Author Topic: Custom Content Challenge: September 2015: Filth  (Read 1898 times)

Legacy_The Amethyst Dragon

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Custom Content Challenge: September 2015: Filth
« on: September 03, 2015, 05:53:26 pm »

The theme for this month's challenge: "Filth":


Filth: Piles of steaming U-No-What, assorted rubbish, muddy pools and anything else that will make villages and towns just a tad more authentic than the current pristine places that we currently build.


This theme was suggested by Tarot Redhand.



  • It must be fully working in game.

  • Use of vanilla NWN or publicly available texture is fine.  Just remember that NWN textures must have dimensions in powers of 2 (2, 4, 8, 16, 32, etc.).

  • Teamwork is welcome.

  • Beginners most welcome. Don't be afraid, just try, you'll be surprised!

  • "Custom Content" includes many sorts of things: models, scripts, prefabs (areas, items, creatures, conversations, quests, etc.), sounds, portraits, or anything else new for the game.

  • All submissions must be finished, working, and emailed to (or a non-Vault link provided) by October 1st, 2015. Sooner than that is perfectly fine too. ;-)



    Somethings you could include in the download/email that would make packaging everything up easier and faster:

  • 2da lines needed.

  • Screenshot from in game for use on the vault page (this also gives me hints on how to display the new goodie). Formats: .bmp, .jpg, .png, or .tga

  • Portraits (if needed) of your new goodie. Placeables and monsters should include a portrait.

  • Inventory icons (if needed) of your new goodie.

  • Any credits you would like listed.

  • If this is your first entry, please tell me what name you would like your work listed under and provide a link to your other NWN content if you want that displayed as well (the link bit is totally optional).

  • Also if you would like an invite to the CC Makers group, send Rolo Kipp a friend invite. The group is nothing spectacular, mostly just documentation on 2da lines.


    Remember, the Challenge is all about fun, sharing, creativity, and surprise!


    This thread is for all sorts of discussion about this month's theme: ideas for things to make, questions/concerns, announcement of what you intend to make, screenshots of work in progress and/or finished projects.  


    If you want to discuss the Monthly Custom Content Challenge idea as a whole or wish to submit ideas/themes for future monthly Challenges, please post in its thread here


    When submitting a new theme, please provide a title and short summary of the theme.


    If you have a technical question about some custom content creation, please create a separate thread so that the answers can be found later by anyone, not just people interested in this Challenge. 


    We'll try to help!


    Have no fear and join the fun!


    And finally, you can: 


    Submit theme suggestions. 

    Vote for October's theme.

    Email content to:



    Legacy_The Amethyst Dragon

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    Custom Content Challenge: September 2015: Filth
    « Reply #1 on: September 03, 2015, 05:55:11 pm »


    Yup. Late start. New school year for 4 kids, 1st time on the computer in days for this dragon. At least I'll have some inspiration for something to make for this month, right?


    Announced/Intended Projects:

    Trash Golem (creature model) by The Amethyst Dragon

    Trash Floor Cover (placeable model) by The Mad Poet



    Downloaded/Emailed Projects:

    Horse Droppings (placeable model) by MerricksDad

    Moldy Bread, Broken Bottle (placeable models) by MerricksDad

    Spleen Midden (placeable model) by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM

    Outhouse (placeable model) by Shemsu-Heru

    Poo Splotches (placeable models) by Tarot Redhand

    Slime Patches (placeable models) by Tarot Redhand

    Slime Splats and Trails (placeable models) by Tarot Redhand






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    Custom Content Challenge: September 2015: Filth
    « Reply #2 on: September 03, 2015, 07:21:31 pm »





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    Custom Content Challenge: September 2015: Filth
    « Reply #3 on: September 03, 2015, 07:51:47 pm »


    Every old village should have a midden mound. Perhaps a few have a garbage golem? A few other random thoughts: castle garderobe, cess pit, ogre dung pile, chamber pot, noisome privy, sink, bucket of slop, muckraker cart, rotting viscera, giant maggot, giant fly, filthy beggars, raggedy street urchins, ...




