I've recently uploaded my nwnx2 chat commands & color system to the vault, it's just got approved, yay, thanks kip!
nwvault.ign.com/View.phpIt includes nwnx_funcs & nwnx_cool as well, so there is a lot of room for customization here, which would also allow the DM to modify their weapons w/ chat commands, e.g. give them 20 attacks/round, change their character stats / add feats, or whatever IN GAME, but its' up to the builder/scripter to edit the system to their taste....
I've also provided my persistent Chest & DM Store, & new dimensionals tent (which includes party loot dividing).
I've only integrated Higher Grounds Emotes & Dice Rolling, it does NOT read / use tells, sorry.
(I cannot support Sim Tools in my Chat Commands, as it would probably cause issues.)
There is also one other system I forgot to talk about, there is a custom conversation system that I setup in this module, which basically has integrated ALL of the conversations into one script routine, so you builders/scripters could learn a lot from this system, as it will permit you to integrate all of your conversations into the same conversation script routine (gen_conv_) Basically it has allowed me to remove 200+ scripts from the module!
Finally, I may update this later to include my DM Toolz, which is a conversation that gives the DMs a huge amount of control & features w/ nwnx2, bascially they target a PC with the DM Tool, and they will be able to do just about anything to the PC (while playing themselves as a PC as well!)
Anyway, Cheers & Enjoy, if you can..
Genisys / Guile
Updated to the final edition, fixed the DM Scry / (DM Toolz) conversation, added some more features (as some features were not working as well), and removed quite a few script. (147 total now)Still a very impressive system for what all it can do, definitely! (use the same link provided)6/11/2013
Modifié par _Guile, 12 juin 2013 - 05:04 .