Author Topic: Something awesome with player tool feats?  (Read 256 times)


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Something awesome with player tool feats?
« on: May 25, 2011, 10:33:41 pm »

               I had this awesome idea... You could create active combat feats without the need for players to download anything. (If it works..)

Make some way to set like, say 5 local strings on an item that the PC cant get rid of.

Variable 5 would be storing all the custom active "feats" the player has acquired.
Using some conversation or whatever, you could set "single feats" to the other 1-4 local strings from the fifth string.

The player tool feats 1-4 would check those 1-4 local strings, respectively, and set a local string on the weapon/gloves the player has equipped.

With the On Hit: Unique Power the weapon could check if it has a local string on it, if it does, it does something and removes the string. Add a failsafe timer of some sort, so you wont knockdown someone five minutes later when you hit something.

Think about it, you could have 10 feats, not just combat feats, 10 ANY feats! And thats at the same time, you could have many more if you made some system with which you could swap what feats you had "equipped." It would be like guild wars or something!

Also, with the ActionFakeCastSpellAtObject/location, you could with a simple target check use these 10 feats for custom spellbooks!

This might not mean much for those who use and create custom content and such, but for some, like me, who avoid creating stuff that players need to download to play, this is a pretty damn neat thing if it works...

Does anyone see any major problem with this? Its alot of stuff to do in vain so I decided to ask here first...


I just realised..
+10 DM tools!


                     Modifié par Xardex, 25 mai 2011 - 09:35 .



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Something awesome with player tool feats?
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2011, 11:15:34 pm »

               Yes it works except that using PC/DM tools is very risky to potentional exploiters '<img'> I would never recoomend to use them to anyone.


                     Modifié par ShaDoOoW, 25 mai 2011 - 10:15 .



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Something awesome with player tool feats?
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2011, 12:44:35 am »


ShaDoOoW wrote...

Yes it works except that using PC/DM tools is very risky to potentional exploiters '<img'> I would never recoomend to use them to anyone.

What's risky about them? On one of my servers, our entire spell system is built around them. Players can choose which spells (up to ten) are available at a time by linking them to a specific player tool feat. We've been doing it this way for about six months now and have had no problems.

And I  apologize for the plug, but Xardex - if you want to take a look at a system like the one you described you can test mine out at the following IP:

You'll just need CEP2.3 to connect.


                     Modifié par zunath, 25 mai 2011 - 11:47 .



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Something awesome with player tool feats?
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2011, 11:03:55 am »

               The risk is only as great as the gaps left open by the coders for which to be exploited.

I use the PlayerTools in my own server as Subrace Abilities.

eg - Vampires get a Teleport power that is linked to PlayerTool10, allowing a Point and Click teleport power that has a Recharge Time.

Other Winged Subraces can Point and Click, and they Fly up into the sky, and down on the location they select.

Another Race, inspired by the Stargate Universe are the
Alteran - who have a Telepathic/Telekinetic Hold power, which allows you to continuously hold a creature per 15 hitdice levels so long as you succeed in your concentration checks and the target fails his will save - of course the balancing part of this power, is that I coded it so that the player MUST remain in line of sight of the target, and they cannot move position after initiating the hold, otherwise the hold is broken.

Sometimes the negative draw backs of the powers, add flavor to the Roleplaying element.
Eg-  Making a God Power isnt all that fun,
But making a Power with its own flaws gives a greater sense of accomplishment after beating a big boss with it, and overcoming the drawbacks of the power.