Author Topic: Possible to hold off attack during combat..?  (Read 239 times)


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Possible to hold off attack during combat..?
« on: June 15, 2013, 03:20:44 pm »

               I know people have done some work with turn based combat but I thought of something a little different...

First... Is it possible to initiate combat with an enemy faction PC(red), have the PC(blue) approach to combat range and get into combat stance animation and yet, not attack..? Done through the module events somewhere..? On PC's themselves..? An item's special use and just script out the entire..:

move here
play attack stance animation
wait for next command from... conversation etc...

Looking to initiate this sort of combat for PvP only and not NPC's of any sort... Sort of a turn based system but not initiating an area wide 'TURN' that everyone must adhere to. The turns are boiled down to individual little fights that get resolved by PC input and can take as long as they feel like... One PC is set as attacker after 'initiative+modifiers' then picks an 'attack', the defender picks a 'defense' and after both have confirmed (niether would know what the other has chosen of course) that 'turn' of combat occurs then attacker/defender status switches, and it happens all over again...

A real basic scritped item implementation might be something like this..:

Three melee attacks

Three defenses

It's pretty much what it looks like except that defending -mid is sort of a 'catch all' defense... It would block all three attacks but only block the -mid attack fully... -High and -low would push some damage past... May even be possible to get more complex and have -high defense fully block -high attack and only some of -mid attack etc... If all this is possible, then of course you could get even more complex and add in PC's special attacks/abilities/spells etc..?

Starts to get out of hand maybe..?


Maybe I'm overthinking the whole choose an attack and defense thing and just let the game handle combat the way it does but delay the input until both(or more?) PC's are ready for it to occur then re-hash..? Let the PC's handle the turns among themselves and thier little fights without shutting down an area and waiting for everyone to be done or whatever...



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Possible to hold off attack during combat..?
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2013, 01:03:55 am »

               The only way that springs to mind is Cutscene paralysis.
Freeze the 2 attackers, then remove the freeze at the time you want.
But once they resume they would attack in whatever order the default bioware battle queue puts them in.
Guess u could set it to unfreeze one opponent but not the other, and alternate ?



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Possible to hold off attack during combat..?
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2013, 02:42:57 pm »

               You could try a to dominate them.   That should give you an AI script from the states.2da that you could hook into.