Here is a starting conditional for the Text Appears when tab of the convo node. You will need to fill in the optional stuff at the top. Use either the NO_DROP option or the DATABASE option by adding ither the tag of the nodrop item or the name of the database at the appropriate place.
const string NO_DROP = "";
const string DATABASE = "";
const string VAR_NAME = "";//you must fill in this with a variable name
int StartingConditional()
object oNoDrop;
//This would be the nodrop item option
if(NO_DROP != "")//if you have added a tag in the above NO_DROP option
{//get the variable off the nodrop item possessed by the PC
oNoDrop = GetItemPossessedBy(GetPCSpeaker(), NO_DROP);
if(GetLocalInt(oNoDrop, VAR_NAME) == 1)return FALSE; return TRUE;
if(DATABASE != "")//if you have added a DB string name to the DATABASE option above
{//get the variable from the database
if(GetCampaignInt(DATABASE, VAR_NAME, GetPCSpeaker()) == 1)return FALSE;
return TRUE;
if(DATABASE == "" && NO_DROP == "")//this option assumes the info has been stored on the PC
if(GetLocalInt(GetPCSpeaker(), VAR_NAME) == 1)return FALSE; return TRUE;
return TRUE;//default option will always show the node
Modifié par Baragg, 15 février 2011 - 12:17 .