Author Topic: Project Q v2.1  (Read 7107 times)


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Project Q v2.1
« Reply #285 on: January 24, 2016, 02:15:24 am »


Yes, if you don't have the directory structure with the files from a previous run of the updater then it will pull it all down.  It would be possible to unpack your haks into the right directory structure so that it only took what changed I think but you are past that point...  What I do after getting running the updater is to compress the whole thing so that it does not take up all that extra space.  Then uncompress before each run of the updater to get new haks built.




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Project Q v2.1
« Reply #286 on: January 24, 2016, 04:11:15 pm »


Space I have, so I'll just leave it alone and never look there so i get twitchy.  lol


Thanks for the input.  '<img'>


EDIT:  One thing I'm curious about is where does one find the complete list of what is added/overridden with Q?  I'm specifically interested in tilesets, but there is also some Elven content done by Shemsu-Heru that is a must have for the Tolkien module I am writing, and I would just like to see what is the package.  '<img'>  I've searched forums here and at the Vault, but came up nothing.  I did apply for an account at the Project Q page, thinking it might be there (duh '<img'> ), so if that is it I'll just wait til I get approved and go root around in there.  '<img'>




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Project Q v2.1
« Reply #287 on: January 25, 2016, 06:36:59 pm »


Hi Pstemarie


I wanted to share a few scheenshots I found on the internet and before you ask no the all the rocks, trees, bushes, grass, weeds, or flowers are not placeables. They are all part of the tileset.


The following two screen shots believe it or not are of a hak that overrides the standard forest tileset.






To me is seems like the creator used


Wild Wood trees and bushes (but had a few different colors to give more of a variety and color to the tileset).

Pine Trees and other trees from Zwerkules Forest facelift hak

Brown leaves for the ground (Not Sure)

Grass/ weed wild flowers (Not Sure)






This next one is a rural tileset with the option to put down some forest like you have in Project Q TNO/Wild Woods tileset. (which I like a lot)





Any way I wanted to share these with you because I think they look really nice and remind me a lot of Wild Woods and your Project Q TNO tileset.




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Project Q v2.1
« Reply #288 on: January 25, 2016, 11:48:40 pm »


  Those screenies are from The Vast PW. Great place to play for low magic, HCR type of game. Could use more players. Haven't visited in quite awhile because I don't have internet on my game machine so hopefully it's still up. The forest is pretty much one of the expanded forests out there and the rural is mine is my expansion (if he hasn't changed it, before I raised the whole tileset).. In my opinion AG (Algernons Ghost--PW ADMIN) did a terricfic job at mixing and matching different textures to create that feel. The grass texture he used for forest is especially nice and gives a bramble like feel to the forest floor..

 He also retextured the rural to match up as seamlessly as possible with his forest. You can easily change the appearance of a whole tileset with a few choice textures..

  Another suggestion, have a look at JAx's texture choices also for a retexture he did..It was pretty good too.




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Project Q v2.1
« Reply #289 on: January 26, 2016, 01:29:34 am »


I may just have to check that server out T0r0. Who knows may be I will like it.


As for JAX's forest reskin I have seen it and I have even told him that I really like the looks of it a lot.


However The Vast forest doesn't have grass, has weeds/brush and can


be raised and lowered

have smooth hills

have non walkable water as waterfalls


To me its one of the better looking forest tilesets to make a low land forest with, because of the things listed above.


Don't get me wrong Wild Woods has a lot of other very nice options that The Vast forest does not. So if I really think about it I would say I like the way The Vast forest looks more, while I like all the options that Wild Woods has. That said I guess if Wild Woods was reskined to look more like The Vast forest and could have non walkable water falls then it would be the ultimate low land forest hak for me.


I don't know anything about bout mixing, swapping, or adding tiles to tilesets, but it might be something I might try my hand at when it comes to these to tilesets.




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Project Q v2.1
« Reply #290 on: January 26, 2016, 02:54:51 pm »


Let me elaborate about the grass in forest. When I say grass, I mean the 3-d image(not even really 3-d) that the engine will render and repeat wherever the grass face walkmesh is specified on a tile. Its usually (not always maybe) an image of of grass divided in 4 variations. For the forest of the vast instead of the standard grass, he used more twig, weed/ brush. You can use any image here and the engine will render it according the specs you specify in the .set file.

  IIRC people have even tried some interesting effects in the past as that grass image. 


And you're right about the hills, he did add those IIRC. 


I'm sure AG would share but not sure how he set up his haks so it might a chore to rip out the forest modifications on their own. Head on over to their forums .


Back to PQ !  




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« Reply #291 on: January 26, 2016, 06:55:38 pm »


I love the spacing between these buildings





I think NWN1 tileset has to large of a space between buildings and alley's are to small.


I all so like not the fact of not having a curb/sidewalk like the standard NWN1 tileset has




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« Reply #292 on: January 26, 2016, 07:02:51 pm »


And this relates to project Q2.1 how?


We all saw those nice screen shots in the other threads '<img'>


I'm watching this thread to see the posting that says pq2.1 is out.  All this noise just gets my hopes up for nothing...




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Project Q v2.1
« Reply #293 on: January 26, 2016, 10:33:08 pm »


I for one feel the city buildings for Project Q's TNO tileset had this kind of look to them. Which will let people build something close to these screenshots. The main difference for me is the curbs/sidewalks and the spacing between the buildings, other then that I feel Project Q's TNO tileset is lookng really close to these screenshots for being NWN1. 




