Woohoo!! Solved
Thanks everyone especially WhiZard.
Summed up answer:
Copy the HoTU files ("X2..") from the nwm folder into modules folder. Give a different filename AND .mod extension.
In the Toolset, open the modules' "x2_s3_onhitcast" script. Add a statement 'if (GetTag(oItem) == "item-tag" ', containing the weapon's on-hit script directly. Then make an item, or put the .UTI into the override folder. Save, and start the OC through the New > other modules.
I used Lilac Soul's script program for the on-hit script. Also used cheat dm_spawnitem (item) to get item in game.
Modifié par zamiwas, 05 janvier 2012 - 04:46 .