Author Topic: Project Q v2.1  (Read 7125 times)


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Project Q v2.1
« Reply #210 on: November 24, 2015, 04:20:42 pm »


Pstemarie, I apologies if you've already mentioned this here and I missed it, but will the improved griffon animations from this thread that Dray apparently submitted be making it into the v2.1 update?



Legacy_Fester Pot

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Project Q v2.1
« Reply #211 on: November 24, 2015, 07:16:16 pm »


Do the breasts have jiggly skele on them?





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Project Q v2.1
« Reply #212 on: November 24, 2015, 08:07:54 pm »


Do the breasts have jiggly skele on them?



Yes the breasts do jiggle.




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Project Q v2.1
« Reply #213 on: November 24, 2015, 08:09:20 pm »


Pstemarie, I apologies if you've already mentioned this here and I missed it, but will the improved griffon animations from this thread that Dray apparently submitted be making it into the v2.1 update?


 I'd like to, but the Q dropbox got scrapped by Dropbox - they canceled the account (some drivel about inactivity - which is nonsense since my PC was linked to that account and constantly checking for updates).




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Project Q v2.1
« Reply #214 on: November 24, 2015, 11:51:58 pm »

               I still have the mounts if you want me to send them to you for approval?



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Project Q v2.1
« Reply #215 on: November 25, 2015, 12:48:12 am »


Trying to run the updater the past few days, I've been running into an issue where it says "connection failed <connection IP>, aborting," when the updater reaches the robes3 hak.


Any advice on how to fix this?  I'd really like to play around with the newest updates to Q.




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Project Q v2.1
« Reply #216 on: November 25, 2015, 12:57:57 am »


I still have the mounts if you want me to send them to you for approval?


Please do!




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Project Q v2.1
« Reply #217 on: November 25, 2015, 01:00:01 am »


Trying to run the updater the past few days, I've been running into an issue where it says "connection failed <connection IP>, aborting," when the updater reaches the robes3 hak.


Any advice on how to fix this?  I'd really like to play around with the newest updates to Q.


For those of you having issues with the updater, try this version - Q Updater v2.1




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Project Q v2.1
« Reply #218 on: November 26, 2015, 01:27:25 am »

1. Made some adjustments to vfx_persistent.2da 


 - Added nine new AOE vfx to vfx_persistent.2da (lines 56-64); allows the Builder to create custom AOE objects in 10, 20, or 30 foot radius increments; options include 3 holy AOE effects, 3 unholy AOE effects, and 3 generic AOE effects.


- Fixed the VFX references in vfx_persistent.2da for VFX_MOB_CIRCEVIL and VFX_MOB_CIRCGOOD. VFX_MOB_CIRCEVIL now uses the negative energy aura vfx and VFX_MOB_CIRCGOOD now uses the holy aura vfx.


- Fixed the VFX and script references in vfx_persistent.2da for VFX_MOB_CIRCCHAOS and VFX_MOB_CIRCLAW. VFX_MOB_CIRCCHAOS now  referances nw_s0_CircLawA.nss and nw_s0_CircLawB.nss, and uses the odd aura vfx. VFX_MOB_CIRCLAW now referances nw_s0_CircChaosA.nss and nw_s0_CircChaosB.nss, and uses the holy aura vfx.


2. I also reworked the CEP minecart - retextured and widened so it now fits the tracks from the Mines and Caverns tileset. While I was playing with it, I also created a "broken" version.




30 days left until I upload the v2.1 Full Package to the vault. You'll see from the version notes (when uploaded) that a ton of work has been done tying up loose ends; however, there is still a TON of work that remains to be done - much of which I'll be plugging away at as I continue work on the single-player module I'm planning to release simultaneously with the v2.1 Full Package. Its my first public release of a module so be merciful  '<img'>




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Project Q v2.1
« Reply #219 on: November 27, 2015, 12:20:11 pm »


Uploaded a bunch of files to the updater server this morning - was going to do it last night, but I was too stuffed with turkey to move. Anyway, you'll want to use "force update" mode when you run the updater to ensure you get ALL the files - some of the files are minor 2da changes which won't trigger the regular updater to pack the HAK file.


