Hmm...what you are asking for can be done, but this is something that will most likely take more than one script.
For a guild to recruit other players you might assign someone a widget to use. Or you could make a placeable with a conversation. A player uses it and accepts membership to a particular guild. You could make it so that they get a guild item when they join. Or a guild skin.
As far as the banking gos, you could grab a banking system off the vault, like Scarface's. And then just have the banker conversations check for correct guild.
I don't have any experience with Dungeon External so I can only give ideas or suggestions.
These guild owned castles would just have a lot of scripted checks for which guild it currently belongs to(main entrance, placeable use, merchant checks, etc..) Could use the database for persistence. And as far as the attacking gos, what are you looking for exactly? Are there certain things that need to be destroyed or certain things that need to be taken? Maybe they just need to capture a flag or kill a certain person. Maybe reach a certain thing deep inside that they just need to click? Will the guild castles be taken over by the oppositon guild? What will happen if it is attacked?
There is a lot of uncertainty here but it can all be done with some work.
Hope this gets things started for ya.
Modifié par GhostOfGod, 09 octobre 2010 - 02:52 .