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    Custom Content Challenge: September 2015: Filth
    « Reply #4 on: September 03, 2015, 08:07:33 pm »




    - Excrementals (lesser, greater, Elder etc.) (note some builders use clay golems)

    - Openable outhouse with Outhouse interior microtileset

    - CUP

    - Poop placeable

    - large trash like in landfills (let's say few versions: primitive stone age trash; middle age; magical; Renaissance; alien trash; 19th century; modern)-could all be made by tweaking old placeables

    - thrash metal

    - new filthy peasants/beggars

    - filthy smells (kind of innovative, don't you think. Wonder how you are going to make player smell them)

    - scripts for +1 AC from dirt

    - scripts for charisma lowering if you don't bathe too often

    - scripts/quests for all "realistic" things like quests for bathroom (Gagne'am Penultima' style)

    - bathroom/public baths prefabs



    Legacy_The Amethyst Dragon

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    Custom Content Challenge: September 2015: Filth
    « Reply #5 on: September 03, 2015, 09:56:27 pm »


    outhouse: If you want to nastify the outhouse I made for April's "small details", feel free. '<img'>


    poop placeable: If folks really want this kind of filth, it's a relative easy model for beginners (I've made such placeables, because attention to detail can go too far sometimes). I recommend browsing the NWN texture resources for tilesets with NWN Explorer, exporting a dirt texture, and using it to give your poop an appropriate coloration.




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    Custom Content Challenge: September 2015: Filth
    « Reply #6 on: September 03, 2015, 10:20:39 pm »




    I shall call him Chet





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    Custom Content Challenge: September 2015: Filth
    « Reply #7 on: September 04, 2015, 12:30:32 am »


    I don't know if a tannery would qualify for filth, but it's a god awful smelling and very nasty looking operation. 


    (Coming in NWN 1.8--smell'o'vision!)




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    Custom Content Challenge: September 2015: Filth
    « Reply #8 on: September 04, 2015, 02:45:16 am »


    A tannery most definitely qualifies for filth. Anything with grit and dirt or grime and crime.




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    Custom Content Challenge: September 2015: Filth
    « Reply #9 on: September 04, 2015, 11:46:01 am »


    TAD, I'm of no skills, just commoner peasant.





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    Custom Content Challenge: September 2015: Filth
    « Reply #10 on: September 04, 2015, 02:08:21 pm »


    There's always critters that live in filth that can be done. Which reminds me that I did find out there's a D&D creature called a Garbug that is basically a flying lobster with carrion crawler tentacles


    Also, have a filthy day, while we're linking videos.





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    Custom Content Challenge: September 2015: Filth
    « Reply #11 on: September 04, 2015, 02:09:25 pm »


    Maybe something like:

    Wasted trash cans, old meals remnants (bone piles, rotten fruit, vegetable peelings), dirty plates piles/ cocking wares, deep mud puddles with footsteps and carriage tracks for those heavy rain days. broken glass bottles, dead placeable rats, wasted doors, old scaffolding with crumbling wall, steaming sewage grates, defaced or limb missing statues, broken placards and commercial signs.




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    Custom Content Challenge: September 2015: Filth
    « Reply #12 on: September 04, 2015, 05:41:48 pm »


    While playing a pen and paper game with a few friends, they encountered a gigantic trash pile in a pit within the sewers. Pretty much everything ever put in the wrong place ended up there. It was surrounded by the filthiest trolls one could imagine, while still being just trolls. During the battle, I had the keeper of the pile toss out 2/3 of a broken royal sofa. It hit with a natural 20 and nearly killed one of the players. The keeper was a gigantic, partially trollish, otyugh.



    Legacy_The Mad Poet

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    Custom Content Challenge: September 2015: Filth
    « Reply #13 on: September 04, 2015, 05:47:16 pm »


    Flat wall and floor placeables with different transparent dirt/garbage textures in various sizes would be useful for breaking up large open city areas. Any kind of asymmetrical piles that don't look like basic shapes would also be good. 




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    Custom Content Challenge: September 2015: Filth
    « Reply #14 on: September 04, 2015, 09:36:49 pm »


    How about some broken pottery?  Damn near every dig site I've read about or seen on TV features...wait for it...more broken pottery than all the rest of the recovered artifacts combined.  In the UK--just from what I've seen on TV--if you dig a hole anywhere on that lovely island what will you strike?  Oil?  No!  Coal?  No!  Roman Coin hordes?  Only if your insanely lucky.  You'll find pottery shards!  From the breathless shows I've watched (too many of) the UK is 90% soil and rock, and 10% pottery shards--with the occasional human thigh bone thrown in for fun.