NOTE: The Updated v2.1 Base Module is NOT yet available


Next post contains the ChangeLog - as it is so far




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Project Q v2.1
« Reply #220 on: November 27, 2015, 01:01:41 pm »

q v2.1


December 24, 2015



This is release v2.1 of Q, an update to the compilation of art assets to be used with the game Neverwinter Nights. 

See previous release documentation for full credits for each respective release.






<1>  Archive Contents

<2>  Installation

'<3'>  Instructions

<4>  Version Notes

<5>  Known Bugs

<6>  NWN/CEP Version Compliance

<7>  System Notes

<8>  Builder Notes

<9>  Version Notes

<10> Credits

<11> Legal




<1> Archive Contents:




     Ambient sound files included in Q.



     Qv1.0_Readme.txt -> previous documentation

     Qv1.1_Readme.txt -> previous documentation

     Qv1.2_Readme.txt -> previous documentation

     Qv1.3_Readme.txt -> previous documentation

     Qv1.4_Readme.txt -> previous documentation

     Qv1.5_Readme.txt -> previous documentation

     Qv1.6_Readme.txt -> previous documentation

     Qv1.7_Readme.txt -> previous documentation

     Qv1.8_Readme.txt -> previous documentation

     Qv1.9_Readme.txt -> previous documentation

     Qv2.0_Readme.txt -> previous documentation     

     Qv2.1_Readme.txt -> current release documentation




                ACPv4.0_Readme.txt           -> Documentation on the Alternate Combat Phenotypes v4.0 included in Q.

                CastleInteriorWindows.pdf    -> Documentation on Gaoengs Interior Windows included in Q.

                CityInteriorWindows.pdf      -> Documentation on Gaoengs Interior Windows included in Q.

                DLASewers.pdf                -> Documentation on the DLA Sewers tileset included in Q.

                FamilarCompanionFixes_v3.pdf -> Documentation on Ben Harrison's Familiar and Companion fixes included in Q.

                NwnECreatureAIOverride       -> Documentation on the NwnE Creature AI Override included in Q.

                Q_AnimationSets.pdf          -> Documentation on the various animations included in Q.

                Q_RomanticAnimations.pdf     -> Documentation on the Romantic Animation Suite by NinjaWeaselMan included in Q.

Q_Traps_Readme.pdf           -> Documentation on Firehazurd's Trapporium included in Q.

                SocialV2.0_Readme.txt        -> Documentation on Social phenotype usage included in Q.

                Vaei_AddAnims.pdf            -> Documentation on Vaei's Additional Animations included in Q.

                VersatileDungeon.pdf         -> Documentation on Maxam's Versatile Dungeon tileset included in Q.



                /Bioware                     -> Official and semi-official documentation.

                     /FileFormats            -> Documentation on the various file formats used with the game.

                     /Scripting              -> Resources for working with NWScript.


                /PCParts                     -> Documentation on the various PC armor parts included in Q.

                /VaeiAddAnims                -> The original script templates for use with Vaei's Additional Animations included 

                                                in Q. These scripts are not required, they are only included for Builders that 

                                                wish to implement Vaei's Additional Animation as originally designed.



     Qv2_creatures.erf  -> Premade templates for Q art assets.

     Qv2_items.erf      -> Premade templates for Q art assets.

     Qv2_placeables.erf -> Premade templates for Q art assets.

     Qv2_scripts.erf    -> Premade templates for Q art assets.
























     Q_Base_v2_1.mod     -> Starter module - unified horses/no horses.


     Q_Base_Horses.mod   -> Starter module with horses enabled - support discontinued

     Q_Base_NoHorses.mod -> Starter module with horses disabled - support discontinued



     Darkness Over Daggerford music files included in Q.




     INI files containing data for script sets pertaining to creature AI, henchmen AI, treasure drops, placeable

     functions, etc. Collected from resources in the OC, SoU, and HotU







<2> Updater Installation:



Q files are packaged and compressed into a single file using Winrar or 7zip. A free version of Winrar can be obtained 

at [].A free version of 7zip can be found at []. The latest 

version of Winrar should be able to read 7z files.


