The XP Slider in the Module > Advanced Tab, is really pretty good, where as most custom XP systems really aren't as good, to me that is. I have been using Scrafaces XP system, and it's accurate too, but the gold thing is just not very good. When a party of 5 team up and are fighting super hard monsters they end up getting a lot of XP & Gold. the killer can walk away with more XP too.
XP / Gold balance is extremely hard to obtain & keep, where if you give too much gold it will be a Monte Python campaign, where if you give too little gold then a player will be level 20-40 with + 3 gear or weak equipment etc... I have played on many modules where I got to level 20 quickly and I didn't have much better than + 1 to +2 items on me. This is bad.
Obviously most builders seek to be very much in control of XP & Gold on their modules, some even go through great measure to ensure that you do not get rich quick or rise in ranks too fast. I'm all for slow advancement provided the storyline/RP & game-play are excellent...
Slow advanced in a bland module makes me hate it instantly. I walk 8 maps to fight 2 goblins 3-5 times, Found some merchants in town, but that was it, nothing really exciting here to keep my interest, I walk a few more maps only meet some more of the same, so I close the module with 0 regret.
Are you wanting to use the CR to calculate XP?
Modifié par _Guile, 14 septembre 2011 - 01:44 .