinedItemEventNumber(). See x2_it_example.nss




        int nRet =   ExecuteScriptAndReturnInt(GetUserDefinedItemEventScriptName(oItem),OBJECT_SELF);

        if (nRet == X2_EXECUTE_SCRIPT_END)








object oDA_ITEM = GetItemActivated();

string sDA_ITEM = GetTag(oDA_ITEM);

string sDA_DETECTOR = "da_gladetecto";

string sDA_ENFORCER = "da_enforcerke";

string sDA_ITEMLEFT13 = GetStringLeft(sDA_ITEM, 13);

object oDA_ACTIVATOR = GetItemActivator();

object oDA_TARGET = GetItemActivatedTarget();

string sDA_TARGET = GetTag(oDA_TARGET);

string sDA_TARGETLEFT12 = GetStringLeft(sDA_TARGET, 12);

string sDA_CONTAINER = "da_jailcrate";


if (sDA_ITEMLEFT13 == sDA_ENFORCER)  //The lines for the Enforcer Key.


  int iENFORCER = GetIsEnforcer(oDA_ACTIVATOR);

  int iEXEMPT = GetIsExempt(oDA_TARGET);



    DestroyObject(oDA_ITEM);         //Make sure only authorized enforcers can activate this item.

    FloatingTextStringOnCreature("Only authorized enforcers may use that key.", oDA_ACTIVATOR, FALSE);


  else if (GetIsPC(oDA_TARGET))


    SetLocalObject(oDA_ACTIVATOR, "da_mytarget", oDA_TARGET); //If the target if a player, start a conversation for more options.

    AssignCommand(oDA_ACTIVATOR, ActionStartConversation(oDA_ACTIVATOR, "da_cnv_enforcrky", TRUE));




    effect eKNOCK = EffectVisualEffect(VFX_IMP_KNOCK);


    SetLocked(oDA_TARGET, FALSE);                                        //Unlock the Confiscated Item Crate, if that's the target.

    AssignCommand(oDA_TARGET, SpeakString("**unlocks temporarily**"));

    FloatingTextStringOnCreature("This container will be unlocked for the next twenty seconds, or until someone opens it.", oDA_ACTIVATOR, FALSE);

    float fDELAY = 20.0;

    DelayCommand(fDELAY, SetLocked(oDA_TARGET, TRUE));


  else FloatingTextStringOnCreature("The key is inert.", oDA_ACTIVATOR, FALSE);



if (sDA_ITEMLEFT13 == sDA_DETECTOR)  //The lines for the Gladi-Detector.


  if (GetIsPC(oDA_TARGET))


   int iTEAM = GetLocalInt(oDA_TARGET, "da_Team");

   string sTARGETNAME = GetName(oDA_TARGET);

   switch (iTEAM)  //Inform the activator what color Gladiator, if any, the target is.


     case 1:

       FloatingTextStringOnCreature(sTARGETNAME + " glows red.", oDA_ACTIVATOR, FALSE);


     case 2:

       FloatingTextStringOnCreature(sTARGETNAME + " glows blue.", oDA_ACTIVATOR, FALSE);


     case 3:

       FloatingTextStringOnCreature(sTARGETNAME + " glows green.", oDA_ACTIVATOR, FALSE);



       FloatingTextStringOnCreature(sTARGETNAME + " does not glow.", oDA_ACTIVATOR, FALSE);



   DelayCommand(1.5, AssignCommand(oDA_ACTIVATOR, SpeakString("** examines " + sTARGETNAME + " with a Gla-Detector **")));  //Announce to the examination action to all.


  else FloatingTextStringOnCreature("The detector is inert.", oDA_ACTIVATOR, FALSE);  //Do nothing if the target is not a player.