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Project Q v2.1
« Reply #294 on: January 30, 2016, 07:52:05 pm »


I'm posting these bug reports here (I've already sent them to PSTMarie), mainly to see if anyone else can reproduce them?


"Also, the wererat, assassin (when scaled using invisible creatures and setting the tail to Wererat Assassin) is stuck in a T-pose, and the gray render's animation is completely broken without any scaling"

"For the wererat assassin it appears to happen with the tail version of the model. The wererat assassin seems to be using the ACP's assassin animation set. The default wererat is fine, however.


I figured it would be an issue with the supermodel. The ACP animations were released before scaling was a thing, so it wouldn't surprise me if there was a missing file dependency"


I have next to no knowledge of how scaling/invisible creatures/tail models interact or work so I can't speak for the validity of that theory.

"As for the gray render, it's just the standard model that has the issue. Usually the arms and legs lock up (are not animated), its animation freezes mid-swing, or its legs will clip through the ground as it runs.


With the gray render, intuitively I think it may have something to do with the new trolls overriding the gray render's default animation but that is just a hunch."




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« Reply #295 on: January 31, 2016, 09:31:56 am »


Working on this bug report - much more thorough then the one sent to me via PM - but still haven't been able to reproduce it for the Wererat.


The Grey Render WAS broken, but it had nothing to do with the trolls as the Grey Render model uses the Hill Giant model as its animation supermodel. The issue had to do with the changes made to the hill giant model and the removal of its animations into a new supermodel in an earlier release. I have uploaded a revised version of the Grey Render - now mated to the Q hill giant animation super - to the Updater server.




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« Reply #296 on: January 31, 2016, 01:23:56 pm »




is it possible to set the damage of the Q traps with variables? I seem to miss some documentaion on the traps. Some traps work, some have no scripts attached (like the q1_on_enter). '<img'>


Looks like I have to redo the documentation. Thought I had uploaded it to the Server but it looks like some of it is missing. The documentation for the Trapporium is there - check C:\NeverwinterNights\NWN\docs\Qdocs\QBuilderDocs




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Project Q v2.1
« Reply #297 on: February 01, 2016, 11:16:58 pm »


Strange... I kinda can reproduce the wererat issue, however it's locked with it's arms down, not in a T position for me. And I have the same happening with the wererat berserker. Just for reference, I used the Invisible Creature S appearance with values over 100% for testing this.


Btw, the revised Grey Render doesn't seem to have been uploaded yet.


Oh, and talking about animations, just a stylistic thing and maybe intended, but the Q Zombies look a little strange in unarmed combat when they put up their arms in kind of a defensive position. Just think it seems a little too engaged and self-protective for a zombie.




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Project Q v2.1
« Reply #298 on: February 07, 2016, 11:53:23 am »


Strange... I kinda can reproduce the wererat issue, however it's locked with it's arms down, not in a T position for me. And I have the same happening with the wererat berserker. Just for reference, I used the Invisible Creature S appearance with values over 100% for testing this.


Btw, the revised Grey Render doesn't seem to have been uploaded yet.


Oh, and talking about animations, just a stylistic thing and maybe intended, but the Q Zombies look a little strange in unarmed combat when they put up their arms in kind of a defensive position. Just think it seems a little too engaged and self-protective for a zombie.


I'll re-upload the Grey Render - seems that the upload failed and I didn't notice.


Zombies use the mummy anims, so that is normal behavior. It can easily be modified - however, time is a commodity I have very little of at this time.



Wererats (And Notes About Other Scaling Creatures)


The Q wererats use the type F animations (meaning full animations). Therefore, when scaling, you MUST use one of the invisible PC races - the Dwarf race seems to be the best size - otherwise the model will NOT animate. 


If you look at appearance.2da, under the MODELTYPE column, you will see a series of letters - P, F, S, L, etc. You MUST use an invisible appearance that has the same letter in order for the model to animate correctly. For example, the Water Elemental (line 69) has a MODELTYPE of "S". Therefore, when scaling, you can safely use any of the invisible appearances on lines 827-847. 




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Project Q v2.1
« Reply #299 on: February 07, 2016, 02:58:58 pm »


D'oh! I actually used to know that about scaling.


Huh, I don't know much about animations, but the q mummies don't display the fists-up-in-unarmed-combat behavior. Hm...



A few more minor things/bugs I noticed:


- (Mounted Goblin): Worg - Would be neat to replace this Worg with the newer, upgraded one.


- Tiles tno01_h10_01 and tno_h10_03 both have faulty walkmeshes (walkmesh below ground)


Okay, one last one that is really strange... When you select the Aoskian Hound, Dark from the palette and drop it down, it appears with dark textures in the toolset. However, as soon as you select it's properties, it changes to the light textures. In-game, the dark hound only appears with the light textures.




Edit: The mysterious aoskian hound texture swap bug only seems to happen when the Aoskian Hound, Light is selected from the palette and put into an area first (before a dark hound is placed). Once a light hound is placed down in the toolset, all following dark hounds will have light textures; however, any dark hound placed before the first light one will keep the dark texture (if you don't open it's properties and exit through hitting Ok). Saving, closing and reopening the toolset seems to fix the bug somehow in some cases. The behavior is consistent between toolset and game (dark in ts, dark ig / light in ts, light ig).


Really wondering what could be causing this. Or maybe it is a graphic card bug on my side...