Author Topic: script merging help please?  (Read 341 times)

Legacy_Who said that I

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script merging help please?
« on: July 18, 2015, 06:37:18 am »


okay here is my issue and hopefully you can help me get it fixed.


I am using DMFI tools, which is all nice and well and I actually managed to get it to work with some work around. BUT It has a resting script which I personally find VERY nifty HOWEVER I would like to merge some things of an other script into it although I always get errors and stuff so I figured I rather ask here and see if you guys can help?


so here is the resting script of DMFI:


#include "dmfi_db_inc"

//This function calculates the resting duration based on PC Hit Dice

//Based off of restduration.2da

void FloatyText(string sText, object oPC, int iSettings)


    if (!(iSettings & 0x40000000))

        FloatingTextStringOnCreature(sText, oPC, FALSE);



float GetRestDuration(object oPC)


    return 10.0f + 0.5f * IntToFloat(GetHitDice(oPC));



// This function is used as a wrapper for the Rest VFX Object

void DoRestVFX(object oPC, float fDuration, int nEffect) {

    effect eEffect;

    if (nEffect == -1) {

        eEffect = EffectCutsceneImmobilize();

    } else {

        eEffect = EffectVisualEffect(nEffect);


    ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, ExtraordinaryEffect(eEffect), oPC, fDuration);




//This function adds the Blindness/Snore effects

//Also adds cutscene immobilize to prevent movement

//Snoring should only occur at start, then follows on the module's hb

void ApplyRestVFX(object oPC, int iSettings)


    object oRestVFX = GetObjectByTag("dmfi_restvfxobject");

    effect eSnore = EffectVisualEffect(VFX_IMP_SLEEP); //Sleepy "ZZZ"s

    float fDuration = GetRestDuration(oPC);

    float fSeconds = 6.0f;

    if (!(iSettings & 0x80000000)) //Immobile Resting flag


        // Pass a -1 for EffectCutsceneImmobilize.

        // For a visual effect, simply pass the VFX constant.

        AssignCommand(oRestVFX, DoRestVFX(oPC, fDuration, -1));


    if (!(iSettings & 0x20000000)) //VFX flag


        // AssignCommand(oRestVFX, ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, ExtraordinaryEffect(eBlind), oPC, fDuration));

        AssignCommand(oRestVFX, DoRestVFX(oPC, fDuration, VFX_DUR_BLACKOUT));

        ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eSnore, oPC);





// Removes blindness & immobilize -- Merle

void RemoveRestVFX(object oPC) {

    object oRestVFX = GetObjectByTag("dmfi_restvfxobject");

    effect eEffect = GetFirstEffect(oPC);

    while (GetIsEffectValid(eEffect)) {

        if (GetEffectCreator(eEffect) == oRestVFX) {

            RemoveEffect(oPC, eEffect);


        eEffect = GetNextEffect(oPC);





//This function gets the "Final HP" available to the PC after resting

int CalculateFinalHitPoints(object oPC, int iSettings)


    int iHP = (iSettings & 0x0f000000);



        case 0x01000000: return 0; break;

        case 0x02000000: return GetHitDice(oPC); break;

        case 0x03000000: return GetAbilityScore(oPC, ABILITY_CONSTITUTION); break;

        case 0x04000000: return GetMaxHitPoints(oPC)/10; break;

        case 0x05000000: return GetMaxHitPoints(oPC)/4; break;

        case 0x06000000: return GetMaxHitPoints(oPC)/2; break;

        case 0x07000000: return GetMaxHitPoints(oPC); break;

        default: return GetMaxHitPoints(oPC); break;


    return GetMaxHitPoints(oPC);



void RemoveMagicalEffects(object oPC)


    effect eEffect = GetFirstEffect(oPC);

    while (GetIsEffectValid(eEffect))


        if (GetEffectSubType(eEffect) == SUBTYPE_MAGICAL)

            RemoveEffect(oPC, eEffect);

        eEffect = GetNextEffect(oPC);




//This function simulates a rest without restoring spells

void DoPseudoRest(object oPC, int iSettings, int iSpells = FALSE)


    effect eSnore = EffectVisualEffect(VFX_IMP_SLEEP);

    effect eBlind = EffectVisualEffect(VFX_DUR_BLACKOUT);

    effect eStop = EffectCutsceneImmobilize();

    float fDuration = GetRestDuration(oPC);

    float fSeconds = 6.0f;

    int iAnimation = GetLocalInt(oPC, "dmfi_r_alternate");

    if (!iAnimation)


    AssignCommand(oPC, PlayAnimation(iAnimation, 1.0f, fDuration));

    DelayCommand(0.1, SetCommandable(FALSE, oPC));

    DelayCommand(fDuration, SetCommandable(TRUE, oPC));

    ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, ExtraordinaryEffect(eStop), oPC, fDuration);

    if (!(iSettings & 0x20000000) && iAnimation != ANIMATION_LOOPING_MEDITATE && iAnimation != ANIMATION_LOOPING_WORSHIP) //If the No VFX flag is not set, do VFX


        ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, ExtraordinaryEffect(eBlind), oPC, fDuration);

        ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eSnore, oPC);

        while (fSeconds < fDuration)


            DelayCommand(fSeconds, ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eSnore, oPC));

            fSeconds += 6.0f;



    if (!iSpells)


        effect eHeal = EffectHeal(CalculateFinalHitPoints(oPC, iSettings)); //Heal the PC

        DelayCommand(fDuration + 0.1f, ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eHeal, oPC));

        DelayCommand(fDuration + 0.1f, RemoveMagicalEffects(oPC)); //Remove all magical effects from PC




        DelayCommand(fDuration + 0.1f, ForceRest(oPC));


    DeleteLocalInt(oPC, "dmfi_r_alternate");



//This function determines if the PC is wearing heavy armor

int GetIsWearingHeavyArmor(object oPC, int iSettings)


    int iArmor = (iSettings & 0x00f00000);

    object oArmor = GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_CHEST, oPC);

    int iWeight = GetWeight(oArmor);




        case 0x00100000: if (iWeight > 20) return TRUE; break;

        case 0x00200000: if (iWeight > 60) return TRUE; break;

        case 0x00300000: if (iWeight > 110) return TRUE; break;

        case 0x00400000: if (iWeight > 160) return TRUE; break;

        case 0x00500000: if (iWeight > 310) return TRUE; break;

        case 0x00600000: if (iWeight > 410) return TRUE; break;

        case 0x00700000: if (iWeight > 460) return TRUE; break;


    return FALSE;



//This function determines if the PC is near a resting placeable

int GetIsNearRestingObject(object oPC, int iSettings)


    if (iSettings & 0x00020000) //Ignore Druid


        if (GetLevelByClass(CLASS_TYPE_DRUID, oPC))

            return TRUE;


    if (iSettings & 0x00040000) //Ignore Ranger


        if (GetLevelByClass(CLASS_TYPE_RANGER, oPC))

            return TRUE;


    if (iSettings & 0x00080000) //Ignore Barb


        if (GetLevelByClass(CLASS_TYPE_BARBARIAN, oPC))

            return TRUE;


    object oPlaceable = GetFirstObjectInShape(SHAPE_SPHERE, 6.0f, GetLocation(oPC), TRUE, OBJECT_TYPE_PLACEABLE);

    while (GetIsObjectValid(oPlaceable))


        if (!(iSettings & 0x00001000) && GetTag(oPlaceable) == "dmfi_rest") //DMFI Placeables: by default, ON

            return TRUE;

        if ((iSettings & 0x00002000) && GetStringLowerCase(GetName(oPlaceable)) == "campfire") //Campfires

            return TRUE;

        if ((iSettings & 0x00004000) && (GetStringLowerCase(GetName(oPlaceable)) == "bed roll" || GetStringLowerCase(GetName(oPlaceable)) == "bedroll")) //Bed rolls

            return TRUE;

        if ((iSettings & 0x00008000) && GetStringLowerCase(GetName(oPlaceable)) == "bed") //beds

            return TRUE;

        if ((iSettings & 0x00010000) && GetStringLowerCase(GetName(oPlaceable)) == "tent") //tents

            return TRUE;

        oPlaceable = GetNextObjectInShape(SHAPE_SPHERE, 6.0f, GetLocation(oPC), TRUE, OBJECT_TYPE_PLACEABLE);


    return FALSE;



// Updated to allow 6 hour breaks and to pass in a percentage if rest is interrupted

void SetNextRestTime(object oPC, int iSettings, float fPercentage = 1.0)


    if (fPercentage > 1.0 || fPercentage <= 0.0) {

        fPercentage = 1.0;


    int iHours = (iSettings & 0x00000f00);

    int iTime = GetTimeHour() + GetCalendarDay() * 24 + GetCalendarMonth() * 24 * 28 + GetCalendarYear() * 24 * 28 * 12;





        case 0x00000100: SetLocalInt(oPC, "dmfi_r_nextrest", iTime + FloatToInt(IntToFloat(1) * fPercentage)); break;

        case 0x00000200: SetLocalInt(oPC, "dmfi_r_nextrest", iTime + FloatToInt(IntToFloat(2) * fPercentage)); break;

        case 0x00000300: SetLocalInt(oPC, "dmfi_r_nextrest", iTime + FloatToInt(IntToFloat(4) * fPercentage)); break;

        case 0x00000400: SetLocalInt(oPC, "dmfi_r_nextrest", iTime + FloatToInt(IntToFloat(6) * fPercentage)); break;

        case 0x00000500: SetLocalInt(oPC, "dmfi_r_nextrest", iTime + FloatToInt(IntToFloat(8) * fPercentage)); break;

        case 0x00000600: SetLocalInt(oPC, "dmfi_r_nextrest", iTime + FloatToInt(IntToFloat(12) * fPercentage)); break;

        case 0x00000700: SetLocalInt(oPC, "dmfi_r_nextrest", iTime + FloatToInt(IntToFloat(24) * fPercentage)); break;





