This gnome has been depressed and procrastinating far too long... Too much pain, too much unfinished Spelljammer thingys in 2015... So, here we declare:
- to tinker and finish as much NWN SJ stuff as we can in the run to 2016.
- here, to only post pictures of our Spelljammer projects.
Anybody wanting to contribute anything Spelljammer related is welcome in this thread !
Let's run to the out Sphere... This will be fun !!!
* Leg 1: From Oerth to Kule *
Here are some screenshots of a modified Hammership tileset i am working on. This is based on Rabid Goalie initial Hammership tileset (directly compatible), but with twists, fixes and new texture work. My goal was to improve the flying illusion, add lacking features and of course: add new tiles :-) For those who know the old set, try spotting differences...
Another Hammership view: cruising in the yellow mesosphere.
Improved rescue boat collecting salvage in the asteroid belt.
Stranded in the Phlogiston.
Stranded in the phlogiston... Close-up.