1. Unzip the downloaded package and place the /Q_Updater directory in the main directory of your Neverwinter Nights 

   installation (/NeverwinterNights/NWN/).


2. Double click q_updater_21.bat to run the Live Updater. All Q resources will be downloaded and installed into your 

   Neverwinter Nights installation.




<2A> Manual Installation:



1. Unzip the downloaded package and copy all directories to the main directory of your Neverwinter Nights 

   installation (/NeverwinterNights/NWN/). Overwrite files as prompted.




'<3'> Instructions:



Builders that wish to use Q material in their modules can do so through their Custom Content tab in the Module Properties 

window of the toolset. For the 'Custom Tlk File' drop down menu, choose projectq.tlk. Include all Project Q haks (those that 

have the 'q' prefix) in the following alphabetical order:
















Optionally, the q_!armoury.hak, q_fightingsfx.hak, q_!tilereskins.hak, and q_!tilesets.hak can be placed above these for 

additional content. See more information on these files below. It is recommended that only experienced module builders attempt 

to build modules using the optional Q haks.


The optional Q haks should be placed above the core Q haks in the following order:


q_!vd_build.hak    - see below

q_!armoury.hak     - converts several baseitem types to parts-based models, greatly increasing options for Builders 

q_!fightingsfx.hak - fixes and changes to numerous sound files

q_!tilereskins.hak - optional reskin pack for several tilesets, the source files are stored in the /source directory for Builders 

                     that do not wish to use all of the available reskins in their module

q_!tilesets.hak    - additional tilesets


Note that the q_!vd_build.hak is a Builder hak that should be removed from your module once building is complete, before the module 

is released to the Community. The hak's sole purpose is to highlight elevated areas in the Versatile Dungeon tileset, making it 

easier to build areas. The hak is only needed if the optional q_!tilesets.hak is being used.


Project Q also includes an ERF file that contains the resources for ALL versions upto and including v2.1. Due to script revisions 

previously incorporated in v1.5 and this version, please note that once the v2.1 ERF has been imported into the module, 21 scripts 

will have been marked for deletion. They are included only for backwards compatability with previous versions and Builders can either 

delete these scripts or leave them. The scripts marked for deletion are:
























Note that the x2_* scripts are Bioware default scripts that have been reverted to their default coding. Deleting these scripts 

from a module will force the module to revert to the default versions included with the game.




<4> Version Notes:



Version notes are in addition to those listed in previous documentations under the former section heading of "Hak Contents." 

Haks created via Rsync.exe


*Base Module*


     - Consolidated both Q Base Modules into a single demo module. Reworked several module event scripts to allow for the firing 

       of the appropriate hook scripts based upon whether or not the module is flagged to include horses (this flag is set using 

       a module switch)


     - Integrated The Mad Poet's Mil's Tailor (Project Q Edition) and Bloodsong's Body Tailor into Q Base Module


     - Moved all Q module switch settings into the new OnModuleLoad event (q_mod_def_load). 


     - Eliminated q2_mod_def_load, q2_mod_def_equip, q2_mod_def_unequ, and q3_mod_def_load from the Q script base


     - Added a module switch to turn on/off a "fix" for the well-known "weapon-swapping" exploit. The exploit allows characters 

       to gain multiple attacks by swapping weapons in the middle of combat. The "fix" works by temporarily setting the character's 

       attacks to 1 whenever they equip or unequip a weapon while in combat


     - Added support for the expanded ACP Large phenotypes to q_inc_acp


     - Added new skeleton templates (labeled as "Risen Skeleton") which use the new alternate skeleton animations by MerricksDad


     - Added a new script, trigger, and waypoint to be used with the new skeleton and zombie "appear" animations; using this system,

       skeletons and zombies will appear to "rise from the grave" when spawned


     - Changed the name of the placeable "qp_cltr_001.utp" from "Desktop Toy" to "Newton's Cradle"


