This is really old but I found it lying around. Maybe you can tweak it to get what you're looking for:
Ok here's what you do...
Make a custom faction based on Hostile. Set it neutral (50) in both directions vs all other factions including itself.
Paint down two chairs facing each other about 10-15m or so apart.
- Set one's TAG to "DuelChair1", set the other's TAG to "DuelChair2"
- In their properties set them both on static, and make all their script slots blank.
Paint down two NPCs that will duel each other.
- Set one's TAG to "DuelGuy1", set the other's TAG to "DuelGuy2"
- In their properties, set them to Immortal and assign them to the custom faction you just made.
- Aside from that, you can customize the NPCs however you like.
- Set their scripts like so:
DuelGuy1 DuelGuy2
OnBlocked nw_c2_defaultd nw_c2_defaultd
OnCombatRoundEnd nw_c2_default3 nw_c2_default3
OnConversation nw_c2_defaultd nw_c2_defaultd
OnDamaged nw_c2_default6 nw_c2_default6
OnDeath nw_c2_defaultd nw_c2_defaultd
OnDisturbed nw_c2_defaultd nw_c2_defaultd
OnHeartbeat ** see below ** nw_c2_defaultd
OnPerception nw_c2_default2 nw_c2_default2
OnPhysicalAttacked nw_c2_default5 nw_c2_default5
OnRested nw_c2_defaulta nw_c2_defaulta
OnSpawn ** see below ** nw_c2_defaultd
OnSpellCast nw_c2_defaultb nw_c2_defaultb
OnUserDefined nw_c2_defaultd nw_c2_defaultd
Change DuelGuy1 to use the following heartbeat and spawn scripts. You can tweak the time they spend resting vs. fighting by changing the constants called ROUNDS_OF_RESTING and ROUNDS_OF_DUELING at the top of the two scripts -- the one in the spawn script should match the one in the heartbeat script, but it's ok if they don't.
// Heartbeat script for Duel Guy 1.
// Make a custom faction based on Hostile. Set it neutral (50) in both directions vs all other factions including itself.
// Create the following objects...
// Two NPCs, one has TAG "DuelGuy1" the other "DuelGuy2". Set them both to Immortal. Assign them both to your new custom faction.
// Two chairs, one has TAG "DuelChair1" the other "DuelChair2" make them both static.
// Put the script "nw_c2_defaultd" in the following event slots on both NPCs:
// OnBlocked, OnDeath, OnConversation, OnDisturbed, OnHeartbeat, OnSpawn, OnUserDefined
// Use this script for DuelGuy1's OnHeartbeat. Leave DuelGuy2's heartbeat at "nw_c2_defaultd".
// Use the accompanying script for DuelGuy1's OnSpawn. Leave DuelGuy2's spawn script at "nw_c2_defaultd".
// Change the values of the two constants at the top to tweak how
// long they duel vs. how long they rest. Make sure to match it up
// with the accompanying OnSpawn script.
#include "nw_i0_plot"
const int ROUNDS_OF_DUELING = 7; // Duel for 7 game rounds (= 42 seconds)
const int ROUNDS_OF_RESTING = 3; // Rest for 3 game rounds (= 18 seconds)
void main()
{ object oDuelGuy1 = OBJECT_SELF;
object oDuelGuy2 = GetNearestObjectByTag( "DuelGuy2", oDuelGuy1);
if( !GetIsObjectValid( oDuelGuy2)) return;
object <span class="highlight">oChair1</span> = GetNearestObjectByTag( "DuelChair1");
object oChair2 = GetNearestObjectByTag( "DuelChair2");
if( !GetIsObjectValid( <span class="highlight">oChair1</span>) || !GetIsObjectValid( oChair2)) return;
if( GetLocalInt( oDuelGuy1, "RestCycle") && !GetLocalInt( oDuelGuy1, "Resting"))
{ DeleteLocalInt( oDuelGuy1, "Dueling");
SetLocalInt( oDuelGuy1, "Resting", TRUE);
ClearPersonalReputation( oDuelGuy1, oDuelGuy2);
ClearPersonalReputation( oDuelGuy2, oDuelGuy1);
float fRestDuration = RoundsToSeconds( ROUNDS_OF_RESTING); // rest for 4 rounds.
