There are some differences between the in-built compiler used in the toolset and the command-line versions. As far as I am aware both on the vault support 1.69 fine but I have only tried one (the one I use definately does).
I know for certain there more nested levels of include files that can be used and from previous posts I believe the optimisation is somewhat better. Not sure if it is a requirement if using PRC/CEP because I don't, I'm sure someone can confirm that.
If you combine this and the erf utility to pack and unpack the module contents the resulting .mod file is typically 200k smaller than when it is built and saved using the GUI (nwnnsscomp and erf.linux). Now that could be just the packing being more efficient.
The output of the compilation produces .ncs files as normal and as mentioned above if you use the this and a shell or cmd script to create a more robust build environment using version control and building on Linux without using Wine which lets the scripters play around without worry about altering an area content by mistake.
Something like a combination of these:
unpack - ../utils/erf.linux -x ../modules/some_module.mod
compile - ../utils
/nwnnsscomp -cgo /usr/local/nwn `ls *.nss|egrep -v "_i0_|_inc_"`
pack - ../utils/erf.linux -c ../modules/some_module.mod *
Does that 200k have any real world effect? Guess it depends on the size of the module.
usage output from one of the nwnnsscomp versions:
Usage:nwnnsscomp [-cdegoqx] [-t#] [-v#] nwndir infile
nwndir - directory where NWN is installed.
infile - name of the input file.
-c - Compile the script (default)
-d - Decompile the script (can't be used with -c)
-e - Enable non-Bioware extensions
-g - Don't produce ndb debug file
-i - Add Search Path
-o - Optimize the compiled source
-q - Silence most messages
-x - Extract script from NWN data files
-vx.xx - Set the version of the compiler
-t1 - Perform a compilation test with BIF scripts
-t2 - Perform a compilation test with the given module
-t3 - Optimization space saving report with the given module
-t4 - Perform a compilation test with the given file or files
To complete the build environment I have the all of the syntax highlighting and tab completion strings extracted from the nwscript.nss file for use with vim if anyone wants them.
Modifié par ent.devil, 20 décembre 2010 - 08:21 .