Author Topic: Item Text Color Chart?  (Read 301 times)


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Item Text Color Chart?
« on: June 18, 2012, 10:18:42 pm »

                Does anyone where I could find a color chart for the custom text colors on items?

<cþ>Item Name</c> = Lime Green
<c¥>Item Name</c>= Dark Green

but what are the others or where could I find a cheat sheet?



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Item Text Color Chart?
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2012, 10:30:08 pm »

               I doubt this is the full list, but perhaps shows the range.

GREEN = <c0¡0>Item Name</c>
LIME = <c¡Òd>Item Name</c>
BLUE = <czz¡>Item Name</c>
PALEBLUE = <cdd¡>Item Name</c>
VIOLET = <c¡dÑ>Item Name</c>
PURPLE = <c¢Gd>Item Name</c>
SANDY = <c¢dG>Item Name</c>
DARKRED = <c¡*0>Item Name</c>
PINK = <cÃ’dd>Item Name</c>
LIGHTPINK = <cÃ’dd>Item Name</c>
GREY = <c¡¡±>Item Name</c>



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Item Text Color Chart?
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2012, 11:06:05 pm »

               <cÿ  > red</c> <cÍ  > red</c> <c¡  > red </c> <ci  > red </c> <c2  > red </c> <c"  > red </c>
<cÿ~ > orange </c> <cÍf > orange</c><c¡P >orange</c><ci2 >orange</c><c2" >orange</c><c"">orange</c>
<cÿÿ > yellow </c> <cÍÍ > yellow</c><c¡¥ >yellow</c><cii >yellow</c><c22 >yellow</c><c"" >yellow</c>
<c ÿ > green </c> <c Í > green</c><c ¡ >green</c><c i >green</c><c 2 >green</c><c " >green</c>
<c ÿÿ> cyan </c> <c ÍÍ> cyan</c><c ¡¥>cyan</c><c ii>cyan</c><c 22>cyan</c><c "">cyan</c>
<c  Ã¿> blue </c> <c  Ã> blue</c><c  Â¡>blue</c><c  i>blue</c><c  2>blue</c><c  ">blue</c>
<cÿ ÿ> purple </c> <cÍ Í> purple</c><c¡ ¥>purple</c><ci i>purple</c><c2 2>purple</c><c" ">purple</c>
<cÿÿÿ> white </c> <cÍÍÍ> white</c><c¡¥¥>white</c><ciii>white</c><c222>white</c><c""">white</c>

different versions of colors, left is darkest followed by lightest



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Item Text Color Chart?
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2012, 11:44:49 pm »

                Try these

and why not my color include:


                     Modifié par henesua, 18 juin 2012 - 10:47 .



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Item Text Color Chart?
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2012, 08:35:31 am »

               I have a script somehwere that allows you to use custom tokens to display any color anywhere where custom tokens are accepted, and that includes item names. I can post it once I get home on thursday if you want it.

Basically you type <CUSTOM6000> where you replace the 000 with the RGB value you want the text to be.
so 000 is black
900 red
099 cyan
400 dark red
202 very dark purple
<CUSTOM7000> equals <\\c>, I added it for consistency and since writing <\\c> doesn't work in all the places where custom tokens do.

If you don't know what RGB is you can google it, its very simple.
Basically if you wanted an item named Reddy you would type this as its name:


                     Modifié par Xardex, 19 juin 2012 - 07:37 .



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Item Text Color Chart?
« Reply #5 on: June 19, 2012, 10:34:27 am »

               You can also check out Carcerian's Color Text Functions v1.2, I actually made a keyword system that could also be used as an index, and some other fun stuff, like random rainbow text, and varied text within designer specified color ranges...

