I'm not aware of any, that would be a monsterous scripting task. (*Woosh!)
When you say crafting, I'm gonna assume you mean changing items appearance, or are you talking about actually applying properties to items?
If it's properties, then let me direct you to the enchanting gem system, which is located in my new Crafting / Treasure Module... here: >>
If it's just changing appearance of items, Mils Tailoring system is just TOO good to ignore mate..
(That system is now standard in CEP Modules)
If you just want a better conversational script for crafting item's appearance, again I'd have to direct you to my module's conversations (under the name "nw_" conversations = bioware base crafting conversation which I edited)
I sure hope you use one of the systems, because I can't even see myself wanting to take on a conversation based script routine for Chat for ANY crafting system, even then you would STILL need at least a TagBased Item which fired on the item you targeted for crafting...
Now, making a tag based item script that allowed you to target one item for crafting, then like um an object in your inventory to use as a crafting component, now that would be another story indeed, (You could use the enchanting gems as a base system!)
Let me know what you want to do, I'll TRY to help where I can, if I haven't answered this call before..
Here is the Enchanting Gem System By itself:
Modifié par Genisys, 22 juillet 2010 - 05:45 .