That somewhat disinterests me. Not that creatures couldn't be given the ability to heal when encountering a particular damage, but giving this power to player characters. For example, fire elementals seem a perfect fit for this ability; add fire to fire and get more fire. However, unless you have a druid shifting into this form, there is really no need for a PC to have or even expect this ability. I have so often read threads where immunities to ability loss, critical hits, and other things were deemed way to powerful and servers were looking for ways to bypass them for abilities such as crippling strike. My take is why (besides shifted forms) are you actually giving these to players? A lot of these immunities were designed for creatures that would naturally be unaffected by ability loss, critical hits, etc. by the form they exist in. Don't expect to find a critical weakness in golems. Negative energy bursts should probably not be lowering a golem's strength. If we stop the PCs from having monster-like immunities then the monsters may actually look more dangerous and more unique. But that's my rant.
Hi WhiZ
While I word it that Players can manipulate their damage and heal, it is actually at a creature level.
So NPC's and Players alike can make use of the feature.
Some Persistent Worlds use tools like nwnx to extend and reach new limits of functionality in nwn.
For instance, with nwnx_cool - you can have as many nwn levels as you want.
With this in mind, you could have HP in the range of 5000+
In which case the typical damage levels associated with some bosses or high level content may need adjusted.
Eg: Instead of a boss dealing 100 points of damage, you could apply a multiplier at combat time to adjust it by 2x
With damage hooks, the limit is your imagination.
Heal on damage types, apply extra damage per type
Convert damage types to another damage type etc
I have even made a boss who is immune to damage types based on switches that are toggled on and off around his arena
Players have to turn them off every 1 minutes to keep him damagable.
Also implemented a final fantasy XIII stagger type system - every time damage is suffered, 1% of the damage is added to a counter, and when that counter gets to 500, it staggers the boss.
This then makes all damage he suffers for 1 minute be doubled.
Then when he recovers, he deals double damage for 25 seconds.
This dynamic promotes pummelling the boss and then running away or defensive behaviour when he suddenly goes all ragey on the players.