     - Cleaned up several spelling errors in template names and descriptions


     - Replaced the extended descriptive names of numerous placeables with shortened names using the same naming convention established

       by BioWare for the default resources; refer to the "Comments" field for more information about specific placeables


     - Updated the function spellsIsImmuneToPetrification() in x0_i0_spells.nss to include ALL undead and construct appearances (as per 

       3.0 and 3.5 rules undead and constructs are immune to any effect that requires a Fort save - petrification falls under this 



     - Added missing templates for the audio files added in the 1.69 patch


     - Added the Creature AI Override from NwnE in q_inc_switches.nss Using this system, Builders can now use variables to customize 

       creature behavior


     - Modified nw_c2_default9.nss to use the NwnE Creature AI Override (see above)


     - Added the NwnE Rest System as an option for Builders wishing to incorporate a rest system that emulates pnp and is similar to

       systems used on many PWs; the system features:


            - Each rest cycle advances the game clock 8 hours


            - Spells and castable feats can only be regained once every 24 hours


            - Wizards must have a spellbook to regain spells and divine spellcasters must have a divine focus to regain spells


            - Expendable torch and lantern system that can be toggled on/off by the Builder in the default Project Q OnModuleLoad script

              (the default setting is "on"); this system replaces any instances of the OC torch item (nw_torch_001) with the Project Q

              eqivalent item (q_it_torch_001) when the player enters the module


            - The system can be toggled on/off by the Builder in the default Project Q OnModuleLoad script (the default setting is "off")           


     - Added the NwnE Cursed Items system as an option for Builders wishing to incorporate pnp style cursed items into their module; the

       system features:


            - Dynamic cursed items; items flagged with the integer variable "IS_CURSED" = 1 will masquerade as normal items until equipped

              for the first time, when their cursed nature is revealed and their true properties revealed


            - Cursed items cannot be unequipped, dropped, or sold


            - Cursed rods, staves, and wands fire a random effect or do not function at all


            - The system can be toggled on/off by the Builder in the default Project Q OnModuleLoad script (the default setting is "off")


     - Fixed the faction setting on all Q Mounts (was set to "commoner," changed to "merchant")


     - Added missing templates for creatures and placeables


     - Removed acid immunity from the Fire Troll Properties item (firetrollprops.uti)


     - Converted the troll's OnDamaged event from NWN2 into an OnUserDefined event - trolls can now only be killed if damaged with fire 

       or acid; this behavior is controlled by a module switch and only applies when the game difficulty is set to "hardcore" or "difficult"


     - Updated all troll templates (both Q and OC) to use the new OnUserDefined event


*Core HAKS - q_2da*


     - Added q_parts_head.2DA (intended for use with Body Tailor - not implemented yet)


     - Fixed missing 2DA references in doortypes.2da (q_!tilesets.HAK) for the large entry door on the Stem Tower and Stem groups

       in the Sigil City Exterior tileset    


     - Restored the missing lines 4087-4095 in placeables.2da, which had been accidently deleted in v2.0


     - Moved lines 202-214 in placeables.2da to lines 2162-2174 (restores User reserved space originally set aside by Bioware and 

       compatibility with Zwerkules' Medieval Extras placeables pack)


     - Fixed several clipping issues with robes by editing the bodypart visibility parameters in parts_robe.2da


     - Added the expanded ACP Large phenotypes to phenotype.2da (lines 65-71 and 80-83)


     - Made several adjustments in appearance.2da to the helmet, weapon, and tail/wing scaling parameters for the dynamic PC races 

       and their derivitives (NOTE - the tail parameter for the mounted appearances was NOT modified), adjusted weapon scaling for 

       several creature appearances (e.g. kobolds, goblins, etc.)


