You can also use Screwtapes Simple XP. Its one of the better XP systems out there and is simple to setup and customize.
//:: ScrewTape's Simple XP
//:: st_inc_SimpleXP.nss
Experience points rewards
//* These are the tweaking modifiers, used to adjust the amount of XP awarded.
//* Use this just as you would use a module's xp slider
//* Set to 10 for normal xp - when using 2da's this will be exactly the
//* same, barring other considerations like henchmen, multiplayer, multiclass,
//* etc. If your using the DMG tables, 10 equates to 10%, which will be
//* slightly higher than the Bioware awards. 100 will match the DMG tables.
//* Recommended N_MODULE_XP_SLIDER settings are 17 for 1st level modules, 10-15
//* for 2nd-5th, and 7-10 for higher level modules. That should keep you in the
//* ballpark of the Bioware awards.
//* NOTE: Although the actual module slider has NO EFFECT on these awards, it
//* DOES need to be set to zero or else the XP will be awarded twice.
const int N_MODULE_XP_SLIDER = 10;
//* This is a boolean (set to TRUE (1) or FALSE (O)) to decide whether or not to
//* enforce Bioware's multi class penalty.
//* Idea taken from Bioware scripting forum post by Ima Dufus
//* FALSE would be like the DMG
const int B_USE_MULTICLASS_PENALTY = FALSE; // DMG accurate setting
//const int B_USE_MULTICLASS_PENALTY = TRUE; // alternate setting
//* Per Trickster's request, I included an option to count the players' other
//* associates, summoned/familiar/companion/dominated. In doing so, I realized
//* I wasn't adhering to the DMG's notes regarding "creatures that enemies
//* summon or otherwise add to their forces with magic powers. An ememy's
//* ability to summon or add these creatures is a part of the enemy's CR
//* already." pp 37, just below the steps to determine the XP award. So I
//* included that in the option. These two options seemed to be tied together,
//* that is, if I count the party's associate types when determining total
//* party members to divide experience by, I should also award XP for enemies'
//* associates and on the other hand, if I don't count the party's associates
//* (except henchmen), I shouldn't award XP for enemies' associates.
const int B_COUNT_ASSOCIATES = FALSE; // DMG accurate setting
//const int B_COUNT_ASSOCIATES = TRUE; // alternate setting
//* And why not allow the same option for henchmen
const int B_COUNT_HENCHMEN = TRUE; // recommended setting
//const int B_COUNT_HENCHMEN = FALSE; // alternate setting
//* Allow dead/dying players to receive awards (per DMG, pp 41 'DEATH AND
//* EXPERIENCE POINTS') but leave the option to disable.
//* PW world users - I have this worked out pretty well to only award dead
//* players for the last combat that the party was in, however, if you have
//* a respawning encounter at the same location, the dead guy will continue
//* to receive awards if he just sits there dead while the rest of the party
//* keeps killing mobs. Use B_AWARD_DEAD_PLAYERS with caution on PWs. Otherwise,
//* he will not receive awards until he rejoins the party (physically)
//const int B_AWARD_DEAD_PLAYERS = TRUE; // DMG accurate setting
const int B_AWARD_DEAD_PLAYERS = FALSE; // alternate setting
//* See the included excel spreadsheet -
//* I made an excel spreadsheet so you can play with all of these parameters
//* and see the results.
//* exactly what it says - this is how many encounters, where CR = Level are
//* required for the pc's to level. This is how the base awards are determined.
//const int N_ENCOUNTERS_PER_LEVEL = 13; // DMG accurate setting
const int N_ENCOUNTERS_PER_LEVEL = 21; // Bioware setting (sort of...)
//* This allows the number of encounters per level to increase with each level.
//* This is sort of what Bioware does (albeit, not very consistently).
//const int N_ENC_INCREASE_SLIDER = 0; // DMG accurate setting
const int N_ENC_INCREASE_SLIDER = 10; // Bioware setting
//* I split these limits into two, so you can prevent higher level pc's from
//* gaining xp from easy encounters while still gaining awards for very
//* difficult or impossible encounters
//const int N_MAX_CR_GREATER_THAN_HD = 7; // DMG accurate setting
const int N_MAX_CR_GREATER_THAN_HD = 200; // Bioware setting
//const int N_MAX_HD_GREATER_THAN_CR = 7; // DMG accurate setting
const int N_MAX_HD_GREATER_THAN_CR = 40; // Bioware setting
//* Modify with care - at the base setting, equivalent encounters yield
//* equivalent experience (4 CR 0 creatures, 2 CR 2 creatures or 1 CR 4
//* creature will have the same total xp for example) Both Bioware and DMG
//* vary slightly from this, Bioware on the down side and the DMG a little
//* down, but mostly to retain nice even numbers (it's PnP after all).
