Author Topic: Random Buried Treasure and Maps  (Read 618 times)


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Random Buried Treasure and Maps
« Reply #30 on: August 10, 2013, 10:18:53 pm »

               Well the system SquattingMonk gave me actually is a bit random. I have like 100 TreasureWPs scattered all around the places And like hell will I remember where I put every one of them in the future, lol, mission accomplished (I mentioned I want a random system where even I can't know where the treasures are.) so I'm happy with it. (I have like 5 waypoints per area, and this system does count them as individual waypoints even though they are the same tag and resref. So it does make the treasures more random.)

Meaglyn: Yeah I figured out today that I can stamp those into my existing script and replace somethings, I haven't tried it out yet, but I have faith it'll work. Thanks for your help '<img'>

Also yes, I plan to make some sort of climbing system in the future, not sure about swimming, but I have an underwater system already, with flying animation as swimming. I just need to figure out how to make air pockets or something, so you won't need immunities to not drown.



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Random Buried Treasure and Maps
« Reply #31 on: August 10, 2013, 10:23:29 pm »

               Oh, and just a side question:

I did some modifications to the system, now you get the X placeable instead of the chest, which you need to talk to and then have a shovel equipped to dig it up, which then does simple animations and visuals (Get from Waist and visual for chunks of sand/rock) what I need to accompany it, is some sort of shoveling sound... So far I haven't managed to figure out what do I need to add to the variables list in order to use "PlaySound" function ?


Legacy_Squatting Monk

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Random Buried Treasure and Maps
« Reply #32 on: August 10, 2013, 10:26:05 pm »

               You should just be able to add PlaySound("your_sound_here"); to the script that fires the animations.


                     Modifié par Squatting Monk, 10 août 2013 - 09:26 .



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Random Buried Treasure and Maps
« Reply #33 on: August 10, 2013, 11:15:24 pm »

               Oh... so it seems, thanks. I wonder where I got the idea that I need something.



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Random Buried Treasure and Maps
« Reply #34 on: August 21, 2013, 12:07:35 am »

               Looks like you just about got it, but I'll float another idea anyway...

For things like this, treasure hunts or murder mysteries, I tend to use generic triggers.

Many ways to do it, but lets say it goes like this:

1) PC finds a treasure map.  He uses it.  The onactivate script sets a variable.  I would use a level check on the PC, and to begin with just have 5 preset hidden treasures per every 5 levels, with a few unique treasures attached to unique maps set in hard dungeons.

2) So PC uses the map, the variable is set to, let's say, 6.  A message is sent to the PC saying the treasure is in the northern part of the Swamp of Desolation or some such.  Variable is upgraded +1.  PC goes there.  

3) Now in the areas close to the area where the treasure is, you have some triggers.  When the PC enters the trigger, a variable check is made and a message sent to the PC.  I do my best to use ONE SINGLE SCRIPT for all of my triggers that are of this nature.  Keep it as simple as you can.  So maybe on the variable check, which is just to determine that the PC has the map, the message says: You need to go north, or You are getting close.  You need to go north.

4) Eventually the PC should be really close.  Now you could have a usable placeable or another trigger, or both (I would just use a trigger myself - keep it simple), and here the PC interacts with the trigger or placeable and it spawns a chest.  Maybe from a conversation, such as, "You have found some disturbed earth, do you use your shovel to dig?"  "Yes, I do," or if no shovel in inventory "Damn, I don't have a shovel."  

5) The chest spawns.  It can be tied in to the loot system, so the player actually opens it, or perma locked and uses a script to spawn treasure right on the PC.

The beauty of the system is that you don't have to keep spawning waypoints everywhere, just place the triggers.

To avoid too many repeats for chest locations, you could add to the onactivate script a variable check that prevents a variable from being reused until all the other variables for that level range have been used up.

If you are evil, you could add in random chances for the treasure having already been dug up, or the chest holding another map.



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Random Buried Treasure and Maps
« Reply #35 on: August 24, 2013, 04:44:28 pm »

               I did one where you purchase a treasure map that works in various locations..i.e. any area that has an inter Treasure set to 1 on it.  This way you can it easily expand it. So each area so marked will have a
chest in it that you can locate with your map.  When you are in the area and consult your map: you get:
1. Your map is dark, if no chest in area, i.e. in this case you have already found the chest since we are considering only areas where a treasure was existent.
2. Your map flickers: chest in area too far away to get exact co-ordinates.
3. A spot on your map lights up: chest detected 2-15 meters in a direction which your facing is now auto-turned to.  
4. Usually whinin 3 tries you find the chest within 1 meter and you consult your map the chest appears in that spot.
With this method there is no need to place wp's except for the chest random wp and a trigger, which can be as big or small as you want.  The trigger is what allows you to begin your chest search.  I find a 15 meter square works well.  Anyway I was very happy with the results.
Just to make it bit easier each location is given a general section of an area with a verbal description of where to start searching.
I use a decreasing range with each wp creation and destruction.  So a typical result might be
There is a chest 9 meters/paces in x direction (I use the term paces in the description) 6 paces in x
direction..2 paces in x direction..etc...
I lock out future discoveries of the chest by creating and setting the id of the area on the database object on the pc and set chest found to 1.



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Random Buried Treasure and Maps
« Reply #36 on: August 24, 2013, 11:29:36 pm »


With this method there is no need to place wp's except for the chest random wp and a trigger, which can be as big or small as you want. 

Our secrets systems use only a trigger, and the system I suggested to the op would only need either a wp or a position. Both a wp and a trigger seem like overkill. The int is too, though I like the principle. Really, cleanest would be a string holding the position/s of secrets in the area, with space and comma seperators, e.g., "35.1,22.0,0.1 11.0,4.0,1.1". Then you could just set the var and run everything off the item. If GetLocalString(oArea, "Blah") != "", there's secret treasure in the area, and you can parse the string to figure out which is nearest. Also pretty easy to wipe all but one of the substrings with seperator " " if you only want one position valid per reset or whatever...



                     Modifié par FunkySwerve, 24 août 2013 - 10:30 .