_inc_color_text_.nss  (Note: for example only, do not use quoted color strings, use download instead)

string sColors = "                                            !!#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~€‚ƒ„…†‡ˠ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸ¡¢£¤¥§©©ª«¬­®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¸º»¼½¾¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅàÇÈÉàËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþþþ";
// Returns Pseudo-Ascii Character (for color use only, not accurate Ascii)
string ASCII(int iAsciiCode) // 0 - 255
    int ASCIIReturn = iAsciiCode;
    if (ASCIIReturn<0) ASCIIReturn = 0;
    else if (ASCIIReturn>255) ASCIIReturn = 255;
    return GetSubString(sColors,iAsciiCode+1,1);

// Returns Pseudo-Ascii Integer Value (for color use only, not accurate Ascii)
int ASCIIToInt(string sLookup)
    return FindSubString(sColors, sLookup)-1;

// Returns a Color Code Based on Pseudo-Ascii
string RGB(int iR, int iG, int iB) // 0-255
    return "<c"+ASCII(iR)+ASCII(iG)+ASCII(iB)+">";

const string TEXT_COLOR_RED    =  "þ  ";
const string TEXT_COLOR_ORANGE =  "þœ ";
const string TEXT_COLOR_YELLOW =  "þþ ";
const string TEXT_COLOR_GREEN  =  " þ ";
const string TEXT_COLOR_BLUE   =  "  þ";
const string TEXT_COLOR_CYAN   =  " þþ";
const string TEXT_COLOR_PURPLE =  "þ þ";
const string TEXT_COLOR_WHITE  =  "þþþ";
const string TEXT_COLOR_GREY   =  "~~~";
const string TEXT_COLOR_CRIMSON = "‘  ";
const string TEXT_COLOR_EMERALD = " ~ ";
const string TEXT_COLOR_BROWN   = "Ç~6";
const string TEXT_COLOR_AZURE   = "~~þ";

string RGBColorText(string RGBCode, string sText)
  return "<c"+ RGBCode +">"+ sText +"</c>";

//ColorText Function, uses either a color token or a 3-Digit Color Code
//Codes can be copied and pasted to item and placable names, descriptions, etc '<img'>
string ColorText(string ColorCode, string sText)
       if (ColorCode == "crimson")      ColorCode = "<c‘  >";
  else if (ColorCode == "red")          ColorCode = "<cþ  >";
  else if (ColorCode == "plum")         ColorCode = "<cþww>";
  else if (ColorCode == "tangerine")    ColorCode = "<cÇZ >";
  else if (ColorCode == "orange")       ColorCode = "<cþœ >";
  else if (ColorCode == "peach")        ColorCode = "<cþÇ >";
  else if (ColorCode == "amber")        ColorCode = "<cÅ“Å“ >";
  else if (ColorCode == "yellow")       ColorCode = "<cþþ >";
  else if (ColorCode == "lemon")        ColorCode = "<cþþw>";
  else if (ColorCode == "emerald")      ColorCode = "<c ~ >";
  else if (ColorCode == "green")        ColorCode = "<c þ >";
  else if (ColorCode == "lime")         ColorCode = "<cwþw>";
  else if (ColorCode == "midnight")     ColorCode = "<c  t>";
  else if (ColorCode == "navy")         ColorCode = "<c  ‘>";
  else if (ColorCode == "blue")         ColorCode = "<c  þ>";
  else if (ColorCode == "azure")        ColorCode = "<c~~þ>";
  else if (ColorCode == "skyblue")      ColorCode = "<cÇÇþ>";
  else if (ColorCode == "violet")       ColorCode = "<cÂ¥ Â¥>";
  else if (ColorCode == "purple")       ColorCode = "<cþ þ>";
  else if (ColorCode == "lavender")     ColorCode = "<cþ~þ>";
  else if (ColorCode == "black")        ColorCode = "<c   >";
  else if (ColorCode == "slate")        ColorCode = "<c666>";
  else if (ColorCode == "darkgrey")     ColorCode = "<cZZZ>";
  else if (ColorCode == "grey")         ColorCode = "<c~~~>";
  else if (ColorCode == "lightgrey")    ColorCode = "<c¯¯¯>";
  else if (ColorCode == "white")        ColorCode = "<cþþþ>";
  else if (ColorCode == "turquoise")    ColorCode = "<c ¥¥>";
  else if (ColorCode == "jade")         ColorCode = "<c tt>";
  else if (ColorCode == "cyan")         ColorCode = "<c þþ>";
  else if (ColorCode == "cerulean")     ColorCode = "<cœþþ>";
  else if (ColorCode == "aqua")         ColorCode = "<cZǯ>";
  else if (ColorCode == "silver")       ColorCode = "<c¿¯Ç>";
  else if (ColorCode == "rose")         ColorCode = "<cÃŽFF>";
  else if (ColorCode == "pink")         ColorCode = "<cþV¿>";
  else if (ColorCode == "wood")         ColorCode = "<c‘Z(>";
  else if (ColorCode == "brown")        ColorCode = "<cÇ~6>";
  else if (ColorCode == "tan")          ColorCode = "<cß‘F>";
  else if (ColorCode == "flesh")        ColorCode = "<cû¥Z>";
  else if (ColorCode == "ivory")        ColorCode = "<cþÎ¥>";
  else if (ColorCode == "gold")         ColorCode = "<cþ¿6>";
  else if (ColorCode == "random")
        switch (d3())
            case 1: ColorCode = RGB(Random(128)+128,Random(192)+64,Random(192)+64); break;
            case 2: ColorCode = RGB(Random(192)+64,Random(128)+128,Random(192)+64); break;
            case 3: ColorCode = RGB(Random(192)+64,Random(192)+64,Random(128)+128); break;