//const int N_CR_HD_PENALTY_SLIDER = 10; // DMG - CR equivalencies
const int N_CR_HD_PENALTY_SLIDER = 15; // Bioware - CR equivalencies
//* limits the maximum award a player can receive for a single creature
//* modify with care (you could end up with 4 CR 4 creatures awarding
//* significantly more than 1 CR 8 creature, since they each will be under
//* the limit, but if N_MAX_AWARD_X_BASE is set very low, the CR 8 creature may
//* be too high).
const int N_MAX_AWARD_X_BASE = 5; // 5 = 5 times base xp is Max award
//* Allows total party members to count for less than actual - requested by
//* PW server builders - if the setting is at 50% and the number in the party
//* is 4, total xp will be divided by 2
const int N_MEMBER_WEIGHT_SLIDER = 100; // 100 = 100%
//* PL Limits
//* N_MAX_PARTY_HD_DIFFERENCE is the maximum difference in levels between the
//* highest and lowest level members
//* if B_NO_AWARD_FOR_PARTY is TRUE, if party has too many levels of difference,
//* no one receives an award. If it is FALSE, only those under
//* N_MAX_PARTY_HD_DIFFERENCE from the highest level member will receive
//* awards.
const int N_MAX_PARTY_HD_DIFFERENCE = 0; // 0 = no check (no max)
// AwardXP, inputs: the killing object, output: none (returned)
void AwardXP(object oKiller);
// GetHitDiceByXP
// Solve for hd from xp = hd * (hd - 1) * 500
// hd = 1/50 * (sqrt(5) * sqrt(xp + 125) + 25)
int GetHitDiceByXP(float fXP)
int nHD = FloatToInt(0.02 * (sqrt(5.0f) * sqrt(fXP + 125.0f) + 25.0f));
if (nHD < 1) nHD = 1;
else if (nHD > 40) nHD = 40;
return nHD;
// SetMaxMinLevels
void SetMinMaxHD(object oPlayer)
int nMaxHD = 0;
int nMinHD = 0;
int nHD = 0;
object oMember = GetFirstFactionMember(oPlayer);
while (GetIsObjectValid(oMember))
nHD = GetHitDiceByXP(IntToFloat(GetXP(oMember)));
// check versus max and min
if (nMaxHD == 0 || nHD > nMaxHD)
nMaxHD = nHD;
if (nMinHD == 0 || nHD < nMinHD)
nMinHD = nHD;
oMember = GetNextFactionMember(oMember);
// Store our max an min (do this on self in case party changes between
// battles, and also so it's independent for multiple parties).
SetLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF, "nMaxHD", nMaxHD);
SetLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF, "nMinHD", nMinHD);
// IsPlayerEligible, input: player object, output: TRUE or FALSE
int IsPlayerEligible(object oPlayer, int bCountMembers = FALSE)
string sMessage = "";
int bReturn = TRUE;
int nMaxHD = 0;
int nMinHD = 0;
int nHD = GetHitDiceByXP(IntToFloat(GetXP(oPlayer)));;
// Check eligibility requirements when awarding dead players (just distance)
(GetCurrentHitPoints(oPlayer) > 0) &&
((GetArea(OBJECT_SELF) != GetArea(oPlayer)) ||
(GetDistanceToObject(oPlayer) > 45.0f)))
sMessage = "Your are too far from combat and thus are ineligible for " +
"XP awards.";
bReturn = FALSE;
// Otherwise check if player is alive
else if (!B_AWARD_DEAD_PLAYERS && GetCurrentHitPoints(oPlayer) < 0)
sMessage = "Your are dead and thus are ineligible for XP awards.";
bReturn = FALSE;
// Otherwise check distance to self (the killed creature) - if you have
// B_AWARD_DEAD_PLAYERS set to TRUE, it won't keep awarding dead players
// once the party moves on if they choose to stay dead. Caveat: if you have
// a respawning encounter at the same location, the dead guy will continue
// to receive awards if he just sits there dead while the rest of the party
// keeps killing mobs. Use B_AWARD_DEAD_PLAYERS with caution on PWs.