     - Added 2da references for dracolich, prism dragon, and shadow dragon wings to wingmodel.2da


     - Added a new Purgatory surface material to surfacemat.2da (default walkmesh surface material for the Purgatory tileset)


     - Added nine new AOE vfx to vfx_persistent.2da (lines 56-64); allows the Builder to create custom AOE objects in 10, 20, or 30

       foot radius increments; options include 3 holy AOE effects, 3 unholy AOE effects, and 3 generic AOE effects


     - Fixed the VFX references in vfx_persistent.2da for VFX_MOB_CIRCEVIL and VFX_MOB_CIRCGOOD


     - Fixed the VFX and script references in vfx_persistent.2da for VFX_MOB_CIRCCHAOS and VFX_MOB_CIRCLAW; VFX_MOB_CIRCCHAOS now

       referances nw_s0_CircLawA.nss and nw_s0_CircLawB.nss, and VFX_MOB_CIRCLAW now referances nw_s0_CircChaosA.nss and 



*Core HAKS - q_creatures*


     - Added all creatures from my unfinished Baba Yaga module


     - Added all creature portraits formerly housed in q_portraits


     - Added various overriding and new creatures from the CC Challenge by Shemsu Heru (Nwn2 Blacksmith, Shopkeeper, Bloodsailor,

       Uthgardt Tribesmen, Female Gypsies, Nobles, Innkeeper, Commoners, Marco Volothamp, Waitress)


     - Fixed the OnDamaged Event script reference for the Summoned Dire Wolf (nw_s_wolfdire.utc - as noted by Shadooow on the Bioware 

       forums),was referencing the OnDamaged script


     - Added MerricksDad's "Wake the Dead" alternate skeleton animations (models using these animations are tagged with "(alt)" after

       their name in appearance.2da)


     - Replaced the "appear" animation in a_zombie and a_zombie_f with MerricksDad's alternate "appear" animation from his "Wake the 

       Dead" release


     - Fixed two node parenting issues with the Skeleton Archer model (c_skel_com02.mdl)


     - Fixed various issues with several of Draygoth's mounts (model updates by Draygoth)


     - Added new mounts by Draygoth (2 boars, an elk, and a zebra)


*Core HAKS - q_items*


     - Moved tower shield models 062-063 to slots 101-102


     - Added several Cormyr faction and Forgotten Realms diety tower shields, occupy slots 062-068, 071-077, 081-088, and 091-092 

      (textures by Tenor_General)


     - Added flying and walking versions of the dracolich, prism dragon, and shadow dragon wings


     - Added a skull and crossbones icon under the Small Miscellaneous category (iit_smlmisc_240); useful as a "death token" for custom

       death systems


*Core HAKS - q_placeables*


     - Added all placeables from my unfinished Baba Yaga module


     - Added numerous missing portraits for various placeables


     - Added a new fireplace model (based upon the hearth model by _Six), open on both sides and designed to be used in the middle of a room 


     - Increased the size of the Q Double and Single Bed models by 116%


     - Fixed the classification of several models (changed from "Other" to "Character")


     - Added several interior placeables (Stack of Flour Sacks, Medium Worn Carpet, Flour Splotch, Grain Pile, Wheat Pile)


     - Changed the name of all placeables using the word "rice" to use the word "wheat"


     - Added non-emitter versions of the placeable Wildwoods Cottages (no smoke emitter attached)


     - Added an alternate version of the Barbarian Horn (qp_bighorn2.mdl), scaled to 65% of its original size


     - Fixed the ambient and diffuse lighting on the Broken Barrel and Broken Crate models from Darkness over Daggerford (DoD), fixed a uvw 

       texture mapping issue on the Broken Crate model.


     - Added a reworked version of the CEP minecart (zlc_s65 - renamed qlc_s65); added missing use nodes and adjusted the scaling so that

       the cart fits the tracks in the Mines and Caverns tileset; reskinned with updated textures by Zwerkules


     - Added a "broken" version of the CEP minecart (qlc_s66)


     - Added a "loaded" version of the CEP minecart (qlc_s67)


*Core HAKS - q_portraits*


     - Removed all creature and placeable portraits (restores modularity for both q_placeables and q_creatures HAKs)


*Core HAKS - q_race*


     - Decompiled all PC animation supermodels (fixes "stiff cloak" issue when using the ACPv4 animation sets)


     - Fixed the custom sitting animations for dwarves, gnomes, and halflings using the social phenotype (they now sit properly on

       the "social stool" placeable, not in it)


