Does anybody know if its possible that a script could be fiddlin with my output for my .logs in my NWN server?
i used to be able to see all chat commands done in game via my logs file when I run my NWN server but now it doesnt seem to do that.
I can see errors, log in attemps and disconnects, other various data but no more chat logs
[Game Options]
Memory Level=1
Memory Access=1
Max Memory Usage=512
TooltipDelay uSec=100000
Enable FloatyTextFeedback=1
Hide SecondStoryTiles=1
Single Player ItemLevelRestrictions=0
Single Player Enforce Legal Characters=0
Client CPU Affinity=0
In-game Text Swear Filter=0
Visible Cloaks=1
Difficulty Level=2
Heartbeat Logging=0
Log Model Errors=0
Death Logging=0
is that what heartbeat logging is for?
sorry for probably a stupid question