Author Topic: question about module and placeables.  (Read 320 times)


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question about module and placeables.
« on: April 29, 2011, 09:06:22 pm »

               I've just learned about the 16k file limit. I am modifying an existing module that is a pretty big world with several complete npc races. It's at 13k files right now. The nice thing is I can use a lot of what is already made and don't have to create a lot of new stuff. Also, the module is heavily scripted so it's easy to modify creatures and such as they are spawned instead of having a separate blueprint for every specific modification.

What I'm wondering about is adding placeables.

I've added a trash barrel with a very basic script to destroy whats placed in it. On some maps I want this to be called "Incinerator" and use a brazier resref for the image, On other maps it looks like a barrel and is called "Trash Barrel". Now on my pallette I have one custom made placeable called Incinerator that looks like a brazier. What I have done in the few maps I want it to look like a barrel is simply place the brazier there, then go into the properties of that item in the area and change it's name to Trash barrel and image to that of a barrel.

I did this so I didn't have to an extra item. I'm pretty sure this is a really noob way of handling this since I am really a noob. Does this cause uneeded resource usage to change it from incinerator to barrel? Is it fine to do what I did? How should I handle this sort of thing.

Some may say it's just one file, don't sweat it, but consider this is only one placeable for all the different placeables I may want to create in the game. 

Thank you.



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question about module and placeables.
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2011, 09:36:56 pm »

               Actually that is a perfectly good way of handling it. You can do that with a lot of different objects if you don't want to create new blue prints. I do it quite a lot. Especially, if you are using CEP or some other hak that adds different object appearances, you can go in and find some appearances for objects that aren't on any blue print objects. Gives you a bit more variety when building so you don't have to use the same old look.


                     Modifié par GhostOfGod, 29 avril 2011 - 08:37 .