Some stupid questions, but like i said, i'm not very good with scripts, lol.
float fDelay = 2.4f;
What does 2.4 equals in real time? 2.4mins?
object oDoor = GetNearestObjectByTag("dungleverdoor");
I assume thats the Door's tag, right? just making sure.
SetLocalInt(oArea, "dunglever", GetLocalInt(oArea, "dunglever")+1);
SetLocalInt(oArea, "dlattempts", GetLocalInt(oArea, "dlattempts")+1);
Are these just some scripting work i don't need to bother with? or do i need to set a variable someplace?
object oLev;
{ oLev = GetNearestObjectByTag("dunglever2");
else oLev = GetNearestObjectByTag("dunglever1");
I'll assume these are the tags for the levers, right? so i'ld be looking to add all the info and stuff for 2 more levers to make the script work for more then 2, right?
if(GetLocalInt(oArea, "dunglever") == 2)
SetLocked(oDoor, FALSE);
AssignCommand(oDoor, ActionOpenDoor(oDoor));
DelayCommand(0.5f, PlayAnimation(ANIMATION_PLACEABLE_DEACTIVATE));
DelayCommand(0.5f, SetLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF, "active", FALSE));
DelayCommand(0.5f, SetLocalInt(oArea, "dunglever", 0));
Again, i'll assume this is the if statement you mentioned?
Sorry for the trouble, just want to verify that i know what i think i know....or that maybe i'm worse then i thought i was o.o