Thank you very much Greyfort, the work around works wonderfully.
You know I remember playing a module a while back that had this examine feature. Wish I could remember what that module was though so I could look it up. Still perhaps the same thing that you have done there Greyfort was done in that Mod. Well anyway, thank you very much for your help regardless. You have special mention in the script now.
Just because, here's the script... I cleaned it up a bit, getting rid of all the redundent coding for anybody else who might be interested.
void main()
object oTome = OBJECT_SELF;
object oPC = GetLastUsedBy();
object oBook = CreateItemOnObject("le_item046", oPC);
string sBookDis = GetDescription(oBook, TRUE, FALSE);
//Add description of oBook to oTome.
SetDescription(oTome, sBookDis);
//Floating Text above oPC
("You blow dust off the cover as you pick up the journal.", oPC, TRUE);
// Examine oTome
AssignCommand(oPC, ClearAllActions(TRUE));
AssignCommand(oPC, DelayCommand(1.0, ActionExamine(oTome)));
// Destroy oTome
DelayCommand(2.0, DestroyObject(OBJECT_SELF, 0.0));
Once again, thank you very kindly