If I use functions or funcs to modify a character on login based on subrace.
How does this effect ELC?
How do i edit this to allow such changes not to effect logging in?
Normally, if the character has "invalid" skill points or whatnot you cannot login.
The chances of me turning ELC off is slim, so i would like explore all options before declaring this undoable.
This is how I envision it working.
On character login, check subrace. If subrace is X, set local int Y and reset local int Z.
If local int is Y is set.
Run funcs to change ability score permanently.
Reset local int Y, set local int Z to make sure this script is never run on login again.
I need more info if you can provide please.
Some reading material as to how ELC works perhaps (Technically, not the shitty nwn wiki description) and where to find such scripts.