I'm putting together a module, and in an initial conversation script I'm allowing for porting to a given city based upon the race of the PC.
The conditionals based on race work just fine; the thing is I am not successfully scripting conditionals for multiple ports of the same race.
To explain: I have a NPC that asks where a PC wants to go. There are conditionals based on race, and those show up fine, but my PW has subraces and also the alignments that a player chooses for their character may not be the best choice in relation to the home city, so I want a catch-all city that anyone can go to in addition to their home city.
Somehow, the logic of conversational conditional is tripping me up. Let's say I have a halfling. I want the halfing to be able to go to the halfing city AND the outsider city. I've set up the conversation as:
"Where can I go"
...other cities
...halfling city
...catch-all city
My halfling can go to the halfling city, but the conditional seems to be a hard TRUE or FALSE, and does not show the catch-all city, so the PC only gets one option in conversation. I want all PCs to get their home city and the catch-all city as an option in conversation at the outset of the module.
What am I missing here, and why doesn't it work when I attach multiple conditionals but only the first one shows? (for example, if I place the conversation and conditional for the catch-all city first then that's the only conversational option. Flip it around, and the reverse is true).
Any suggestions?
Modifié par Badwater, 01 mars 2011 - 10:01 .