Hello, all. I've run into a bit of a jam with a script I'm using, and was wondering if there was a better way to work it out. First, I should say that I ran a search for this on these forums and the old Bioware scripting boards, no dice.
And second, I'm a total scripting muppet, and, unfortunately, the idea that I want to realize is complicated.
Basically, after an NPC has had enough of their hitpoints sheered off in combat, I need them to fall 'unconscious', dropping aggro, and waiting at near-death until they've regenerated enough hitpoints to return to the fray, or until they've been healed. This, of course, would take place instead of actual death, or anything else that would cause the player to have to resurrect them. (Resurrection is something I'm trying to avoid like the plague.)
I'm working with three scripts, all borrowed from a thread asking for the same thing. Now, they work like a charm... except for the part where the NPC is actually supposed to get knocked down. He'll be struck dead, fall to the ground with his death cry and all, and then pop back up into a knock-down position and remain at near death until he's regenerated. What I need to know is if there is a way to smooth out that animation, instead of having him actually die first. It's creating all sorts of awkward situations.
Here's the scripts, the first one goes OnDeath:
//Used after all immunities are stripped to create a subconscious stupor
void Subconscious(object oSelf)
effect eRes = EffectResurrection();
effect eSub = SupernaturalEffect(EffectKnockdown());
AssignCommand(oSelf, ActionWait(999999.9f));
ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eRes, oSelf);
ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_PERMANENT, eSub, oSelf);
SetImmortal(oSelf, TRUE);
//Get the Factions so that they can be reset later
//Make sure the character will not be attacked
int nFac = 0;
int nRep;
while(nFac < 4)
nRep = GetStandardFactionReputation(nFac, oSelf);
SetStandardFactionReputation(nFac, 100, oSelf);
SetLocalInt(oSelf, "DEATHFAC" + IntToString(nFac), nRep);
//Prepares the subconscious state. Removes all effects.
void main()
object oSelf = OBJECT_SELF;
//The Henchman is not reassigned later, dialogue for rejoining is assumed.
RemoveHenchman(GetMaster(oSelf), oSelf);
int nDeathPoints = 1 - GetCurrentHitPoints(oSelf);
if(nDeathPoints < 1) nDeathPoints = 11; //Standard for instant death.
SetLocalInt(oSelf, "DEATH", nDeathPoints);
effect eCheck = GetFirstEffect(oSelf);
RemoveEffect(oSelf, eCheck);
eCheck = GetNextEffect(oSelf);
int nSlot = 0;
object oItem;
//Unequip items without an action
while(nSlot < 18) //All equipped inventory slots
oItem = GetItemInSlot(nSlot);
DestroyObject(oItem, 0.1);
oItem = CopyItem(oItem, oSelf, TRUE);
//Bug. If the NPC's inventory is full he will not later be able to reequip creature items.
if(nSlot > 14) //Creature Item
SetLocalObject(oSelf, "DEATHSLOT" + IntToString(nSlot), oItem);
DelayCommand(2.0, Subconscious(oSelf));
The second goes in the OnHeartbeat tab:
//Allows healed hitpoints to go against the death count
//Restores back to life if health exceeds death
void HitPointCheck(object oCreature)
effect eCheck, eDamage;
object oCreat;
int nSlot, nRep, nFac;
int nHitPoints = GetCurrentHitPoints(oCreature);
int nDeathPoints = GetLocalInt(oCreature, "DEATH");
//Ensures that a creature damaged more than its total hit points is still able to be restored by healing
if(nHitPoints > 1 && nHitPoints <= nDeathPoints)
nDeathPoints -= nHitPoints - 1;
eDamage = EffectDamage(nHitPoints -1);
ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eDamage, oCreature);
SetLocalInt(oCreature, "DEATH", nDeathPoints);
//Restores Back to Life
else if(nHitPoints > nDeathPoints)
eDamage = EffectDamage(nDeathPoints);
ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eDamage, oCreature);
AssignCommand(oCreature, ClearAllActions(TRUE));
eCheck = GetFirstEffect(oCreature);
RemoveEffect(oCreature, eCheck);
eCheck = GetNextEffect(oCreature);
DeleteLocalInt(oCreature, "DEATH");
SetImmortal(oCreature, FALSE);
nSlot = 15;
while(nSlot < 18)
oCreat = GetLocalObject(oCreature, "DEATHSLOT" + IntToString(nSlot));
AssignCommand(oCreature, ActionEquipItem(oCreat, nSlot));
DeleteLocalObject(oCreature, "DEATHSLOT" + IntToString(nSlot));
nFac = 0;
while(nFac < 4)
nRep = GetLocalInt(oCreature, "DEATHFAC" + IntToString(nFac));
SetStandardFactionReputation(nFac, nRep, oCreature);
DeleteLocalInt(oCreature, "DEATHFAC" + IntToString(nFac));
void main()
object oSelf = OBJECT_SELF;
if(GetLocalInt(oSelf, "DEATH"))
//The rest of the on HeartBeat Script can go here
And the third goes into OnSpellCastAt:
void main()
object oSelf = OBJECT_SELF;
int nSpell = GetLastSpell();
int nDeath = GetLocalInt(oSelf, "DEATH");
effect eCheck, eHeal;
int nSlot, nFac, nRep;
object oCreat;
//Remove All Subconscious Effects if a life-restoring spell is cast
if((nSpell == SPELL_RAISE_DEAD || nSpell == SPELL_RESURRECTION) && nDeath != FALSE)
eHeal = EffectHeal(GetMaxHitPoints(oSelf));
ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eHeal, oSelf);
AssignCommand(oSelf, ClearAllActions(TRUE));
eCheck = GetFirstEffect(oSelf);
RemoveEffect(oSelf, eCheck);
eCheck = GetNextEffect(oSelf);
DeleteLocalInt(oSelf, "DEATH");
SetImmortal(oSelf, FALSE);
//Equip Creature Items
nSlot = 15;
while(nSlot < 18)
oCreat = GetLocalObject(oSelf, "DEATHSLOT" + IntToString(nSlot));
AssignCommand(oSelf, ActionEquipItem(oCreat, nSlot));
DeleteLocalObject(oSelf, "DEATHSLOT" + IntToString(nSlot));
//Adjust Faction
nFac = 0;
while(nFac < 4)
nRep = GetLocalInt(oSelf, "DEATHFAC" + IntToString(nFac));
SetStandardFactionReputation(nFac, nRep, oSelf);
DeleteLocalInt(oSelf, "DEATHFAC" + IntToString(nFac));
//Place Rest of onSpellCastAt script here.
I greatly appreciate any help that can be offered. And if there's a better way to post scripts, please let me know. The above is a total eyesore. ><