     - Renamed pmh2_head037 to pmh2_head200 (resolves conflict with identical head number in q_race2)


     - Moved all Large phenotype models (pf*2_* and pm*2_ ) and corrsponding plt files (if any) to q_race2


*Core HAKS - q_race2*


     - Renamed pfh0_head135 and pfh2_head135 to pfh0_head194 and pfh2_head194 (resolves conflict with identical head number in 



     - Moved all Normal phenotype models (pf*0_* and pm*0_ ) and corrsponding plt files to q_race


     - Expanded the ACP, Flying and Social phenotypes to work with the Large phenotype (uses phenotypes 65-71 and 80-83, 86, 

       and 85 repectively)


     - Added cloak support for the expanded Large version of the ACP, Flying, and Social phenotypes


     - Moved base cloak models and icons to q_race


     - Moved chest icons to q_race


     - Added new higher quality models for chest001 and chest002 (all races and both sexes)


            - Female chest models derived from the normal pheno chest001 model by WORM


            - Male chest models derived from the normal pheno chest001 model by BioWare


*Core HAKS - q_robe3*


     - Added robe support for the expanded Large version of the Flying and Social phenotypes


*Core HAKS - q_robe4*


     - NEW HAK, provides robe support for the expanded Large version of the ACP phenotypes


*Core HAKS - q_sounds*


     - Reformatted as_fanfare_horn.wav and as_fanfare_trump.wav as mono channel audio files


     - Added Toro's Voicesets (adds 21 voice sets to the game)


*Core HAKS - q_tilesets*


     - Added all tile addons from my unfinished Baba Yaga module (adds features to the Bioware City Interior 2 tileset)


     - Added missing minimaps


     - Fixed numerous minimaps (all minimaps should now render with the same texture coloration when viewed ingame)


     - Bioware Castle Exterior Rural (TNO)


            - Integrated Boodah83's TNO Addon pack (adds a variety of new terrain options to the Castle Exterior tileset)


            - Reworked the Moathouse Ruin 6x6 group, adding more visual details to help break up the texture tiling and model 

              geometry while increasing immersion


            - Replaced several default Bioware/DLA textures (unifies the color palette of the various elements ported into 

              the tileset from other tilesets)


            - Finished retexturing the Fort terrain (replaced the wooden wall texture with a stone wall texture) and fixed the 

              walkmesh of all tiles so that the walls now block LOS


            - Implemented Raise/Lower for the City terrain


            - Made several adjustments to the foliage of assorted tree tiles to eliminate areas where tree trunks were devoid of 



            - Made several adjustments to the texture mapping of the various road terrain tiles to eliminate visible seams on the

              road texture where the tiles met


            - Reskinned the BioWare Granary tiles (tnx01_s05_01 and tnx01_s05_02) to better match up with the rest of the tileset


            - Fixed a texture mapping issue on the BioWare Granary tile (tnx01_s05_01)



     - Bioware City Exterior (TCN)


            - Added NW Alleys v1.3 to the Bioware City Exterior tileset (addon by Shadooow w/ Thallion Stellani, Armor Darks, 

              and Sethan)


     - Bioware City Interior 2 (TNI01)


            - Added a new group (Thatch Hall 2 1x2)


            - Replaced the thatch texture with the thatch texture from Wildwoods (maintain continuity with the texturing used in 

              the TNO tileset)


            - Removed the extraneous floating hook from the middle of tile model tni01_f01_10


            - Fixed the orientation of the Corner Cellar Transition doors (tbc01_c01_14 and tbc01_c01_15) in the .SET file


            - Fixed the orientation of the Living Room door (tni01_e01_01) in the .SET file


            - Added a new feature (Living Room - empty)


            - Added a new feature (Inn Corner Stairs Down)


     - Bioware Crypts (TDC)


            - Integrated the ceilings from NwnCQ for the Crypt Tileset, removed all the extraneous "detris" added by the original 

              author and  fixed numerous minor mapping and geometry issues


            - Replaced the NwnCQ ceiling over the "pit" terrain with the mines and cavern ceilings by NeverRoofers (aka Hellfire)


     - Bioware Mines and Caverns (TDM)


