I am using
this script from the vault for the time being.
I am using it not entirely as specified though, for a seamless edge transition several tiles wide to another part of the same area.
What I am noticing is that relative location on enter and exit are not uniform... sometimes dramatically off, and I am particularly fussy about details, so I was hoping there was a newer, cleaner solution to the problem.
There are a few other similar systems, most of which require way points and invisible objects, or specifically sized areas or triggers with overly complex naming schemes to track their size and location, and I was really hoping to avoid a lot of those hassles.
As an excercise in figuring the script out and hoping to find the issue with it out of the tin, I parsed it down as best I could, refined the suffix/prefix identifier sequence (which seems arbitrarily awkward), and pitched the log messages altogether, along with the action check. Naturally, my trimmed down version is even buggier than the original, but I was expecting no less. Mine was a journey of discovery, I didn't expect to find the golden fleece. Unfortunately, I didn't find a way to make the destination location more accurate either