To G:
So in other words you are fighting a powerful monster and you and yours have that monster down to a few hp's, suddenly it pulls out a full healing potion and drinks it healing up fully since you are not getting any AOO. Now that would really be lame. Sometimes all you have to do is reverse the question, your point of view, and see how you like that.
Imho AOO are not lame in the least, nor is the fact that you got killed driking a potion while surrounded by enemies. Also linking AOO with other things you don't like in a series: rest restrictions, food and water, is a common logical fallacy. Talk to a specific point instead of muddying the issue by adding in things that really have no relevance to the issue.
On a side note I made a potion, Essence of Cure, which gives back 20hp's plus your healing bonus x2, then it does a regenerate, and then a cure disease. Now if you get hit at any time during the healing process, or move or do other actions, then the process is interupted, since each healing sequence is treated like a spell. Takes about 10 seconds to complete the whole series. You can try it in combat but only have a chance of it working if you have high concentration, or if you are fighting twits that can hardly hit you. Of course then you would not need such a potion. If you drink the potion in combat you could conceivably get 3 AOO from each combatant you are engaged with.
Modifié par ffbj, 29 août 2010 - 03:42 .