It compiles, however the text does not display. It's supposed to, even though it's checking for not having the feat and gold. Help?
'> Thanks.
int StartingConditional(){
//Here we are checking for the gold amount with variables.. object oPC = GetPCSpeaker(); object oVa = GetItemPossessedBy(oPC, "VariableHolder");
int nSkill = GetLocalInt(oVa, "SkillLevel"); int nECL = GetLocalInt(oVa, "ECL"); int nGP = nSkill + nECL * 100 + 400 * nSkill + nECL;
if ( GetGold(oPC) >= nGP || GetHasFeat(FEAT_SPELL_FOCUS_CONJURATION, oPC)) return FALSE;
return TRUE;}