else if ((GetArea(OBJECT_SELF) != GetArea(oPlayer)) ||
(GetDistanceToObject(oPlayer) > 45.0f))
sMessage = "Your are too far away and thus are ineligible for XP awards.";
bReturn = FALSE;
// Otherwise, check party level difference eligibility (no award for party)
sMessage = "Your party has more than " +
" levels of difference and thus is ineligible for XP awards.";
bReturn = FALSE;
// Otherwise, check party level difference eligibility (no award for low hd members)
sMessage = "There is more than " +
" levels of difference between you and the most powerful " +
" party member and thus you are ineligible for XP awards.";
bReturn = FALSE;
// Let 'em know why they didn't get the award
if (!bReturn && !bCountMembers)
SendMessageToPC(oPlayer, sMessage);
return bReturn;
// GetXPFromTable, inputs: level and CR, output: experience points
int GetXPFromTable(int nHD, float fCR)
// Check our hit dice versus CR limits
int nCR = FloatToInt(fCR);
return 1;
int nAward = 0;
int nMaxAward = 0;
// Otherwise, determine XP
// Convert to floats to minimize truncation error
float fHD = IntToFloat(nHD);
// Sanity check
if (fHD < 1.0f)
fHD = 1.0f;
// Determine what it took to be this level
float fXPLevel = fHD * (fHD - 1.0f) * 500.0f;
// And what it takes to be the next level
float fXPNextLevel = fHD * (fHD + 1.0f) * 500.0f;
// And take the difference
float fXPDifference = fXPNextLevel - fXPLevel;
// Convert to floats to minimize truncation error
float fEncPerLevel = IntToFloat(N_ENCOUNTERS_PER_LEVEL);
// Check our increase slider and adjust encounters per level if need be
float fInc = IntToFloat(N_ENC_INCREASE_SLIDER);
fEncPerLevel = fEncPerLevel + (fInc * (fHD - 1.0f) * 0.33f);
// Sanity check (it IS configurable...)
if (fEncPerLevel < 1.0f)
fEncPerLevel = 1.0f;
// And use it to determine xp for this many encounters per level
float fBaseXP = fXPDifference / fEncPerLevel;
// Adjust for CR vs Level difference
float fAdjust = IntToFloat(N_CR_HD_PENALTY_SLIDER) / 100.0f;
if (FloatToInt(fCR) == nHD)
nAward = FloatToInt(fBaseXP);
else if (fCR > fHD)
nAward = FloatToInt(fBaseXP * pow((1.5f - fAdjust), (fCR - fHD)));
else // fHD > fCR
nAward = FloatToInt(fBaseXP * pow((0.8f - fAdjust), (fHD - fCR)));
// Adjust for maximum
nMaxAward = N_MAX_AWARD_X_BASE * FloatToInt(fBaseXP);
if (nAward > nMaxAward)
nAward = nMaxAward;
// Phew!
return nAward;
// AwardXP, inputs: the killing object, output: none (returned)
void AwardXP(object oKiller)
// We'll start by declaring (and sometimes getting) our variables
// we received the killer as an argument (don't need to declare)
float fPartyMembers = 0.0f;
int nIndex = 0;
int nHD = 0;
int nXP = 0;
int nHoldXP = 0;
int nAssociateType = 0;
float fTotalXP = 0.0f;
float fScale = 1.0f;
float fCR = GetChallengeRating(OBJECT_SELF);
object oMaster = GetMaster(oKiller);
object oMember;
// Update 8/29/10 - if OBJECT_SELF is a trap then get the CR from the
// variable stored on OBJECT_SELF.
fCR = GetLocalFloat(OBJECT_SELF, "ST_TRAP_CR");
// Update 5/19/04 - make sure we check the actual master in case we have a
// henchman or other associate who also has an associate (for example,
// henchman is a wizard and has a familiar or has summoned a creature).
// Update 07/12/04 thanks to ***RodneyOrpheus*** fixed nasty bug here
while (GetIsObjectValid(oMaster))
oKiller = oMaster;
oMaster = GetMaster(oKiller);
// Sanity check - should only happen if creature is invalid
// No point in calculating any more if CR is less than or = to 0
// or if the script's module slider is set to 0
if (fCR <= 0.0 || N_MODULE_XP_SLIDER == 0)
// Before we start calculating XP, let's check to see if we are a controlled
// type* of someone else. * summoned/familiar/companion/dominated
// Update 8/5/04 - thanks ***Belial Prime*** - we were hitting this check on
// DM controlled enemies, where we should still be awarding xp.
// Used GetAssociateType instead of GetMaster.
// This will also ensure we award XP for traps.
// Thanks to *** Sotae *** for this idea
if (GetIsObjectValid(GetTrapCreator(oKiller)))
oKiller = GetTrapCreator(oKiller);
// Determine level differences if necessary
// First let's determine the number of members in the party. The values of
// B_COUNT_HENCHMEN and B_COUNT_ASSOCIATES will determine whether or not
// we count henchman and other associates when determining the total number
// of party members to divide the Total XP award by. Although the DMG
// doesn't specify for players, the DMG does specify for that for enemies,
// we don't count xp separately for their creatures added to their forces.
// Since henchman can play such a big role, I recommend counting them.