//This function determines whether or not you can rest.

int DMFI_CanIRest(object oPC, int iSettings)


    if (GetIsDM(oPC)) return TRUE;

    if (iSettings & 0x00000002) //No Rest Override


        if (iSettings & 0x00000080)

            FloatyText("This is a No Rest area", oPC, iSettings);

        return FALSE;


    if (!(iSettings & 0x00000001)) //Unlimited Rest Override


        if (iSettings & 0x00000080)

            FloatyText("This is an Unlimited Rest area", oPC, iSettings);

        return TRUE;


    if ((iSettings & 0x00000004) && (iSettings & 0x00000001)) //Time restriction


        int iTime = GetTimeHour() + GetCalendarDay() * 24 + GetCalendarMonth() * 24 * 28 + GetCalendarYear() * 24 * 28 * 12;

        if (iTime < GetLocalInt(oPC, "dmfi_r_nextrest"))


            FloatyText("You cannot rest at this time. You may rest again in " + IntToString(GetLocalInt(oPC, "dmfi_r_nextrest") - iTime) + " hours.", oPC, iSettings);

            return FALSE;



    if ((iSettings & 0x00000008) && (iSettings & 0x00000001)) //Placeable restriction


        if (!GetIsNearRestingObject(oPC, iSettings))


            FloatyText("You are not near a rest placeable", oPC, iSettings);

            return FALSE;



    if ((iSettings & 0x00000010) && (iSettings & 0x00000001)) //Armor restriction


        if (GetIsWearingHeavyArmor(oPC, iSettings))


            FloatyText("Your current armor is too heavy to rest", oPC, iSettings);

            return FALSE;



    return TRUE;



void main()


    object oPC = GetLastPCRested();

    object oArea = GetArea(oPC);

    int iSettings;

    int iModSettings = GetDMFIPersistentInt("dmfi", "dmfi_r_");

    int iAreaSettings = GetDMFIPersistentInt("dmfi", "dmfi_r_" + GetTag(oArea));

    if (iAreaSettings & 0x00000080)


        iSettings = iAreaSettings;




        iSettings = iModSettings;


    SetLocalInt(oPC, "dmfi_r_settings", iSettings);


    if (GetLastRestEventType()==REST_EVENTTYPE_REST_STARTED)


        SetLocalInt(oPC, "dmfi_norest", !(DMFI_CanIRest(oPC, iSettings)));

        SetLocalInt(oPC, "dmfi_r_hitpoints", GetCurrentHitPoints(oPC));

        if (GetIsDM(oPC) || (!(iSettings & 0x10000000) && !GetLocalInt(oPC, "dmfi_r_bypass")))

        { //If the Rest Conversation variable is set, then activate the rest conversation here.

            AssignCommand(oPC, ClearAllActions());

            SetLocalString(oPC, "dmfi_univ_conv", "rest");

            AssignCommand(oPC, ActionStartConversation(oPC, "dmfi_universal", TRUE));



        if (GetLocalInt(oPC, "dmfi_norest")) //PC cannot rest


            AssignCommand(oPC, ClearAllActions());

            DeleteLocalInt(oPC, "dmfi_r_bypass");



        if ((iSettings & 0x00000004) && (iSettings & 0x00000001)) //Time restriction

            SetNextRestTime(oPC, iSettings);


        if (GetLocalInt(oPC, "dmfi_r_alternate") || ((iSettings & 0x00000040) && (iSettings & 0x00000001)))


            AssignCommand(oPC, ClearAllActions());

            if ((iSettings & 0x00000040) && (iSettings & 0x00000001))

                FloatyText("You cannot regain your spells in this area",oPC, iSettings);

            DoPseudoRest(oPC, iSettings, ((iSettings & 0x00000040) && (iSettings & 0x00000001)));

            DeleteLocalInt(oPC, "dmfi_r_bypass");



        else if (!(iSettings & 0x20000000))

        { //Rest VFX

            ApplyRestVFX(oPC, iSettings);


        if ((iSettings & 0x00000020) && (iSettings & 0x00000001))

        { //Auto Party Drop

            FloatyText("You have been removed from the party to prevent rest canceling",oPC, iSettings);




    else if (GetLastRestEventType()==REST_EVENTTYPE_REST_CANCELLED)


