My last word in on this, but to be honest I will never understand why people make such a fuss over this kind of thing when it comes to modded content. It's almost like some people feel that credit is currency. That if you don't get it your going to end up being thrown out on the street after losing thousands of dollars or something. It's good to respect an authors wishes despite what you may personally feel about it (for example I feel trying to restrict content with conditions is just wrong), but no one is actually getting hurt... physically or financially... since this is all just work for a game no one owns any rights to. I certainly have never been stroked a check by Bioware for anything I've done. I mean isn't the whole point of making content for people to use... is letting people use it?
My Policy: Don't be a jerk. Give credit where its due.
Jerk Policy: I'm not going out of my way for you.
Reality Check: Chasing after people for any 'infraction' will likely be pointless, and if its not pointless it is still a HUGE waste of my time over something trivial.
Really don't understand why it has to be more complicated than that. Kindergarten rules FTW!
Happy modding! '>