Author Topic: Two items of interest  (Read 247 times)

Legacy_Eagles Talon

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Two items of interest
« on: February 27, 2011, 04:54:47 am »


I'm looking to do two things that I'm not sure how to accomplish.  I'm fairlty certain that scripting will be involved.  Any help or perhaps a finger pointed in the right direction for help would be much appreciated.

First item:  I'd like to be able to spawn different creatures at night from creatures spawned during daylight.

Second Item:  I want to be able to define certain sections of a single area to be restable.

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer!



                     Modifié par Eagles Talon, 27 février 2011 - 04:55 .



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Two items of interest
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2011, 10:54:46 am »

               First: http://nwn.bioware.c...5&forum=47&sp=0 look for first post from my old account pvp-master, if you would not be able to change it, just tell I will make you "only-night" version

Or you can use features-heavy spawn system like NESS which isn't build for something such trivial, so not recommended

Second: area properties - advanced - no rest ?



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Two items of interest
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2011, 01:18:43 pm »


Eagles Talon wrote...


I'm looking to do two things that I'm not sure how to accomplish.  I'm fairlty certain that scripting will be involved.  Any help or perhaps a finger pointed in the right direction for help would be much appreciated.

First item:  I'd like to be able to spawn different creatures at night from creatures spawned during daylight.

Second Item:  I want to be able to define certain sections of a single area to be restable.

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer!


I would recommend NESS if the OP finds it suitable (though it has many more features than just day/night spawns it would do what is requested and may be useful in other situations for the OP. So I would suggest to the OP, read the NESS pdf manual (at least the table of contents to see what it does, and read the detail sections on what interests you).

For the second item, use a trigger that sets/unsets a 'rest' variable on the PC on enter/exit of the trigger. This would take two simple scripts (placed in the on_enter and on_exit event of the trigger). Modify the current rest script you use to first check the 'rest' variable, if it is set TRUE allow rest script to continue, otherwise, exit from the rest script (as via a 'return;').

I'm not in a location where I can write those scripts for you - though it would be easy to do and if you PM me asking for them, I'll write back and send them to you (I do all my coding on another computer).

For our PW, we use a 'rest trigger' just like this, and also a single line in our area on enter scripts for 'restful areas' that sets the rest variable on each entering PC, and we remove it from them when they leave. In this way our rest scripts will only fire if your PC is in a restful area or a rest trigger.

In our PW, some classes can rest anywhere, so we have scripted an exception to the above rule too.



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Two items of interest
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2011, 04:09:06 pm »

               For your first issue (day/night) I would also suggest NESS. I resisted at first because my needs didn't require all the functions, but as you learn what those functions are you start to realize the potential of what you can offer your world. For example, I also use NESS to spawn tradeskill objects (ore nodes, trees for wood etc) at random. I also have it so Moonbloom flowers only show up at night. NESS has a lot of power, has a great community and a lot of documentation.

I dont have a solution for a large area to rest, but you can place this script on an item (like a camp fire in middle of a camp) that's plot, usable and place the script in the OnUsed

void main()
object oPC = GetLastUsedBy();
if (!GetIsPC(oPC)) return;
SendMessageToPC(oPC, "Time to catch some Zzzzzz");
// Wait, and do some resting.
DelayCommand(1.0, AssignCommand(oPC, ActionRest()));



Legacy_Eagles Talon

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Two items of interest
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2011, 05:12:10 am »

               Thanks all.  I'll check out NESS to be sure.  Seems to me I did once before, but I'm old and I forget things from time to time. '<img'>