I wasn't sure whether I should post here or not since I am biased as a creator of the CPP its clear what my advice will be.
Regardless, since the discussion went into the direction of how can CPP affect module I can provide some addional info on that.
First of all, CPP is designed in a way so it doesn't break any custom content. Not after installing and not after recompiling all scripts with includes modified by 1.71. In fact, if you install CPP on your machine and then you open your module in your toolset, every single script should get compiled without any errors. I specifically designed the changes in vanilla includes and new includes from CPP so this will be possible. Everytime I make new release, I make two tests:
1) I try to compile new spellscripts from CPP with vanilla untouched includes
2) I try to compile vanilla spellscripts with includes modified by CPP
In both cases it passes without errors and should work without any issues.
Nevertheless, everyone makes errors and so its possible that compiling your scripts with CPP includes throws error or will alter the spell/script functionality somehow. As far as I know the latter haven't happened yet, although I've seen some compile errors already.
Also, theoretically it is possible that installing CPP will alter your custom content. Henesua is right, installing CPP will not change your scripts that were already compiled, but there is one rare exception and thats "signal event". IIRC few spellscripts in CPP changes spell ID that is signaled to the creature because that ID was wrong. So theoretically, if you have a creature that has a special handling on when player casts Shield of faith spell on her and you check for the vanilla value that spells fires 421 (Camouflage), since CPP fixed that and now returns 450, your script will not fire if player casts Shield of faith on this creature under CPP installed.
But seriously, this is laughable case...
There is also exception of this concept with AI. Creature AI is very tricky and every change can have huge impact on gameplay. Obviously it is not possible to rettain vanilla creature behavior while fixing some of the AI issues. Creatures will be smarter and might cast spells in different order, might use spells they didn't and might be much stronger. It was either this or leave all those issues intact which makes no sense to me.
Afterall as I see it: in singleplayer, player has the option to lower difficulty if he finds the encounter too strong, in multiplayer builder can alter the creature and balance her if she went out of controll. And most builders actually don't mind the creatures are smarter (althought players have often different opinion especially when they play years on your server and suddently the creatures are casting spells they never cast...)
But generally, if you install CPP and it breaks something then its a bug in CPP and if you report it I will fix it. I don't know how many modules are using CPP, mosts downloads will be from players, but I helped to install CPP on two servers already and while there happened some issues after installing CPP I could count them on fingers of my hand and I provided a fix for these issues to the server admins so it was resolved immediately.