    return ColorCode + sText + "</c>";

int LoInt(int iInt1, int iInt2) {return (iInt1>iInt2)?iInt2:iInt1;}

int HiInt(int iInt1, int iInt2) {return (iInt1>iInt2)?iInt1:iInt2;}

string JumbleCode(string JColor1, string JColor2)
    string sR1=(GetSubString(JColor1,0,1));
    string sG1=(GetSubString(JColor1,1,1));
    string sB1=(GetSubString(JColor1,2,1));

    string sR2=(GetSubString(JColor2,0,1));
    string sG2=(GetSubString(JColor2,1,1));
    string sB2=(GetSubString(JColor2,2,1));

    int RHi=HiInt(ASCIIToInt(sR1),ASCIIToInt(sR2));
    int RLo=LoInt(ASCIIToInt(sR1),ASCIIToInt(sR2));
    int GHi=HiInt(ASCIIToInt(sG1),ASCIIToInt(sG2));
    int GLo=LoInt(ASCIIToInt(sG1),ASCIIToInt(sG2));
    int BHi=HiInt(ASCIIToInt(sB1),ASCIIToInt(sB2));
    int BLo=LoInt(ASCIIToInt(sB1),ASCIIToInt(sB2));

    return ASCII(Random(RHi-RLo)+RLo+1)+ASCII(Random(GHi-GLo)+GLo+1)+ASCII(Random(BHi-BLo)+BLo+1);

//Jumble Text randomly selects a color between Color1 and Color2
string JumbledText(string Color1, string Color2, string JumbleString)
    int j;
    string ReturnString;
    while (j<(GetStringLength(JumbleString)))
        ReturnString = ReturnString+"<c"+JumbleCode(Color1,Color2)+">"+GetSubString(JumbleString,j,1)+"</c>";
    return ReturnString;

string ChaoticText(string RandomString)
    int i=1;
    string ReturnString;

    while (i<(GetStringLength(RandomString)+1))
        ReturnString = ReturnString + ColorText("random",GetSubString(RandomString,i-1,1));
    return ReturnString;

Known bugs: "red" and "tan" color codes should be changed to longer keywords, as they get confused with 3 letter codes.

I use keywords "rose" and "beige" now '<img'>

(Yet another thing I need to update...)


                     Modifié par Carcerian, 19 juin 2012 - 09:51 .



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Item Text Color Chart?
« Reply #6 on: July 02, 2012, 11:58:19 pm »

               I didn't give thanks to the replies, so
"thank you kindly!" these came in very useful.



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Item Text Color Chart?
« Reply #7 on: July 03, 2012, 01:15:23 am »


I use the Hitch Hikers guide to Color Tokens by Gaoneng myself. '<img'>



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Item Text Color Chart?
« Reply #8 on: July 03, 2012, 06:34:40 am »

               Caught the vault on a good day, and updated to Carcerian's Color Text Functions v1.3 '<img'>

(Includes 3-Char-Code/Ascii Bugfixes)


                     Modifié par Carcerian, 03 juillet 2012 - 05:39 .