Author Topic: I could use some help solving a shop problem.  (Read 263 times)


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I could use some help solving a shop problem.
« on: June 25, 2013, 08:27:26 pm »

               SO while playtesting my mod I noticed anytime I sold items
to merchants the items are removed from the shop in about 15-30 seconds after I
sold them to the shop. So I tried to build a pawn shop in the same area. Saved it
all and went in and tested it. Items were still being removed from the pawn
shop. Now I made sure to not connect it to anything related to the area, so I went
to step two and built a separate area for the pawn shop and moved the shop and
merchant into the new area. Items were still being removed from the shop.

Now my question is, I went into the mod properties and
started going through all the mod setting scripts. I can’t seem to figure out
where this scripting may be located. I tried looking in on acquire item, on mod
load, on client enter, on un acquire item, on heartbeat. From what I could tell
it was not located in these places.

As it stands I am working on the Legends of chance mod found
on the vault. I would gladly send a copy of the mod to a scripter to see if
they can find it, or I could repost scripts, whichever is easiest. I just need
my shops to no longer remove items from their inventories.

Or if you think you can walk me through a fix let me know.

Thank you

Omen Shepperd/ DM Adam Warlock

Admin Beyond the Mists.


                     Modifié par omen_shepperd, 25 juin 2013 - 08:37 .



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I could use some help solving a shop problem.
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2013, 08:55:11 pm »

               Have you looked at the scripts associated with the store itself?  There are scripts for store open and store close.

I don't recommend cutting and pasting from microsoft word to the forum. There is a lot of noise in your post above.



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I could use some help solving a shop problem.
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2013, 09:45:48 pm »

               Yes, the only thing in the shop scripts is the opening of the shops. It happened in two completely separate areas of the mod so I am thinking it is mod wide.

And sorry for all the extra noise, I normally edit it out right after posting, my six year old has been on extra hyper today and distracted me for a few minutes.


Legacy_Fester Pot

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I could use some help solving a shop problem.
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2013, 09:54:13 pm »

               Could be module wide, a sort of shop clean-up script if it's on the backend of a PW starter kit of some kind. Are the TAG of your shops similar? If so, you could do a script search for the TAG.

Sounds like a clean-up script that could also be on the HB of a placeable as well, rather than a script in the module properties portion of the module.




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I could use some help solving a shop problem.
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2013, 09:58:54 pm »

               Something doesn't smell right here. Look closely at the store settings.

Also you can look at the onacquire scripts. I think those can influence the store.

FYI - some advice on placing stores, it is most efficient to place the store waypoint in an area that players never enter. When you mentioned the stores were in different areas, I squinted. Its better practice to place them in the same area and outside of active play.



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I could use some help solving a shop problem.
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2013, 10:00:21 pm »

               Thank you Fester Pot I will start looking around the mod for those suggestions.



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I could use some help solving a shop problem.
« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2013, 10:07:02 pm »

               I think I would do a search of the scripts for the constant OBJECT_TYPE_STORE



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I could use some help solving a shop problem.
« Reply #7 on: June 26, 2013, 03:16:59 pm »

               Odds are its found in your module's OnUnAcquired Event .. look there and remove or comment out the line that looks like this most likely; "if (GetObjectType(GetItemPossessor(oItem)) == OBJECT_TYPE_STORE) DestroyObject(oItem, 0.1f);".