Author Topic: Gestalt Scripting Help Please??  (Read 449 times)


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Gestalt Scripting Help Please??
« Reply #15 on: February 03, 2011, 01:27:46 am »

               Hi again guys.

Thanks a lot for the very helpful replies to my last post.
I hope I didn't sound too harsh at all. I get a little frustrated sometines if something isn't working out the way I intended it to be, but I don't mean it to be pointed towards anyone really. I just feel frustrated when I cannot put it right, because there is something in the script that I don't understand what is causing my problem.

Again, I hope I didn't sound too harsh, and it wasn't intented to be pointed towads you guys. *blush!*

I really do appreciate the helpful replies too. Very much so.'<img'>

After my last reply, I went back again and looked over some parts of the Gestalt Scripts.
Finally, and unfortunately I still couldn't get my head around Gestalt Smooth Cam. '<img'>

Some of the explanation written by John Bye was somewhat confusing there, and I'm not sure if it fits to how I wanted to set it up in my script after "Balduvard" gave me the starting point for it.

I wanted the camera placed at a higher point above the players head, and a bit further back out behind the player too. This didn't seem to work out as I had expected, so I have decded to use a different cam effect instead - Gestalt Crane Cam.

It doesn't give the same, original effect which "Balduvard" had in the first place, but it just lifts the camera moving up a bit before the action starts with the 2 wolves.

I have used Gestalt Crane Cam before, and can understand it a bit better than the other ones at the moment.

Here is the script again to show what I have changed in it this time.

By the way, I am now having a different problem with it. ':mellow:'

#include "in_g_cutscene"
void main()

object oPC = GetFirstPC();
//Let's declare the wolves ahead of time to clean things up.
object oWolf1 = GetObjectByTag("WinterWolf1");
object oWolf2 = GetObjectByTag("WinterWolf2");

  GestaltStartCutscene(oPC, "cranecam");

   GestaltCameraCrane  (0.0,
                        90.0, 3.0, 90.0, -0.0,
                        90.0, 3.0, 90.0, 3.0,
                        8.0, 10.0,
                        oPC, 0);

   GestaltCameraCrane  (25.60,
                        90.0, 3.0, 90.0, 3.0,
                        0.0, 3.0, 90.0, 3.0,
                        2.0, 35.0,
                        oPC, 1);

if (!GetIsPC(oPC)) return;

//Added this, setting duration to the end just after the last ActionMove
//commands will be completed firing (take their fDelay time and add the fTime
//used in the function).
GestaltInvisibility (0.0, oPC, 40.0);

//For the movement commands we will have to add WPs if we want the camera to
//be somewhere other than the wolves. For simplicity, I will just use the
//existing WPs

 //Move wolves and camera to First WP in 2 seconds (2.0/18.0).

//Move wolves and camera to second WP in 2 seconds (2.0/18.0).

//...etc, etc, for the remaining WPs, until...

//Move wolves and camera to third and final WP in 2 seconds (16.0/18.0).

//The wolves should reach their destination at 18.0 seconds into the cutscene,
//and the camera should finish moving at 20.0 seconds; at this point we can
//move the PC camera back to where it started (I recommend using a new WP for
//this, or if you wanted the PC visibly left at its location, you can jump
//back to the clone you created by using GestaltActionJump with the tag of the
//created clone as the target).

//Clean up the cutscene actors (now that they're off-screen) and end the scene.
//If you wanted the PC to see the actors disappear, just move the fDelay on
//these up to 18.0, when the wolves reached their destinations.

DelayCommand(35.0, FadeToBlack(oPC, FADE_SPEED_MEDIUM));
AssignCommand(oPC, ActionWait(37.0f));
AssignCommand(oPC, ActionJumpToObject(GetObjectByTag("WP_PC_Port")));

if (!GetIsPC(oPC)) return;



Instead of doing what Balduvard originally showed by sending the pc back to the start, via a starting waypoint, when the pc gets to the end of the road in that area, I have set it up so that the pc would teleport or jump to the next area instead. (again via a waypoint) But now there is a problem.

Using this effect at the end of my script, for some reason, the pc will NOT move a single inch!
The pc just stands there and won't move to follow the wolves. '<img'>

It will still port/jump the pc to the next area, but for some reason I cannot work out why the pc won't move now. ':mellow:'
But if I delete that last part, it works fine again, and the pc follows the wolves.

Does anyone know why I'm having this problem at the end of my script please?':mellow:'


                     Modifié par MissJaded, 03 février 2011 - 01:31 .



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Gestalt Scripting Help Please??
« Reply #16 on: February 03, 2011, 01:34:55 am »

               Your frustration is shared,I had issuse with the smooth cam also wanting it as you said, and it not quite working.  I will give your script a look and reply.  i didn't get into the cutsceene anime much because of the some times issues but with a little work, or others experince we can sort it out.  We all feel like pulling our hair out sometime or feel...

I still DON'T understand all this at all!!

Right now, its too confusing, and I dont have DARN CLUE how to set this thing up to how I want it!!

Its all just a complete load of NONSENSE to me right now, I'm sorry to say!!.

Thank God we have forums to help us