//  Paste the above lines into your module properties' OnActivateItem script to enable the Enforcer Key and Token Detector.



     object oItem = GetModuleItemAcquired();

     // * Generic Item Script Execution Code

     // * If MODULE_SWITCH_EXECUTE_TAGBASED_SCRIPTS is set to TRUE on the module,

     // * it will execute a script that has the same name as the item's tag

     // * inside this script you can manage scripts for all events by checking against

     // * GetUserDefinedItemEventNumber(). See x2_it_example.nss




        int nRet =   ExecuteScriptAndReturnInt(GetUserDefinedItemEventScriptName(oItem),OBJECT_SELF);

        if (nRet == X2_EXECUTE_SCRIPT_END)










on client leave:

#include "sha_subr_methds"

void main()



object oPC = GetExitingObject();

string sPC = GetName(oPC);

object oPITMASTER = GetObjectByTag("da_pitmaster");

int iRED = GetLocalInt(oPITMASTER, "da_Red");

int iBLUE = GetLocalInt(oPITMASTER, "da_Blue");

int iGREEN = GetLocalInt(oPITMASTER, "da_Green");

int iSLOT = GetLocalInt(oPC, "da_slot");


if (iSLOT > 10)

  SpeakString(sPC + " has exited the Dueling Pit.");


//  Help the Scoredial and Pit Master keep track of who's in the Pit.

//  There are fifteen possible slots the PC could be in, five for each color.

switch (iSLOT)


 case 11:

   SetLocalString(oPITMASTER, "da_redslot1", "");



 case 12:

   SetLocalString(oPITMASTER, "da_redslot2", "");



 case 13:

   SetLocalString(oPITMASTER, "da_redslot3", "");



 case 14:

   SetLocalString(oPITMASTER, "da_redslot4", "");



 case 15:

   SetLocalString(oPITMASTER, "da_redslot5", "");



 case 21:

   SetLocalString(oPITMASTER, "da_blueslot1", "");



 case 22:

   SetLocalString(oPITMASTER, "da_blueslot2", "");



 case 23:

   SetLocalString(oPITMASTER, "da_blueslot3", "");



 case 24:

   SetLocalString(oPITMASTER, "da_blueslot4", "");



 case 25:

   SetLocalString(oPITMASTER, "da_blueslot5", "");



 case 31:

   SetLocalString(oPITMASTER, "da_greenslot1", "");



 case 32:

   SetLocalString(oPITMASTER, "da_greenslot2", "");



 case 33:

   SetLocalString(oPITMASTER, "da_greenslot3", "");



 case 34:

   SetLocalString(oPITMASTER, "da_greenslot4", "");



 case 35:

   SetLocalString(oPITMASTER, "da_greenslot5", "");





//  Just in case the counting has gone wrong...

if (iRED < 0)

  iRED = 0;

if (iBLUE < 0)

  iBLUE = 0;

if (iGREEN < 0)

  iGREEN = 0;


//  Let the PitMaster keep track of how many holders of each token are in the Pit.

SetLocalInt(oPITMASTER, "da_Red", iRED);

SetLocalInt(oPITMASTER, "da_Blue", iBLUE);

SetLocalInt(oPITMASTER, "da_Green", iGREEN);


//  This conditional determines whether there are enough people in the Pit to duel.

//  It returns FALSE if the pit is full of only Red, or only Blue, or only Green.

if ((iRED < 1 || iBLUE < 1) && (iRED < 1 || iGREEN < 1) && (iBLUE < 1 || iGREEN < 1))

   SetLocalInt(oPITMASTER, "da_Foe", FALSE);


//Shayan Subrace Engine - On Client Leave function








#include "sha_subr_methds"

void main()


    object oFirstPC=GetFirstPC();

    object oCurrentPC=GetFirstPC();




     int nRestingCounter = GetLocalInt(oCurrentPC, "nRestingCounterPC")+2;

    SetLocalInt(oCurrentPC, "nRestingCounterPC", nRestingCounter);



     int iHour = GetTimeHour ();

    int iMinute = GetTimeMinute ();

    int iSecond = GetTimeSecond ();

    int iMillisecond = GetTimeMillisecond();

    SetTime(iHour, iMinute, iSecond, iMillisecond);




think that are all the scripts that I added/merged for it '<img'> 




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Unable to compile/merge?
« Reply #14 on: July 21, 2015, 10:58:52 pm »