// Note: I don't award XP to associates, I just use them in determining
// the factor to divide the total XP if specified.
oMember = GetFirstFactionMember(oKiller); // this only returns PC's
while (GetIsObjectValid(oMember))
// Sanity check - first let's see if the PC member is in the same area as
// the creature just killed and if the member was in combat. This way,
// if the member's in the area, but not in combat - we won't include
// him. It should be noted, there's a delay after an enemy is killed and
// before a PC is no longer in combat. (Try resting immediately after
// you've killed an enemy, and also note the music). This delay is
// sufficient for us to count XP. Handy! Note: this delay does NOT occur
// if the player is dead, so dead members will NOT be awarded XP.
if (IsPlayerEligible(oMember, TRUE))
// Add the PC him/herself
fPartyMembers += IntToFloat(N_MEMBER_WEIGHT_SLIDER) / 100.0f;
// We'll treat henchmen separately from the other associates, as,
// since version 1.59, you can have more than one henchman.
// Loop through the available henchmen and see if he's got 'em
// Update 08/05/04 - fixed off by one error in the comparison
for (nIndex = 1; nIndex <= GetMaxHenchmen(); nIndex++)
if (GetIsObjectValid(GetHenchman(oMember, nIndex)))
// Increment by number of henchmen
fPartyMembers +=
IntToFloat(N_MEMBER_WEIGHT_SLIDER) / 100.0f;
// According to the lexicon, henchman is the only associate type
// that the PC's can have more than one of, so we'll make a simple
// check once for each type. I looked in the nwscript.nss file, and
// the associate types range from 0 - 5 (where 0 is none, 1 is
// henchmen and 2 - 5 are the one's we are interested in)
// Loop through each associate type, not including henchmen
nAssociateType <= ASSOCIATE_TYPE_DOMINATED; nAssociateType++)
if (GetIsObjectValid(GetAssociate(nAssociateType, oMember)))
// Increment by number of associates
fPartyMembers +=
IntToFloat(N_MEMBER_WEIGHT_SLIDER) / 100.0f;
} // End if (IsPlayerEligible(oMember))
// Get the next guy in the PC's party
oMember = GetNextFactionMember(oMember);
} // end while (GetIsObjectValid(oMember))
// Minimum party members is 1
if (fPartyMembers < 1.0f)
fPartyMembers = 1.0f;
// According to the DMG, there are 6 steps. The 6th step is a loop, so
// we'll start with that. (why didn't we start yet - because we needed to
// know the total party members first)
oMember = GetFirstFactionMember(oKiller);
while (GetIsObjectValid(oMember))
// Same check as before
if (IsPlayerEligible(oMember))
// Step 1. determine character level
// Update 08/05/04 - thanks ***Belial Prime*** We want to get level
// by xp, to discourage pcs from waiting to level
nHD = GetHitDiceByXP(IntToFloat(GetXP(oMember)));
// Step 2. get the monster's fCR
// fCR = GetChallengeRating(OBJECT_SELF); // we've already done this
// Step 3. consult the table and adjust using N_MODULE_XP_SLIDER
// Update 08/05/04 - go back to using rounding instead of truncation
fScale = IntToFloat(N_MODULE_XP_SLIDER) / 10.0f;
fTotalXP = IntToFloat(GetXPFromTable(nHD, fCR)) * fScale;
// Step 4. divide the XP by the number of party members
// we did the sanity check above, so we can't get DIV/0
nXP = FloatToInt((fTotalXP / fPartyMembers) + 0.5f);
// Step 5. is taken care of by calling this script when each
// monster's OnDeath script gets called (this one)
// Award the XP to the PC - always award at least 1 xp so we know the
// awards are working
if (nXP <= 0)
nXP = 1;
// Use the standard bioware penalty for multi-class characters
GiveXPToCreature(oMember, nXP);
// Or use get and set to bypass the multi-class penalty
// Thanks to *** Ima Dufus *** for this idea
// We'll get the current xp
nHoldXP = GetXP(oMember);
// Add them to our newly calculated xp
nXP += nHoldXP;
// And re-assign the total,
// thus bypassing the multi-class penalty
SetXP(oMember, nXP);
} // End if (IsPlayerEligible(oMember))
// Step 6. get the next guy
oMember = GetNextFactionMember(oMember);
} // End while (GetIsObjectValid(oMember))
Set the XP slider on the module to "0" and add this line to the bottom on nw_c2_default9 and the OnDisarm Event of any traps in your module. When using it for Traps you'll have to set the FLOAT variable "ST_TRAP_CR" on the object that is trapped - this stores the challenge rating of the trap. You can also use this one line in the OnDeath event of placeables, doors, etc.
I cannot say enough about this system. IMO, its the best XP system on the Vault for beginners and oldtimers alike.