   - Fixed a walkmesh issue with tile tdm01_e11_01 in the Mines and Caverns tileset (by Boodah83)


     - Bioware Sea Caves (TDT)


            - Added ceilings by Neverroofers (aka Hellfire - work done by Henesua)


*Core HAKS - q_vfxgui* 


     - Added the Purgatory skybox from the October 2011 CC Challenge


     - Added a Purgatory footstep model (default footstep vfx for the Purgatory tileset)


*Optional HAKS - q_!fightingsfx*


     - Updated appearance.2da to reflect scaling changes implemented in the core 2DA file (see above under *Core HAKS - q_2da*) 

       and some minor corrections to the LABEL field to provide continuity with the appearacne.2DA file from q_2da.HAK


*Optional HAKS - q_!tilesets*


     - Added all tile addons from my unfinished Baba Yaga module (adds new features and groups to the Versatile Dungeon tileset)


     - Fixed missing 2DA references in doortypes.2da for the large entry door on the Stem Tower and Stem groups in the Sigil City 

       Exterior tileset 


     - Added a reskinned version of _Six's Manor terrain from the Wildwoods tileset to the Sigil City Exterior tileset


     - Added the Dungeons and Catacombs tileset by _Six and Zwerkules


     - Removed duplicated geometry from various tile models in the Sigil City Exterior tileset (TPS01)


     - Added the Purgaory mini tileset from the October 2011 CC Challenge


     - Added the Wyrde and Frozen Abyss mini tilesets from the October 2011 CC Challenge




     - Amended the ACPv4 documentation to include instructions for using the chat command functionality as used in the Q demo  

       module; the new documentation also covers the chat commands used for the social and flying phenotypes as well as executing 

       Vaei's animations




     - Fixed a variety of minor geometry issues (smoothing, pivot location, etc.) with several creature, placeable, and tile models


     - Reskinned several models to correct inconsistencies in artistic uniformity


     - Added several reworked versions of default Bioware assets (mostly placeables)


     - Added a package of script templates collected from resources used in the OC, SoU, and HotU; stored in the /scripttemplates

       folder and containing script set information for creature AI, henchmen AI, treasure drops, etc.




<5> Known Bugs:



*Q Updater* 


     - Sometimes the Q Updater will download files and then fail to update the HAKs. If you notice this issue occurring, use 

       the alternative .BAT file - q_force_update.bat - to execute the updating operation. This .BAT file forces the Q Updater  

       to pack new versions of the Q HAKs using the resources located in the /Q_Updater folder.


     - During the updating process, when rsync is packing HAK files an error message will be displayed stating that the updater 

       "could not create q_!override.hak." This is normal, since, currently, the /!override directory is an empty directory.  

       Removing this directory from the server prevented the updater from syncing files. Therefore, the directory was restored.  

       This directory is an artifact from an earlier proposed change to Q which may be revisited at a later date.




<6> NWN/CEP/CPP Version Compliance:



*Community Expansion Pack (CEP)*


     - Project Q is a stand alone project that is not compliant with CEP, having specific alterations in model types (like shields) 

       which prevent it from being easily compatible. Andarian and the Amethyst Dragon have created personal merger packages for 

       Project Q and CEP - look to these works for guidance when attempting to merge content from both packages.


*Community Patch Project (CPP)*


     - Project Q is not compliant with the CPP, having specific alterations to 2DA files which prevent it from being easily 

       compatible. Builders wishing to use both Project Q and the CPP will have to merge 2DA files if they wish to have full access 

       to the modifications provided with the CPP. Furthermore, the CPP also includes a HAK file containing resources that conflict 

       with Project Q resources. Builders will have to either omit this HAK or merge its contents into their own custom module HAK.




     - Having CEP or the CPP installed on your system does NOT preclude you from installing Project Q. Furthermore, ALL Project Q 

       assets and functionality will be available in any CPP module to which the Project Q assets are assigned.