if( GetSittingCreature( <span class="highlight">oChair1</span>) != oDuelGuy1)
{ if( GetIsObjectValid( GetSittingCreature( <span class="highlight">oChair1</span>))) AssignCommand( GetSittingCreature( <span class="highlight">oChair1</span>), ClearAllActions( TRUE));
if( GetCurrentHitPoints( oDuelGuy1) < GetMaxHitPoints( oDuelGuy1)) ForceRest( oDuelGuy1);
AssignCommand( oDuelGuy1, ClearAllActions( TRUE));
AssignCommand( oDuelGuy1, ActionForceMoveToObject( <span class="highlight">oChair1</span>, FALSE, 1.0, 6.0));
AssignCommand( oDuelGuy1, ActionDoCommand( AssignCommand( GetArea( oDuelGuy1), DelayCommand( fRestDuration, DeleteLocalInt( oDuelGuy1, "RestCycle")))));
AssignCommand( oDuelGuy1, ActionSit( <span class="highlight">oChair1</span>));
if( GetSittingCreature( oChair2) != oDuelGuy2)
{ if( GetIsObjectValid( GetSittingCreature( oChair2))) AssignCommand( GetSittingCreature( oChair2), ClearAllActions( TRUE));
if( GetCurrentHitPoints( oDuelGuy2) < GetMaxHitPoints( oDuelGuy2)) ForceRest( oDuelGuy2);
AssignCommand( oDuelGuy2, ClearAllActions( TRUE));
AssignCommand( oDuelGuy2, ActionForceMoveToObject( oChair2, FALSE, 1.0, 6.0));
AssignCommand( oDuelGuy2, ActionSit( oChair2));
else if( !GetLocalInt( oDuelGuy1, "RestCycle") && !GetLocalInt( oDuelGuy1, "Dueling"))
{ DeleteLocalInt( oDuelGuy1, "Resting");
SetLocalInt( oDuelGuy1, "Dueling", TRUE);
DeleteLocalInt( oDuelGuy1, "RestCycle");
float fDuelDuration = RoundsToSeconds( ROUNDS_OF_DUELING); // duel for 6 rounds.
ClearAllActions( TRUE);
ActionDoCommand( SetFacingPoint( GetPosition( oDuelGuy2)));
ActionWait( 3.0);
ActionWait( 2.0);
ActionDoCommand( AssignCommand( GetArea( oDuelGuy1), DelayCommand( fDuelDuration, SetLocalInt( oDuelGuy1, "RestCycle", TRUE))));
ActionDoCommand( SetIsEnemy( oDuelGuy2));
AssignCommand( oDuelGuy2, ClearAllActions( TRUE));
AssignCommand( oDuelGuy2, ActionDoCommand( SetFacingPoint( GetPosition( oDuelGuy1))));
AssignCommand( oDuelGuy2, ActionWait( 4.0));
AssignCommand( oDuelGuy2, ActionPlayAnimation( ANIMATION_FIREFORGET_BOW));
AssignCommand( oDuelGuy2, ActionWait( 1.0));
AssignCommand( oDuelGuy2, ActionDoCommand( SetIsEnemy( oDuelGuy1)));
else if( !GetLocalInt( oDuelGuy1, "RestCycle") && GetLocalInt( oDuelGuy1, "Dueling") && (!GetIsInCombat( oDuelGuy1) || !GetIsInCombat( oDuelGuy2) || (GetAttackTarget( oDuelGuy1) != oDuelGuy2) || (GetAttackTarget( oDuelGuy2) != oDuelGuy1)))
{ SetIsEnemy( oDuelGuy2);
AssignCommand( oDuelGuy2, SetIsEnemy( oDuelGuy1));
// OnSpawn script for Duel Guy 1.
// Make a custom faction based on Hostile. Set it neutral (50) in both directions vs all other factions including itself.
// Create the following objects...
// Two NPCs, one has TAG "DuelGuy1" the other "DuelGuy2". Set them both to Immortal. Assign them both to your new custom faction.
// Two chairs, one has TAG "DuelChair1" the other "DuelChair2" make them both static.
// Put the script "nw_c2_defaultd" in the following event slots on both NPCs:
// OnBlocked, OnDeath, OnConversation, OnDisturbed, OnHeartbeat, OnSpawn, OnUserDefined
// Use this script for DuelGuy1's OnSpawn. Leave DuelGuy2's spawn script at "nw_c2_defaultd".
// Use the accompanying script for DuelGuy1's OnHeartbeat. Leave DuelGuy2's heartbeat at "nw_c2_defaultd".
// Change the values of the constant at the top to tweak how long
// they duel vs. how long they rest. Make sure to match it up with
// the accompanying OnHeartbeat script.
#include "nw_i0_plot"
const int ROUNDS_OF_DUELING = 7; // Duel for 7 game rounds (= 42 seconds)
void main()
{ object oDuelGuy1 = OBJECT_SELF;
object oDuelGuy2 = GetNearestObjectByTag( "DuelGuy2");
if( GetIsObjectValid( oDuelGuy2))
{ SetLocalInt( oDuelGuy1, "Dueling", TRUE);
float fDuelDuration = RoundsToSeconds( ROUNDS_OF_DUELING); // duel for 6 rounds.
ClearAllActions( TRUE);
ActionDoCommand( SetFacingPoint( GetPosition( oDuelGuy2)));
ActionWait( 3.0);
ActionWait( 2.0);
ActionDoCommand( AssignCommand( GetArea( oDuelGuy1), DelayCommand( fDuelDuration, SetLocalInt( oDuelGuy1, "RestCycle", TRUE))));
ActionDoCommand( SetIsEnemy( oDuelGuy2));
AssignCommand( oDuelGuy2, ClearAllActions( TRUE));
AssignCommand( oDuelGuy2, ActionDoCommand( SetFacingPoint( GetPosition( oDuelGuy1))));
AssignCommand( oDuelGuy2, ActionWait( 4.0));
AssignCommand( oDuelGuy2, ActionPlayAnimation( ANIMATION_FIREFORGET_BOW));
AssignCommand( oDuelGuy2, ActionWait( 1.0));
AssignCommand( oDuelGuy2, ActionDoCommand( SetIsEnemy( oDuelGuy1)));
Modifié par Axe_Murderer, 26 juin 2011 - 12:04 .