        // Make sure that resting has been initialized and the start time has been set. Otherwise, the Cancelled Rest Event was fired by

        // the Resting conversation.

        if (GetLocalInt(oPC, "dmfi_r_init"))


            int iTime = GetTimeSecond() + GetTimeMinute() * 60 + GetTimeHour() * 3600 + GetCalendarDay() * 24 * 3600 + GetCalendarMonth() *3600 * 24 * 28 + GetCalendarYear() * 24 * 28 * 12 * 3600;

            int nTimeRested = iTime - GetLocalInt(oPC, "dmfi_r_startseconds");

            int nFullTime = FloatToInt(GetRestDuration(oPC));

            float fPercentage = IntToFloat(nTimeRested) / IntToFloat(nFullTime);

            SetNextRestTime(oPC, iSettings, fPercentage);

            // SendMessageToPC(oPC, "Rest interrupted; resting for " + IntToString(nTimeRested) + " out of " + IntToString(nFullTime) + " seconds (" + FloatToString(fPercentage) + "%).");

            SetLocalInt(oPC, "dmfi_r_init", FALSE);

            if ((iSettings & 0x00000020) && GetCurrentHitPoints(oPC) > GetLocalInt(oPC, "dmfi_r_hitpoints") && iSettings & 0x00000001) //HP restriction


                effect eDam = EffectDamage(GetMaxHitPoints(oPC) - GetLocalInt(oPC, "dmfi_r_hitpoints"));

                FloatyText("Your hitpoints have been reset",oPC, iSettings);

                AssignCommand(oPC, ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eDam, oPC));






    else if (GetLastRestEventType()==REST_EVENTTYPE_REST_FINISHED)


        if ((iSettings & 0x00000020) && (iSettings & 0x00000001)) //HP restriction


            int iDam = GetMaxHitPoints(oPC) - GetLocalInt(oPC, "dmfi_r_hitpoints") - CalculateFinalHitPoints(oPC, iSettings);

            if (iDam > 0)


                effect eDam = EffectDamage(iDam);

                FloatyText("You gain back limited HP from this rest",oPC, iSettings);

                AssignCommand(oPC, ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eDam, oPC));




    DeleteLocalInt(oPC, "dmfi_r_bypass");





and this is the script I have been using for a while:


int GetHourTimeZero()


   int iHourTimeZero;

   iHourTimeZero = (GetCalendarYear()-1)*12*28*24 + (GetCalendarMonth()-1)*28*24 + (GetCalendarDay()-1)*24 + GetTimeHour();

   return iHourTimeZero;



// The main function placed in the onRest event

void main()


  object oPlayer = GetLastPCRested();

  int iRestDelay = 1; //The ammount of hours a player must wait between Rests

  int iBedrollRequired = 1; // 0=No requirements for resting

                            // 1=A "Bedroll" is needed in order to rest.

                            //   Optional may a "Rest-allowing-placable" be used,

                            //   that sets the value of the local "iRestAllowed"

                            //   variable on the player to "1".


  if (GetLastRestEventType() == REST_EVENTTYPE_REST_STARTED)


    // Check if the Rest Dely is over.

    if (GetHourTimeZero() < GetLocalInt (oPlayer, "iNextRestHourTimeZero"))


      AssignCommand (oPlayer, ClearAllActions()); // Prevent Resting

      SendMessageToPC (oPlayer, "You must wait " + IntToString (GetLocalInt (oPlayer, "iNextRestHourTimeZero")-GetHourTimeZero()) + " hour(s) before resting again.");


    else   // Resting possible.


      // Resting allowed if No Bedroll required or Player has a Bedroll or a Rest-allowing-placeable set the local "iRestAllowed" variable to 1

      if (iBedrollRequired == 0 || iBedrollRequired == 1 && (GetIsObjectValid (GetItemPossessedBy (oPlayer,"Bedroll")) || GetLocalInt (oPlayer,"iRestAllowed") == 1))


        SetLocalInt (oPlayer, "iRestAllowed", 0);

        SetLocalInt (oPlayer, "iNextRestHourTimeZero", GetHourTimeZero()+iRestDelay);


      else   // Resting not allowed


        AssignCommand (oPlayer, ClearAllActions()); // Prevent Resting

        SendMessageToPC (oPlayer, "No Bed(roll) - No Rest");







Now what do I want?


Well the below script is basically setting up a timer for how long a player has to wait till he can rest again but ONLY if the player is in the posession of a campfire (placeable spawner) or a bedroll (which is an item the player will need to have in his posession)


So seeing that I seem to "screw" this merging up the entire time I was hoping someone could help me with this.



additional newbie request(?): would it also be possible to add like a percentage roll for being ambushed while you are resting in hostile area's? 