<7> Compatible Projects:



Project Q is compatible, as is - without modification, with a variety of popular external projects. For reference, some of these 

have been noted here:


*Gunner's Body Rebuild/Retexture (Male & Female, All Races & Phenos)* 


     - http://neverwinterva...ll-races-phenos


     - While this project is compatible with Project Q - place above the Q HAKs - it should be noted that the artistic styling of 

       the models and textures do not mesh well with other "nude" body parts. Builders should use care when mixing body parts from 

       this project with body parts from other projects.




<8> System Notes:







<9> Builder Notes:



Previous versions of Project Q included a large number of BioWare overriding blueprints that appeared on both the standard and 

custom palettes. Thanks to work pioneered by Ben Harrison the duplication of blueprints on the custom palette has been resolved, 

returning full control of the custom palette to the Builder.


Note: When you edit/copy a Project Q BioWare overriding blueprint the category will be defined as "UNASSIGNED". This is a side 

effect of the method used to prevent the blueprints from being duplicated on the custom palette. You MUST assign a new category 

to your blueprint before the toolset will allow you to save it.




<10> Version Notes:



Version 0.9:     Beta Release!

Version 1.0:     Public Release

Version 1.1:     Emergency update with new !armoury hak

Version 1.2:     Halloween update

Version 1.3:     NWNe and LoW models added to Q (plus some of our own)

Version 1.4:     Truck load of updates

Version 1.5:     Sleigh full of updates

Version 1.6:     March Madness updates

Version 1.7:     Merry Christmas updates

Version 1.8:     Spring updates

Version 1.9:     Hey we got an updater again! updates

Version 2.0:     Last hurrah of updates

Version 2.1:     Retirement sucks! updates




<11> Credits:



## Project Q Team ##


Paul Ste. Marie (pstemarie) 

  - Project Lead, Art/Animation, Code Development (One-Man Show)


## - Web Hosting ##



  - IT, Website Support


Rolo Kipp 

  - Technical Advice, Website Support



## Project Contributing Arts - We used their stuff '<img'> ##


  - _Six

  - Bloodsong 

  - Boodah83

  - Chico400

  - Draygoth

  - Henesua

  - MerricksDad

  - NeverRoofers (aka Hellfire)

  - NWN_BabaYaga

  - ShadowM

  - Shadooow (w/ Thallion Stellani, Armor Darks, and Sethan)

  - Shemsu Heru

  - Tenor_General

  - Toro

  - The Mad Poet

  - Zwerkules


If I missed your name on the list, let me know and I'll be sure to add it.




<12> Legal: 



All artists whom submit work to Project Q do so under the following terms and conditions:


1. They are legally allowed to grant us the right to distribute their submission.

2. They absolve Project Q of any and all responsibility of authorship claims and, should any dispute of ownership arise, they 

   bear sole responsibity for any and all litigation which may occur, any and all legal fees which may be incurred, and any 

   and all fines, penalties, or sanctions levied against them in a court of law or through legal settlement.

3. They grant Project Q the irrevocable right to release their submission under the Project Q name with the author name(s) 

   explicitly mentioned in Project Q's Credit text file.

4. They grant Project Q the right to modify their work for the sole purpose of making it compatible with already existing 

   Project Q assets (2da integration, file renaming, etc).

5. In accordance with the BioWare EULA for Neverwinter Nights, end-users are granted the right to use Project Q as a resource 

   for a module, personal compilation, or PW compilation as long as proper attribution is given to Project Q and the original 

   authors through the inclusion of all Project Q Credit text files.

6. Project Q reserves the right to alter the terms of this agreement at any time, wihtout notice.



Legacy_Tarot Redhand

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« Reply #221 on: November 27, 2015, 08:28:36 pm »


And the prize for "The Longest Ever Pure Text (Excluding Emojis) Post in the History of These Threads" goes to... '<img'>






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« Reply #222 on: November 27, 2015, 09:26:09 pm »


Lol - not sure how the emojis got in there - was supposed to be < 3 >




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« Reply #223 on: November 28, 2015, 01:31:46 am »


Volothamp Geddarm is his full name! '<img'>




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« Reply #224 on: November 28, 2015, 01:54:27 am »


Yes, and Marco Volo is a different character in the same universe.