NOTE - Ignore most of this post - the above post was more informative.
Im not too sure on the topic of player created map notes.
What I do know about generic mapnotes however, is that the map note is either
enabled, or disabled to all players.
If you are planning on making a system that allows players to place persistent map notes, then it is potentially do-able, but I suspect it would need the help of a nwnx plugin.
1. Create the mapnote template / resref in toolset.
2. Allow the players to spawn it at a location - store its location persistently.
3. NWNX would undoubtably be needed to change the map note text of the placed map note. I dont think nwnscript allows this by default.
4. In order to make it persistent, make the onModLoad event load all the Map Note data stored in the database, and spawn the notes at the relevant locations.
eg - Data needed to be stored.
1. Location
2. Text
How to link these?
Via the variable name, eg
Where # is a number equating to the number of the map note spawned.
then, the onLoad event would iterate through all of these - but be warned, Bioware db operations are SLOW.
int iNum = 1;
location lLoc;
string sText = GetCampaignString("MAP_PINS","PER_MAP_TEXT_"+IntToString(iNum));
while(sText != "")
lLoc = GetCampaignLocation("MAP_PINS","PER_MAP_LOC_"+IntToString(iNum));
CreateObject() //This is the place where your map pins get created - eg - set the location to be lLoc, and then use nwnx or a plugin from nwnx if one exists, to change hte map pin text to sText
sText = GetCampaignString("MAP_PINS","PER_MAP_TEXT_"+IntToString(iNum));
Modifié par Baaleos, 03 décembre 2010 - 11:13 .