henesua wrote...
That wouldn't work in my module. I've put all the stores in a separate area, out of play.
I was wondering if that was how your module was designed. So here is a suggestion for an expansion to your system. Add a Dynamic conversation to your widget that:
1) Lists all PC in the Current Area, Allowing you to select one. In addition to directly Targeting the PC.
2) Gives an option of opening the store to all PCs in the Selected PC's party.
3) Dynamically List all of the stores in your Store Room Area. Allowing the DM to select any store in the module to be opened. .
4 ) Allow targeting of an NPC to preselect Store to open.
5) Allow Targeting an PC to Preselect a PC to open for.
6) allow Targeting the Ground to Start the conversation.
Conversatoin would look something like.
Open Store: < Store name > < store Tag >
For PC : < Pc Name > < Only/Party >
1) Select/Change PC
2) Toggle single Party.
3) Select/Change Store.
4 ) Open selected store For selected PCs
Just a thought.