FYI, the language used for this creature is Welsh, it is pronounced Kun Anun and it translates as dogs of hell.
Indeed, though they are linked with the whole general 'Wild Hunt' myths you tend to find that are in a few regions. I associate that with Elves in my world
For, y'know, stealing souls
Will these creations include full statistics, combat skins, claws, bite damage, MR, DR, spell effects, appropriate HD as imported .erf files that don't collide with CEP or Project Q appearance.2da lines?
I am loving all these original beasts you're making! Looking forward to your 12-days of Christmas release! '> '>
Sadly no on the stats, though the Grig has stats and I'm sure a few of the others do '>
We'll see about Christmas. There's a few monsters that I was hoping to make that got sort of shut out due to the themed weeks I'm coming up with
Today's fey is... Sort of a Fey. Sometimes. Other times its an elemental, showing the transient nature between these two nature-related creatures
So grab your swimsuit and come on down to the beach for an interview with the Undine. Unless you're Mey who's just there to swap stories, being a bard and therefore attempting to get as many stories as possible
For tomorrow's stuff to go well, what's everyone's favourite Cat model? I've got some plans for felines, following the Cwn Annwn